Chapter 154 Cooperation
The small whitebait couldn't be caught either, and the clever little whitebait was all active in the place below ten feet in the pool, and they didn't come up anymore. I don't want to dive to catch small whitebait for it to eat.

That's right, with the strength of the cook, going to the pool to catch small whitebait will only lead to nothing.

As for Rizhao Lake, it didn't let her go. It is estimated that if she stayed there for a while, no monsters would go there to drink water again.

Little Black Feather Eagle decided that he couldn't let the cook continue to hustle its territory, but took the cook to hustle other people's territory.

"Didn't you keep talking about the lack of peppercorns? I'll take you to a new site tomorrow, and you can look for it there."

During the month in the little black feather carving's territory, Yun Qing searched the little black feather carving's territory, but did not find anything she knew that might be worth more spirit stones.

She complained several times in her heart: Xiao Heiyudiao's territory, the most valuable spirit stone is probably Xiao Heiyudiao.

She wants more good things, and goes to the human world to exchange spirit stones, buy spell jade slips, magic tools and so on.

When she heard that the little black feather eagle was going to take her to other places to search for things worth spirit stones, she said happily: "It's better to hit the sun than to choose a day, and it's better to act today."

"it is good!"

The little black feather eagle took Yun Qing and flew towards Ling Goat's territory. The cook said that the kebabs are delicious.

"Da Diao, what's in the new site?"

"Spirit goat."

When it was time to practice combat skills again, Yun Qing said, "I'll catch those of a few levels."

"They're all above Tier [-] and Tier [-], are you going to catch them?"

Yun Qing shook her head like a rattle: "I really can't do this, wait a few more years, and I'll definitely catch you."

Seeing that the little black feather eagle didn't intend to stop, and continued to fly eastward, Yun Qing was delighted, she couldn't catch it, it must be the big eagle himself to catch it, after raising the eagle for a month, he finally agreed to hunt for her to eat.

In the territory of the spirit goat, the little black feather eagle flew over with breath, and below were many red spirit goats with unknown grades.

Although spirit goats are of high grade, they are small in size, only half the size of modern goats. The long goat horns mean that they have a certain attack power, and the large proportion of legs shows that they run very fast.

Although the little black feather eagle's breathing technique is very good, when its shadow is cast on the grass, it is still discovered by the spirit goats.

The spirit goats who were enjoying the delicious spirit grass immediately dispersed, and the speed was dozens of times faster than that of the first-order Gale Rabbit.

The little black-feathered eagle would grab the cook, but it was not easy to go down to catch the spirit goat, and lost the cook directly, and was worried that she would fall to death or be killed by the spirit goat. It was looking for a safe place to put down the cook, and then went to hunt the spirit goat.

Looking at her powerful teammates and high-level opponents, Yun Qing felt a little itchy in the hands holding the small stones. She wanted to hit mid-level and high-level monsters to grab some experience and drops.

Judging from the speed of the spirit goat, his teammates can only catch one at a time.

Yun Qing thought of a way to get the best of both worlds and said: "Da Diao, in order to hunt more spirit goats at once, I will place my spider silk between two trees, and you will chase the spirit goats there, and when they pass by, It will slow down or even hurt, and you can easily kill them when they are down."

"Then where are you going?" In the past, the little black feather eagle would not believe that this method can kill monsters, but it has seen the cook kill monsters in this way several times with its own eyes. Well, it has some doubts about whether it can kill the fourth-order monster.

"I'll just hide in the tree to make sure they don't perceive me."

In modern times, the kite strings in the air are very easy to cut their throats if they pass by too fast, and some people are killed by their own earphone wires. Her spider silk is a precious material, and its material is not inferior to that of the big eagle. The two ends are tied firmly enough, and at the speed of the big eagle, it will be injured even if it does not die.

"Okay!" The little black feather eagle is very confident about Yun Qing's breath restraining technique, because it can't even perceive it.

Yun Qing: That means entering the cave.

The spirit goats of the fourth and fifth ranks can't perceive it when they use the breath holding technique. She can hold her own breath into something without any spirit energy and hide in the tree. The invisibility technique will still be seen through by them, but the spirit who is escaping The goat will only notice the danger, I believe she will not pay attention to the breath-holding her.

In order not to let Spirit Goat feel where she is hiding, she can also hide directly in the cave to see what's going on outside.

One person and one eagle went through the selection, and quickly picked a suitable place where two trees were more than ten meters away, and Yun Qing arranged the spider silk.

The big eagle is going away to attract monsters, and it is estimated that it will take a while to come. Yunqing first enters the cave and takes care of the farmland in the cave. Spirit strawberries and spirit melons will occasionally spend spirit stones to buy seeds, plant them in the farmland, and use them as fruity seasonings for cooking or side dishes.

The Soul Exorcism Tree bears fruit again. According to Yoyo, as her level gets higher and higher in the future, the Soul Exorcism Tree will bear fruit more slowly. Correspondingly, the effect of the Soul Exorcism Ball will become better and better.

After taking care of it, Yun Qing left the cave, hid himself in the tree and held his breath, observing the progress of the little black feather eagle's hunting.

A few miles away, the little black feather eagle chased several spirit goats, some of which were level 41, and the rest Yun Qing couldn't tell how many levels there were.

Although they are several miles away from Yunqing, they are all very fast, that is, within a few breaths, they are close to the trap they have set up.

"Woof, woof, woof!" There was a warning sound from Liuliu, and four urgent reminders, which meant that monsters much higher than her level were approaching, and she was told to try not to provoke monsters of a higher level than her own.

near!There are three!

Yun Qing cheered up and stared at the trap.

A spiritual goat of no discernible level ran quickly, and when passing the spider silk trap, the position of the spider silk was just across its neck.

The spider silk that cannot be detected by the spiritual sense, the spiritual goat only felt it when it touched the neck of the spirit goat, but it was too late, its body passed through the spider silk, and a line of blood appeared on its neck.

Combat experience +100;

Low-grade spirit stone*20;

Yun Qing used every conceivable method to identify the owner, including blood dripping to identify the owner, trying to sacrifice spider silk, fishhooks and talisman pens, but has not been very successful, and they still have little contact with her.

I don't know if it's because she set up this trap, the system will still give her a certain amount of damage, give her some experience, and Liuyo will also pick it up and drop it for her.

When the spirit goat in front was killed by the spider silk, due to the inertia of its body, it continued to run forward for several feet before falling to the ground.

Combat experience +100;

Low-grade spirit stone*20;

Combat experience +100;

Low-grade spirit stone*20;

The other two spirit goats followed closely behind, and all died on the spider silk.

"Clean the battlefield, I'll go chase some more!" The little black feather eagle chasing behind the spirit goat was overjoyed to see this, usually it can't hunt so much at one time, but if the cook has something to put food, it can hunt some more, A hunt can eat half a month.

"Okay!" Yun Qing was delighted, 60 low-grade spirit stones came so easily, the more spirit goats, the more spirit stones, and maybe 500 low-grade spirit stones would be enough to upgrade the stealth skill soon.

(End of this chapter)

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