Chapter 186 Dark Night
After Yunqing's Quick Shadow Slash reached normal proficiency, Bai Wuyou specially told her that this move had reached the beginning of sword qi, and suggested that she could practice other moves.

Bai Wuyou currently has a total of ten points of favorability towards her. Although Yun Qing wants to know about Bai Wuyou's experience back then, she can only wait for the opportunity, or wait until the favorability level reaches a friendly level, and then inquire about it side-by-side.

After the proficiency of Ji Ying Slash is average, it needs [-] points of proficiency to practice to proficiency, and Yun Qing also plans to practice other moves.

Phantom Sword Slash is much more difficult than Swift Shadow Slash, and it took her four whole days to improve her proficiency to normal.

After getting familiar with the first move and the second move, Yun Qing wanted to study how to use the first move and the second move together.

And at this moment, Liuliu reminded: "Your hatred value is enough to activate a third-level ordinary monster to siege the cave. Do you want to activate it now?"

For a whole week, she had never been out of the house, and the people who hated her were slowly reducing their hatred for her, but they would pop up from time to time, especially Gao Yiyi, who had never met before.

"Open now."

The monster besieged the cave and passed the level easily and perfectly, but this time she was only given ordinary experience and drops, and her character level was almost 45 with a little crafting experience.

"Liu, I still have to learn more about the production experience. Last time Wei Ye's medium-grade spirit stone should be enough for me to buy a lot of raw materials for Bigu Pill."

"It's time to brush."

"Isn't this the past few days to patronize sword practice?" Suddenly, Yun Qing thought of something, and hurriedly said: "Liu, before I go to buy materials, I will try one thing first, maybe all the spirit stones for the materials will come gone."

"What's the matter!"

With a thought in her mind, she took out Wei Ji and Shi Li's storage bags and said, "The storage bags that came along, try to see if you can open them."

She already knew the method of unlocking the identification of the storage bag.

She had tried to remove the identity of Wei Ji's storage bag. At that time, she had only failed in the third level of Qi training. Now she can try again.

Yun Qing first took out Wei Ji's storage bag, and used the gesture of undoing the recognition of God's consciousness. Unlike the last time, she quickly successfully undid the recognition of Wei Ji's storage bag, and opened Wei Ji's storage bag easily. Ji's storage bag.

Wei Ji's storage bag is a large storage bag worth 100 low-grade spirit stones sold by the Chamber of Commerce Alliance that needs to be recognized as the owner. Daily necessities, instruments, etc.

Recalling that Wei Ji developed hatred for her in the receiving market, judging from the contents of the storage bag, Wei Ji is probably a black-hearted material merchant.

"Liu Liu, I got rich. There are a lot of spirit stones in the storage bag. These elixirs are probably worth thousands of low-grade spirit stones."

"Not bad! You can also use them to make alchemy."

"Yes, whether to sell or not, experience and level are more important."

Unlocking the identification of the owner of the Wei Ji storage bag did not encounter any obstacles, and it went very smoothly. Unlocking the identification of the owner of the Shili storage bag took a lot of effort, but it succeeded in the end.

Yun Qing attributed this to the fact that Wei Ji hadn't healed from the poisoning at this time, and Wei Ji's hatred value didn't rise a bit when he canceled the identification of the storage bag. But she gave 100 hatred points, and if she gave more points, she would be able to spawn monsters to siege the cave again.

In Shi Li's storage bag, the resources are much less than Wei Ji's, and the total amount of things is only two thousand low-grade spirit stones.

In the alchemy room, put in the raw material yellow flint, turn on the automatic alchemy mode, and choose to refine Bigu Dan.

The refining of Bigu Dan is completed, and it is estimated that she has already practiced the fifth level of Qi.

Leaving the cave, Yun Qing appeared in the room of the Chamber of Commerce Union Inn, the room was dimly illuminated by fluorescent stones, she looked out the window, and it was pitch black, as if something important was happening.

"What time is it? I've only entered the cave for a while, so it's not dark, is it?"

Liu Liu replied, "It's only three o'clock in the afternoon."

Yun Qing used her spiritual sense and found that there was a lot of dark poison in the air, and the toxicity of this kind of dark poison was much worse than the dark poison in the dark night.

"Liu Liu, is the dark night coming soon? The interval is too short, the last dark night was only a month ago!"

"It's one month and four days."

Yun Qing asked doubtfully: "By the way, when the dark night comes, Xuanjing City should open a protective formation, and shouldn't there be dark poison entering the inn of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance?"

Without waiting for Liuyou's answer, she waved her hand and used ordinary spiritual power to set up a barrier, covering herself in it, only to find that the dark poison could penetrate her ordinary spiritual power and enter it.

As for the spiritual power, it is not suitable for use here, and she has not tested it.

"Dark poison is very weird, let's go out and have a look."

When Yun Qing came out of the room, there was no longer any sunlight outside the courtyard. The fluorescent stones and luminous pearls brought light into the courtyard, and the dark poison in the air was stronger than that in the room.

It is really a dark night, this is the third time Yunqing has experienced the coming of the dark night, the first time in Yejia Village, relying on the novice copy scroll; , is now, the dark night that is about to begin.

The dark poison is a bit weird, Yun Qing was a little worried deep in his heart, and talked with Liu Liu relaxedly on the surface: "Liu Liu, this time we are in Xuanjing City, there is a very good protective formation here, there are many high-level monks, it is estimated that You can lie down easily."

Monsters besieged the cave many times, and the bag was too much meat to fit, and he said, "I don't know."

The people in the caravan also noticed the abnormality outside, and they walked out of the room one after another. They did not see the three fairies, the leader, and the military adviser. The people in the caravan had experienced much more dark nights than Yun Qing. The experienced people were discussing:

"This is not like a dark night!"

"The dark night is not so powerful!"

"Is this the case in the dark night of the world of cultivating immortals?"

"Or is it because there are more monks in Xuanjing City?"

"Is the floating thing made by the extraterrestrial demons, or by Xuanjing City?"


There was no trace of fear in the discussion among the crowd, but the excitement of being able to see how Xuanjing City faced the dark night.

Suspended thing?Yun Qing, who hadn't paid attention to the sky, followed everyone's words and looked up. The sky was not as dark as she had experienced two dark nights, so dark that she could barely see the situation a hundred meters above.

Above the Xuanjing City, there are many stones suspended, big and small, tall and short, covering the entire sky.As for what it looks like above a hundred meters, Yun Qing can't see clearly, and her spiritual sense can't probe that far.

[-] meters, the protective cover of Xuanjing City should be more than [-] meters high, Yun Qing turned his head to look in the direction of the statue of Xuanjing City, and sure enough, he saw a lot of stones floating around the statue.

Concentrating her consciousness a little, she probed towards the floating stone closest to her. The floating stone didn't have any spiritual power response. I don't know its origin and material, but it is certain that it has dark poison.

Neither the protective array nor the barrier can stop the dark poison from entering the city, and these floating stones full of dark poison are probably not something that Xuanjing City can control at will.

(End of this chapter)

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