Chapter 209 Attract Hate
Seeing this scene, He Gui worriedly said: "Fellow Daoist Zhuo, if this goes on, it may be difficult for Fellow Daoist Yun, who is practicing Qi at the fifth level, to persevere."

This meant that it was obvious that before they killed all the lost soul beasts, Yun Qing was afraid that she would lose the hands of the lost soul beasts.

Liu Yuanzheng didn't answer, but strode forward, exposing himself to the perception range of the Lost Soul Beast.

When he was ready to be besieged, he found that the lost soul beasts didn't care about him at all, and they only had Yun Qing in their eyes.

Liu Yuanzheng put away his bow and arrows, replaced the weapon in his hand with a broadsword, concentrated his spiritual power and slashed at the ground with one move, and slashed at the third-order peak lost soul beast closest to him with a huge force.

After the lost soul beast sensed Liu Yuanzheng, although it didn't take the initiative to attack him, it sensed the attack and would still dodge.

The body of the third-order peak lost soul beast turned into a puff of black mist, disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, it was already behind Yun Qing, waving its wings towards Yun Qing.

Yun Qing, who was running away in embarrassment, felt the attacks coming from all directions, so she could only use liquid nitrogen to freeze the attacks approaching her, and then use the evasion technique to escape.

Liu Yuanzheng missed the lost soul beast he planned to kill with one blow, but he also dealt a heavy blow to another third-order lost soul beast.

From the performance of the Lost Soul Beast just now, everyone could see that Yun Qing would have escaped without them approaching the Lost Soul Beast.

Liu Yuanzheng brandished a big knife, while slashing in the air, he greeted everyone: "Brothers, work harder, one is for Fellow Daoist Yun to get out of danger earlier, and the other is to get better quality black crystals."

He Gui also entered the perception range of the lost soul beasts, using Wufeng swordsmanship, and at the same time encouraged Yun Qing, who was fleeing in embarrassment, and said: "Friend Daoist Yun, keep going, after killing the lost soul beasts, all the leftovers in this place will be gone." is yours."

Even if she wanted to earn Lingshi again, Yun Qing at this moment didn't care about the leftovers of this place, and she couldn't even tell the strength to answer He Gui's words.

While fleeing, Yun Qing recalled that when she was in the Xuanbing Forest, although it was difficult for her to get rid of the lost soul beasts, she didn't really enter their perception range, so it could be said that she killed them all with a sneak attack.

At this time, she has entered the range of perception of the lost soul beasts, and the lost soul beasts have launched a group fight against her from all directions, and her situation is far more dangerous than when she was in the black ice forest.

Although Liu Yuanzheng and others killed the Lost Soul Beast in the rear, her situation was still extremely dangerous.

Yun Qing has experienced the skills of the lost soul beasts such as diving and flapping their wings, sucking blood, spitting dark poison, dark soul claws, etc. at close range.

She also knew that there were fragments of black crystals behind her, but seeing the durable robes of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance falling away, Yun Qing couldn't think about anything anymore, as long as there was a lost soul beast, she couldn't relax for a moment.

She needs to concentrate all her strength to avoid the attacks of the Lost Soul Beast again and again, and she also has to worry about the bad luck that appears from time to time.

If it goes on like this, the durability of the magic robe will definitely return to 0 before the lost soul beasts die. At that time, she will not even have the basic defense.

She must think of a way, preferably without entering the cave to get rid of the situation of being beaten by the lost soul beasts.

When in the Black Ice Forest, the lost soul beasts were attracted to hate by the Black Ice Wood she released.

The Xuanbing wood can attract hatred, but unfortunately, the Xuanbing wood was thrown away by her last time, only some fragments picked up later were sprayed with venom by the lost soul beast.

With a thought, Yun Qing took out a piece of venom-stained fragment and threw it backward.

The fragments failed to attract the hatred of the lost soul beasts, and many lost soul beasts still locked on her, using all kinds of moves.

While dodging in embarrassment, Yun Qing thought of the difference between the venom-stained fragments and the Black Ice Wood she threw earlier.

One is that they are different in size, and the other is that they have been purified by her, changing from polluted black ice wood to black ice wood.

Size should not be the reason for attracting hatred. There are many large ores here, but they have not been able to attract the hatred of lost soul beasts. There is only one possibility, and that is that she has purified the Xuanbingmu.

"Liu, there is my purified spiritual power on the Xuanbing Wood, which can attract the hatred of lost soul beasts. I can also attract the hatred of lost soul beasts. Is it related to my special spiritual power?"

Yoyo, who was silenced, couldn't answer her question. While fleeing, she tried to take out a black spar and use the purification skill to purify it.

Use the purification skill to automatically operate the system without affecting her running.

Purified twice, one was successful, the other was failed, spent two low-grade spirit stones, Yunqing purified a black spar, she threw the black spar with her purification power behind, and observed the lost soul with her spiritual sense The reaction of the beasts.

Sure enough, two of them were attracted by the purified black spar and stopped chasing her.

Sure enough, it has something to do with her spiritual power, Zhuo Zhen said, they dug up a lot of black crystals, destroyed the original formation here, and only then did the lost soul beasts come out.

In this way, in the Xuanbing forest, was it because she cut down too many trees and destroyed the original formation, which led to the appearance of the lost soul herd.

Then, the appearance of the lost soul beast was not because of her bad luck, but because the formation was destroyed. It was also too coincidental that it appeared just after she sacrificed her luck.

The lost soul beasts only chased her, not because of her bad luck, but because of her special spiritual power.

As for why the lost soul beasts didn't chase after her when they entered the Dark Poison Land for the first time, Yun Qing thinks that it might be because they belonged to different troops and had undergone different training. The lost soul beast with white spots has never been seen before.

She didn't find the body of the white-spotted lost soul beast that she killed not long ago, so she didn't have time to observe it in detail.

As for why Gao Yiyi shot at her, why did he kill her, it's strange that Gao Yiyi met her, if he didn't shoot or kill her.

Yun Qing decided that all of this was a coincidence, and it could not be considered her bad luck.

After figuring this out, Yun Qing found that strange things didn't happen often, her feet didn't slip when running away, the shards of black crystal stones couldn't reach her, and the durability of her cassock rarely fell off.

Occasionally throwing a purified black spar can always attract the hatred of two or three lost soul beasts. Slowly, Yun Qing has been able to attract monsters for Zhuo Zhen and others with ease.

Being able to save her life and complete Zhuo Zhen's task of attracting monsters, Yun Qing's next step is to strive for her own interests.

The first thing to do is to use the purified black spar not only to lure monsters, but also to fight the lost soul beasts chasing her, trying to fight each one, so that you have combat experience, and you can pick them up.

The battle of the whole team became more and more rhythmic as Yun Qing escaped from danger.

Knowing that the Lost Soul Beast would only chase Yun Qing alone, they no longer used long-distance bows and arrows, which they were not good at, but approached the Lost Soul Beast, using their own special moves to fight the Lost Soul Beast.

All of a sudden, all kinds of spells, talismans, and sword moves came out, and the lost soul beasts died even faster.

All kinds of magic attacks opened Yunqing's horizons.

Most of the spells are what she knows, and they are already her system skills, and the swordsmanship they used is actually the Wufeng swordsmanship that she also knows.

Comparing the two, Yun Qing found that her Wufeng swordsmanship, which was taught by her master and helped to restore it completely, was superior to everyone else's Wufeng swordsmanship.

(End of this chapter)

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