She is playing games in the immortal world

Chapter 163 Chamber of Commerce Alliance

Chapter 163 Chamber of Commerce Alliance
A series of reminders and an increase in the hatred value, Yun Qing knew from the analysis of the name alone that it might be related to Wei Ji.

There is a reminder of danger, and a system to remind you of the name. Yunqing is not worried that she will not recognize someone with malicious intentions.

The top priority is to deal with some of the resources on his body, exchange for spirit stones, and leave the human world of intrigue and deceit as soon as possible.

Wei Ji disappeared in that alley just now, presumably he went to tell his accomplices about the robbed storage bag, and his accomplices would also be nearby, so Yun Qing quickened his pace of leaving.

Walking into the city, away from the small alley where Wei Ji was located, along the way, she also came across some elixir shops. She was worried that she would run into trouble if she didn't go far enough, so she didn't stop to ask if they were buying elixir.

After Yunqing walked for more than ten miles, she gradually entered the bustling area, and there were more monks, photo stones, shops, etc. on the street.

There was a huge statue not far in front of her. Yun Qing stopped in her tracks, not because she was startled by the statue, but because she was attracted by several grand three-story buildings with the same architectural style and occupying a large area not far from the statue.

There are huge signs on the outside of those buildings, so she can see them clearly even when she is hundreds of meters away.

Chamber of Commerce Alliance!

Yunqing is delighted!There's the Union of Chambers of Commerce here.

The Chamber of Commerce Alliance is one of the four major powers in the Zhongzhou Continent. It is normal for Xuanjing City to have a Chamber of Commerce Alliance. She has never seen a Chamber of Commerce Alliance in the city, but she did not expect it to be normal.

She is a member of the Chamber of Commerce at the Black Iron Mine Site of the Ninth Caravan Alliance of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance. Even if she disappeared after cooking in the caravan for more than [-] days, she still has a certain understanding of the Chamber of Commerce.

Those who are in charge of merchants can also buy and sell their own items in addition to completing tasks. Usually, they will go to different regions with the caravan to sell at a good price. For example, Yun Qing, who counts his things as his own, cannot keep up with the caravan. , a good price is not so easy.

Naturally, the Chamber of Commerce Alliance can buy and sell things, and as a member, she can also get internal prices.

As for why Song Bin didn't introduce the Chamber of Commerce Alliance to her, he probably felt that she didn't have many things, and it would be more cost-effective if she couldn't get the internal price.

The site of the Xuantie Mine is mainly for purchasing ores, but the Chamber of Commerce Alliance in Xuanjing City is different, it can be regarded as a large shopping mall.

Yun Qing approached the outermost building, intuition that the Union of Chambers of Commerce has very spiritual stones, silver-gray exterior walls, dark gray roofs, quaint brown gates, and construction materials are all unknown, but intuition is better than the black iron stone used in many houses Quite a few.

Of course, she didn't use spirit watching to observe the material of the building. This place is a branch of her group company, so she can't be so ignorant.

She walked into it without squinting. As soon as she entered, she saw a big sign: first floor for Qi training period items, second floor for foundation building period items, third floor for Jindan period items, and Yuanying period items please go to the third floor. Mobile Chamber of Commerce Alliance No. [-] Zhenjun Building and so on.

There are stairs next to the sign, and the entrance of the stairs is flowing with spiritual light, as if there is an enchantment.

The things Yun Qing wants to sell include the Qi training period and the Foundation building period, so she chooses to go to the Qi training area first.

There are many commodities on display at the counter in the Qi training area, such as pills, magic tools, spells, pill array tools and other items, most of which are clearly priced and have everything you expect.Almost everything Yun Qing wants to buy can be bought here.

There were quite a few monks in the hall, as well as many shop assistants from the chamber of commerce. They were wearing uniform winter clothes with the logo of the chamber of commerce alliance. Yun Qing also had similar clothes, but only summer clothes.

Spells, Fireball, Earth Spike, Flying Leaf, Golden Needle, Water Archery, all the spells you want to learn are on the counter, but Yun Qing is hesitant, not because there is no spirit stone, but because she doesn't know what spells she can learn , she was a little skeptical, can she really learn fireball and other spells when she can only absorb ordinary aura and light aura?
You can buy it and try it, maybe the magical system can surprise her.

Different spells have different prices, the cheapest one is fireball, the price is 200 low-grade spirit stones, knowledge is indeed wealth, at this price, the average monk needs to collect 20 good-quality Qi-gathering plants in exchange for it. A fireball.

The low-grade alchemy furnace for the magic weapon actually costs 500 low-grade spirit stones, and the price of the refining furnace is similar. At first, she thought that the materials she got could be exchanged for a lot of spirit stones, but now it seems that it is still difficult to buy all the things.

"Wei Ji's hatred towards you is +2."

"My fellow Taoist, what do you want?" She didn't know if she stopped for too long, a clerk waved her hands and greeted her.

White text: name unknown, level 50.

Yun Qing took out the token of the caravan and said, "Under Yunqing, I belong to the Ninth Caravan. I came here to sell some things, and I also want to buy some things."

The clerk glanced at it with consciousness, and found that the token was real, and the breath of this person was consistent with the breath of the token.

He has some doubts. The Ninth Caravan is responsible for more territory, which is an area where the aura is relatively thin in the east of the Cultivation Alliance. He doesn't know why Yun Qing appears here.

Thinking about it, she is already in the early stage of Qi training, so it is reasonable to come to Xuanjing City to exchange some things.

"My Qi Hua, fellow Daoist Yun, please!" The clerk led Yun Qing into a small room with a barrier.

After opening the enchantment, ask Yun Qing to sit down and say, "I don't know what fellow Daoist Yun wants to buy or sell?"

Yun Qing took out a Qi-gathering grass from the system backpack and said, "Thank you fellow Taoist, I don't know what price you can get these, the quantity is not very large."

Qi Hua inspected it and said: "The 50-year-old Qi-gathering grass is full of spiritual energy, but it is not well preserved. Regardless of the quantity, one low-grade spirit stone is 12 yuan."

The price is good, the highest price she can get in the market.

Yun Qing took out 50 Qi Gathering Grass and sold them at the price of 600 yuan low-grade spirit stones, and kept some to see if he could also make alchemy.

"Wei Ji's hatred towards you is +2."

"Song Bin's favorability towards you +2." Wei Ji's added hatred towards her is worth Yun Qing's understanding, but she doesn't know why Song Bin's favorability towards her increased inexplicably.

It is a good thing that the goodwill can be drawn in a lottery. Yun Qing took out a spirit goat horn and put it on the table and said, "Qi Daoyou, this spirit goat horn should be in the foundation building period, whether it can be received on the first floor."

After checking it, Qi Hua said: "The horn of the fifth-order spirit goat is complete and well-preserved, but the use of this horn is limited, it is not sharp enough to make weapons, and it is too small to make armor. It costs 200 yuan for a low-grade spirit stone. Maybe it can be sold at a higher price. , Fellow Daoist Yun, you can go up to the second floor and ask Senior Foundation Establishment."

Business people in the Chamber of Commerce need to learn the price of resources, Duan Mengrou and Zhang He often study, Yun Qing thinks that Qi Hua is fine, the price he gave is twice that of the young man in the market.

She took out [-] spirit goat horns and said: "There are fourth-tier and fifth-tier horns here, so they probably don't have the same price. Fellow Daoist Qi, please do the math and see how much it's worth."

"Qi Hua's favorability towards you is +1."

"Qi Hua's affection for you has increased to the level of recognition."

It was within Qi Hua's expectation that the people in the caravan did not move to the second floor, and this kind of trust inevitably made him feel a little good. He carefully checked each spirit goat horn and calculated the price. In the end, the spirit goat horns totaled 3000 yuan of low-grade spirit stones .

(End of this chapter)

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