She is playing games in the immortal world

Chapter 145 Clearing the Dark Poison

Chapter 145 Clearing the Dark Poison
If the aura enters from a place where no dark poison is gathered, and does not encounter any dark poison along the way, it will enter Yunqing's meridian, and follow the meridian to run the Great Circle.

If you encounter the dark poison, you will clear the dark poison on the spot until you sacrifice yourself or clear the dark poison.

The aura that wanders in the meridians will also encounter some dark poison that adheres to the meridians, and the aura that wanders there will be eliminated one after another regardless of life and death.

The sun is getting higher and higher, and the light aura in the air is becoming more and more active. More and more light aura is introduced into the body by Yun Qing, and more and more dark poison is crushed and eliminated by the aura.

All day long, Yun Qing was absorbing spiritual energy and fighting against the dark poison in his body.

When the sun was about to set, under the self-sacrifice of countless auras, finally a aura traveled along her meridians for a big circle and stayed in her dantian.

In this big week, she has been running for a whole day, and countless spiritual energy has been sacrificed on the way to her dantian, and she has finally cleared all the dark poison in the meridians.

Yun Qing resisted the ubiquitous itching and pain in his body all day long. His spiritual consciousness kept looking inside his body and observing the aura in the air. His energy was almost exhausted, and his spiritual consciousness was extremely exhausted.

She opened her eyes, and found that her body was surrounded by black air at this time, and the air of corpse was suffocating.

If it is near the village, it is very likely to be beaten to death as a soul corpse.

This day, I didn't hear Yoo Yo's warning sound, and didn't see Yoo Yoo's dog, so I guess she was stinking away.

Yun Qing got up, took the air-gathering futon and jumped into the river, and washed it well.

The dark poison in her body has not been cleaned. After cleaning, her whole body is no longer black and smelly. Judging from the skin, the vitiligo is more serious, more white and darker. few.

Although she didn't care so much about her appearance, if she could look good, she wouldn't want to face her ugly face every day, and silently comforted herself that it would be unattractive, and she would look good when all the dark poison was cleared away.

Take off the clothes on your body and put them into the system backpack, then throw them back into the energy converter to exchange some energy, and take out a new coarse cloth animal skin coat made by yourself.

After resting, I still need to practice. If the coarse cloth and animal skin clothes are dirty, I don't need to wash them, and they can be directly converted into energy.

After washing the futon and saying hello to the eagle, she entered the cave. Although she was extremely tired and wanted to sleep, her stomach was empty. After a busy day, her hunger value had dropped to 30.

Entering level 41, the hunger value has increased to 150, which also makes her hungry enough.

Since the villa has a restaurant with tables and chairs, she can eat at the table.

After eating three servings of barbecue with 40 satiety points, the hunger value was increased to 150, and it seemed that he could eat two more servings after touching his stomach.

The hunger bar was full, and it would be a waste to eat any more. She was extremely tired and fell asleep on the warm and idyllic double bed.

Ever since she got the warm garden double bed, Yunqing's waist and back aches no longer when she sleeps, and her energy recovers faster.

Two hours later, she woke up full of energy from the warm and idyllic double bed.

'Cuckoo! There was a gurgling sound in her stomach, and after only two hours of rest, her hunger value had dropped below 20. Her stomach was uncomfortably hungry, and her head felt dizzy. If she didn't eat anything, she would lose blood.

Yun Qing scratched her head, didn't she eat three barbecues before going to bed, but dreamed that she ate three barbecues?

It can be seen that there are obviously three barbecues missing on the table.

It's really strange, besides coexisting with the dark poison, could there be other problems in her body?There are monks in the caravan who are in the Qi training period, and they don't eat much in a day!

People are iron, rice is steel, and if you don’t eat for a while, you will feel hungry. Yun Qing sat on the simple wooden chair again, and grabbed the steaming barbecue on the simple dining table. This is a barbecue with a delicious value of 1, which can increase 5 points of blood.

Even with a simple wooden table, the food placed on it will not cool down over time.

The rich smell of meat was tangy, Yun Qing took a big bite, and the rich smell of barbecue and gravy exploded in her mouth, and her brain immediately gave her the illusion that she had never eaten such a delicious item, telling her to eat it quickly.

Like a starved ghost, Yun Qing finished a barbecue with a few mouthfuls, added 40 satiety to her stomach, and her satiety returned to 59, and her stomach was no longer burning and uncomfortable, but her brain kept urging her to continue eating. eat more.

Looking inside, Yunqing realized that as soon as the food entered the stomach, the stomach immediately started to work, secreting digestive enzymes, gastric acid, etc., stirring and grinding the roast meat that was not chewed just now, absorbing part of the water and nutrients, the speed and efficiency It was so fast that she was dumbfounded.

Didn't it mean that items like meat can stay in the stomach for half a day?How does she feel? With the efficiency of her stomach now, it took a lot of effort to stay on the piece of barbecue just now for half an hour.

Following part of the nutrients absorbed by the stomach, the divine consciousness found that they were being transported to the battlefield where the spiritual energy and dark poison had fought in the meridians, and helped her repair the damaged meridians. In a period of time, many battlefields in the meridians have been repaired.

Her hunger value is also dropping little by little, and it has dropped to 55 just now.

After finding out the reason for his fast hunger, Yun Qing ate another piece of barbecue.

Although she eats a lot, there are still many places in her body that need to be repaired. I am afraid that these foods are not enough.

Yun Qing looked at the body refining pills in the system's backpack. These body refining pills were refined for the purpose of gaining production experience. Some were automatically refined by the pharmacy table, and some were manually refined. can have the same effect.

Yun Qing took a body refining pill and found that the effect of the body refining pill is better and faster than eating food. Nutrients are directly absorbed in the stomach, and a very small amount of impurities will enter the intestinal tract. Unlike barbecue, the stomach can only absorb Small amounts of nutrients, most of the material enters the gut.

Looking at the nutrients, they are slowly circulating in the meridians to repair the body. The speed is very slow. Waiting is not a good way.

At this time, it was already dark, and Yun Qing could not see the little black feather eagle on the tree in the distance.

There are still a lot of fish in her system backpack, and it is also possible to grill a meal of fish for Xiao Heiyudiao. She can also eat a bunch of grilled fish without taking the body refining pill.

Yun Qing communicated with the little black feather eagle: "Da Diao, are you hungry? Would you like some grilled fish?"

The little black feather eagle who was full in the morning, of course, can eat another meal at this time, but it is okay not to eat the morning meal for three days.

Thinking of the stench of the cook today, it lost its appetite.

Xiao Heiyu Diao said: "You are too smelly, don't eat."

Yun Qing smelled herself, hey, why does it stink, it obviously doesn't stink anymore.

Observing the environment with spiritual consciousness, it turned out that it was the place where she was meditating, and it was tainted with a bad smell.There is very little spiritual power in the dantian, and the cleansing technique is in a gray state and cannot be used. Yun Qing is also unwilling to practice in a smelly place, so she walked a little further away.

During the day, she had already practiced once, the first time was raw and the second time was familiar, Yun Qing silently said: "Operate Wuji Jue."

(End of this chapter)

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