Chapter 148

Yun Qing turned his eyes to the big eagle at the side. At this time, the big eagle's eyes were glued to the grilled small whitebait, and if his eyes could eat, the small whitebait must have been eaten by him.

Seeing that the little whitebait was about to become mushy, Yun Qing removed it from the fire, and was thinking whether to scrape off a layer of cooked meat and continue roasting, when the little black feather eagle's mouth had already pecked at Yun Qing's baking stick .

After eating a half-baked fish, the little black feather eagle felt that the taste was much better than eating raw whitebait. Having eaten a lot of grilled fish, it also had a certain understanding of raw and cooked.

It said solemnly: "The taste of this fish seems wrong."

"Ah, this!" She didn't want to feed Da Diao something half-baked, so Da Diao could eat it without blinking.

She grabbed the short hair on the back of her head and tied her neck, and said: "My charcoal is all ordinary, and the charcoal fire is not strong enough. I need to use better charcoal to roast small whitebait, so that it can be crispy on the outside and tender on the inside."

As for whether this is really the case, she doesn't know, she has never baked it, nor has she seen it, but what is certain is that fire will not work.

Little Black Feather Eagle already knew what charcoal was. The one burning in front of the cook was slightly hot, and the firepower was really weak. It flew a little farther and said, "Then prepare better charcoal and grill the whitebait!"

"Okay then, I'll chop wood first, and then catch small whitebait."


This place is deep in the forest, full of aura, not far from the water pool, there are many trees.

Most of them require more than 40 harvesting skills to collect. Yunqing chooses a small tree that requires 41 harvesting skills, takes out the fine iron ax in her backpack, puts spiritual power into the axe, and swings towards the tree, with It is much easier to chop down level 41 trees with a spiritual ax than before.

However, in the mind, every time the ax damages the tree, the tree's strength rebounds and her spiritual power oppresses, and the ax's durability will drop a little.It is estimated that there are only one or two trees, and this ax is afraid that it will be scrapped.

Yun Qing used the harvesting technique to chop down level 41 trees one after another. She thought her posture was handsome and her speed was very fast, but in the eyes of the little black feather eagle, it was really blinding, it was so slow, it had to When can we eat grilled whitebait?
"I'm coming!" As soon as I came, the figure of the little black feather eagle had already flown near Yun Qing.

The little black feather carving cut down trees?Yun Qing hurriedly stopped cutting the tree, stepped aside and said, "Thanks for your help."

With a swipe of the little black feather eagle's claws, Yun Qing had to cut down a tenth of the tree with a dozen axes, but was cut off by the little black feather eagle's claw.

Yun Qing's eyes lit up, Xiao Heiyu Diao cut down trees, although she didn't get harvesting experience, but she could get trees!

On the fallen tree, she gestured to the requirements of the wood required by the system, and said, "Thank you, you need the trees to become like this before you can burn charcoal."

The little black feather carving who somehow turned the wood into charcoal didn't say a word, waved his claws, and with one breath, the tree he had just cut turned into three pieces of wood and several branches.

"Da Diao, in order to eat more and faster whitebait, why don't you cut down trees and I burn charcoal?"

Little Black Feather Eagle: I have learned how to cut down trees, it's very easy, but I don't know how to burn charcoal.

It nodded and said: "This is my territory. You can't cut down all the trees. You can cut down a hundred trees at most. How many trees do you need to burn charcoal? If you want more, I will go to the vulture's territory to cut down."

Yun Qing opened his mouth slightly, the little black feather eagle is very smart, cutting too much will easily cause natural disasters, and may also attract enemies.She also said that she went to other people's land to cut it, and her family's big eagle was very damaged.

Hundreds of high-grade trees are used to burn charcoal, and her simple wooden cabinet can't fit it.

However, the role of wood can not only be used to burn charcoal, but also to expand her villa, build various houses, and make some furniture, of course, the more the better.

It's not good to be greedy too much, if the charcoal made from the cut tree can't cook the small whitebait at all, it will prolong her cooking time.Yun Qing said: "Today, we will chop ten of them first, and then we will go fishing."

"it is good!"

While Yun Qing was dazzled, the little black feather eagle cut down ten trees in only one minute, and finished it according to Yun Qing's request.

Yun Qing saw that the little black feather carving still had a choice when cutting down the trees near its territory. They were all of the 41 and 42 levels, and the high-level ones did not move. For the sake of wearing.

A tree that needs to collect at level 41 is very good for her.

She happily followed behind the little black feather eagle, and put everything into the system backpack. The wood can be used to refine spirit charcoal, and the branches can be used to convert energy. The more she picks up, the happier she is. When working as a carving.

"Liu Liu, how about my pet sculpture?"

Liu Liu rolled her eyes and said, "You blamed me just now for not warning it, the enemy."

"Then you pick up wood for me."

"It's not the drop from your monster killing, I can't pick it up."


Yoyo didn't reply, and didn't walk near her anymore, just lying on the ground, took out a piece of meat from his backpack and ate it.

The big eagle is industrious and cute, and for a bite to eat, he does logging work quickly and well.

"I'm going to burn charcoal." The wood and branches of the ten trees were quickly tidied up, Yun Qing greeted the big eagle and entered the cave.

The little black feather eagle, who had returned to the tree, wanted to secretly observe how the cook was burning charcoal, but found that he couldn't observe it at all. Like before, the cook's breath disappeared completely.

Yun Qing, who entered the cave, first took out the energy converted from the mosquito nutrient solution, and put all the branches and leaves picked up this time into the energy converter.

Operate the intermediate crafting machine to make spirit charcoal from two pieces of spirit wood.

Coming out of the cave, Yun Qing came to the pool, chose a high-grade fish grass, and blended it with her own spiritual power when kneading it into a ball.

Production experience +41;

Get spirit grass bait*1;

Spiritual Grass Bait: Grass bait full of spiritual power, exudes the taste of luring fish, and ordinary fish will be interested.

She doesn't have much spiritual power, so she can make four or five baits. Currently, 8 crafting experience is required to upgrade to a level. It is not feasible to use spiritual power to make baits.

After finishing the four spirit grass baits, her remaining spiritual power was not enough for her to make another bait, and the four little whitebaits were not enough for the little black feather eagle to eat.

The little black feather eagle is not hungry at this time, Yun Qing said: "Da Diao, I don't have much spiritual power, first practice to replenish my spiritual power, and then make more spiritual grass baits, so that I can catch more fish at a time."

The little black feather eagle saw the process of Yunqing making the spirit grass bait. It was obvious that its claws were not as flexible as that man's hand.

It's just that it caught that man to catch small whitebait for it, so why should it help the cook to make the bait.


After a big week, Yunqing's spiritual power was fully recovered. After making five spiritual grass baits, she practiced again, and repeated this until the sun was about to set. She had a total of 34 spiritual grass baits.

It's time to fish, or we won't be able to eat dinner until it's dark.

Thinking of the power of the little whitebait when fishing at level 40, Yun Qing felt pain in his hand.

"Da Diao, I'm going to go fishing, and I may need your help." For fishing, you can find a worker Diao.

(End of this chapter)

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