Chapter 151

Tier [-]!The eagle in the foundation building period is full of good things, Yun Qing said: "Da Diao, is the eagle dead or alive now?"

"I asked it to borrow a paw yesterday, but it refused, so I had to do it myself. It resisted strongly, and lost its breath accidentally."

Yun Qing: ...Who can lend you a claw like this, your claw is on your body, and you are not happy if I borrow your claw to cut a fish.

"I don't know if its other paw is still there?"

"Just kill a small whitebait, one claw is enough."

"Fourth grade eagle meat should be delicious when grilled, and the big eagle will definitely like it."

The little black feather eagle said coldly: "Although it is not my kind, it has a certain relationship with me. I won't eat it."

Yun Qing thought to himself, it's a pity that the fourth-order eagles, it doesn't matter if you don't eat eagles, there are many other things you can eat.

Yun Qing, a cook who became a monk halfway, is not good at craftsmanship, but it does not mean that he is not good at words.

In the era of modern information explosion, she has a wide range of knowledge and a lot of food. When the caravan is bored, she always listens to Xiao Jingzi and the others bragging, and she knows how to brag. This will be her turn.

Before transmigrating, she would only put an appropriate amount of salt. After transmigrating, she learned to put onion, ginger, garlic and pickled barbecue in the kitchen of Yejia Village.

During breakfast, I happened to chat with Da Diao about the various methods of food, different seasonings and different tastes, frying, steaming, frying, grilling, marinating, marinating, smoking and freezing, etc. The small black feather eagle is full of expectations, it seems The small whitebait in the mouth is not so fragrant.

What Yun Qing said was extravagant, Xiao Heiyudiao was also very interested.

It's just that it's really lazy, so it doesn't want to move. It thinks that the cook definitely doesn't want to fish and tricks it to hunt. In the end, she still wants to eat it. It catches her to catch fish for it to eat, not to eat it. It went hunting for her to eat.

The little black feather eagle thought of the Gale Rabbit whose territory gave it a headache. It had less meat but more bones, deep fur and thick skin, bad taste, strong fishy smell, and not tasty at all.With less spiritual power, he can run fast and hide well, but it is quite difficult to catch.

Knowing that it doesn't like to eat their meat, and is unwilling to take the trouble to catch them, these guys actually set up a home in its territory, and the natural enemies of the Gale Rabbit are afraid of it and dare not step into this territory.

It's not that it can't bear it. What it can't bear is that they have a strong reproductive ability and are extremely smelly. When there are too many and too smelly, it has to let hyenas enter its territory to eliminate their excessive numbers.

"Fruity-flavored roasted first-order Gale Rabbit, cook it for me as soon as possible." Yun Qing, who was talking vigorously, suddenly heard the sound of ordering food in his head.

Rabbit Yunqing has seen it before. She also shot ordinary rabbits when she was in the hunting group. At that time, they didn't look for rabbits to fight.

The roasted rabbit is also made, and it is also roasted for Ye Xiaolang to eat, and the Gale Rabbit is supposed to do the same.

"Da Diao, I don't know where there is a Gale Rabbit?" Hurry up and grab a rabbit for her, she also wants to try, can she make a fruity roasted Gale Rabbit.

"Five miles to the west, there are a few litters of first-order Gale Rabbits. Go and catch them. There are many in the fruit forest. You can pick them at will." Those are the nearest nests, and there are more further away.

"But I, I can't catch..."

"Hmph! If you can't catch the first-order Gale Rabbit, I will throw you into the hyena area and let you practice your speed."

Yun Qing burst into tears, her big eagle is so good, after only getting along for a few days, she is no longer thinking of throwing her to feed the hyenas, but thinking of ways to let her strengthen her own strength.

"Liu, did I dig a hole and jump by myself?" He actually wanted to catch it by himself, and threatened her if he couldn't catch it.

Yoyo doesn't speak, even if it's a first-order Gale Rabbit, it doesn't like to eat that meat.

Fortunately, the dishes ordered by Xiao Hei Yu Diao are only first-order Gale Rabbits, so beating rabbits should not be very dangerous, but five miles to the west, it means that they are still in Xiao Hei Yu Diao's territory, which is the most dangerous and powerful place , Naturally, it is the big eagle of her family.

Looking at the already bright sky, Yun Qing really wanted to check the habits of the Gale Rabbit online, what time it came out to forage, the three caves of the cunning rabbit, whether she could dig a rabbit hole to catch rabbits, etc.

This is an era without the Internet and without search engines. A lot of knowledge is passed down by word of mouth and people's good memory.

Yun Qing, who had no information to check, could only ask her big eagle: "Da Diao, what does the Gale Rabbit like to eat, and where does it usually go?"

The big eagle didn't even open his eyes and said, "Don't you know all the ways of the Gale Rabbit? Don't say you're lying to me. Don't bother me with trivial things like catching the Gale Rabbit."

Yun Qing was depressed, why did she want to brag, and said harshly in her heart: What is so difficult about catching the Gale Rabbit, wait, I will kill all your rabbits, and sell them for money for spells.

Five miles to the west, very close, Yunqing got up, kept his breath incognito, and walked westward.

Soon, she came to a place about five miles away from the water pool, where the vegetation was lush, and there was no nest of the Gale Rabbit.

As far as she could see, there were no living creatures that showed her level, and her consciousness went underground, blocked by the soil. Her consciousness could only penetrate more than ten meters underground, which was enough for her to find out whether there was a rabbit nest underground.

After some investigation, Yun Qing really found a hole about a foot in the ground, winding all the way down, Yun Qing followed the hole to search upwards, and in a place where weeds were dense, he saw a person who was killed The hole covered by weeds is quite difficult to find without careful observation.

A rabbit nest usually has more than one exit, and it is not known whether there are Gale Rabbits living in this rabbit hole. Yun Qing thought, two logs appeared to block the exit, and the spiritual consciousness continued to explore.

Its consciousness followed the direction of the cave, exploring deeper and deeper, and suddenly, in its consciousness, a black shadow flashing with aura flashed across the cave and rushed to the other side.

There is no doubt that it must be the Gale Rabbit, the idea just came up, the red text of the system shows: the Gale Rabbit is level 42, and has a lot of blood.

Haifeng Rabbit flashed past Yun Qing's consciousness, and Yun Qing's consciousness also disturbed Haifeng Rabbit.

In the consciousness, the aura on the Gale Rabbit is like a bright light in the dark, illuminating the direction Yun Qing is following. Not only that, when the Gale Rabbit runs, how to use the spiritual power, how to use the least spiritual power and the fastest way to run, also Seen by Yun Qing's divine sense.

The Gale Rabbit was fleeing underground, and Yun Qing was chasing it on the ground. She, who didn't know how to lighten herself, ran as fast as she could, barely able to keep up with it.

Soon, the 42-level Gale Rabbit ran out of the hole. Without the constraints of a narrow space, its speed suddenly increased. Yun Qing, who was trying her best to catch up with it, completely lost it after chasing it for a hundred meters. shadow.

"Liu Liu, as a dog, why don't you chase rabbits?"

"Yun Qing, as a level 41 immortal cultivator, why can't you catch up with a first-level rabbit."

The reason why she couldn't catch up to the first-order rabbit was because it didn't know the light body technique.

Her big eagle said that if he couldn't catch the rabbit, he would let the hyena be her partner and let her practice speed.

Yun Qing didn't want the biting thing to be her training partner, so she could only find a way to catch the rabbit.

(End of this chapter)

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