She is playing games in the immortal world

Chapter 221 The Ultimate Hammer

Chapter 221 The Ultimate Hammer

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The BOSS raised the hammer very slowly, but lowered it even faster, hitting it three times in a row.

Yun Qing, who used jumping skills on the spot, jumped three times in the air, avoiding the boss's attack.

There is no blood loss and no dizziness. Sure enough, when the boss attacks, jumping is the way to avoid being attacked by the hammer.

She escaped the fate of being attacked, but her walls and her villa did not.Countless numbers of -1 floated out, three times in a row.

Yun Qing was even more worried. She originally thought that her cave would be in ruins if she hammered more than 100 hammers. She didn't expect that the boss would hammer three times. It would only take fifty triple hammers, and her cave would be nothing. .

Yun Qing, who had already landed on the ground, took out the light crystal ball with a thought. She can't control anything, she must kill the boss as soon as possible.

The light crystal ball was activated and thrown towards the boss. Before seeing the effect and whether it hits, she silently said: "Use the skill light ball bomb."

The spiritual power was condensed, and a ball of light was formed, which was fired towards the boss.

Bash -200;

Combat experience +200;

The light crystal ball exploded on the boss, emitting a dazzling light, taking away 200 points of blood from the boss and 30 points of defense from the two fences closest to the boss.

Bash -200;

Combat experience +200;

Combat experience +10;

I don't know whether it is the effect of the light crystal ball or the effect of the light ball bomb. The boss has a burn negative state, which lasts for 10 minutes, and is counting down, reducing 5 drops of blood every 10 seconds.

Because the BOSS is not a creature of the dark attribute, the burn does not do that much damage to it.

The two skills caused the boss to lose 400 blood points, but they failed to shake its figure at all.

This is destined to be a battle that requires a quick battle. The boss has thick blood and high defense. Although the speed of action is slow, the hammer is not slow. Add up all the things in her cave, and the boss will drop a few with one hammer. 80.

In a short counter move, the boss's attack method is single, and his movement speed is slow, so it is very easy to hit him.

It's just that every two or three times, the boss can always hit the hammer. During this process, Yun Qing discovered a pattern.

Although she can't interrupt or knock down the boss's attack, when he glows red, he can be attacked, and in this state, if he attacks him, he can't make three consecutive attacks hammer.

Otherwise, the BOSS single hammer and triple hammer skills are used in rotation.

Another discovery is that when she is close to the boss, she is in a state covered by the coercion of the golden spirit. Perhaps her combat level is higher than that of the boss. Blood doesn't affect her actions much, but it will make her clothes fall off slowly for a long time.

After a few counter moves, Yun Qing figured out all the boss's routines. He only needs to jump into the air when the big hammer hits the ground to avoid damage and dizziness.

The difficulty is that she must kill the boss before he completely destroys her cave.

To kill quickly, use spells and skills with high attack power. These spells and skills are extremely energy-consuming. Yun Qing frequently uses skills with high attack power and high consumption. When killing most of the boss's blood, including the last In the first four strikes, the boss has hammered a total of ten strikes, and she has all the blue bars.

Yun Qing didn't prepare any panacea, just because her machine could make it by itself.

And not long ago, she just handed over all the pills she made by herself to the three of them to sell. The pills she has now are only given to her by Bai Wuyou. People go to sell spirit stones to mend the panacea.

Although this is also first-order, almost all of them are top-grade, and even one is top-grade.

At critical times, the quicker the elixir to replenish spiritual power, the better, Yun Qing thought, took out the only top-grade elixir, and stuffed it into his mouth.

The ultimate nourishing elixir melted in the mouth, instantly filled her 80 mana bar, and also gave her a status, recovering 10 mana points every second, lasting for half a minute.

That is to say, the top grade nourishing pill, which replenished her spiritual power with a total of 380 points.

It's no wonder that many people need to meditate to refine the spiritual power when taking good quality pills, otherwise it will be a waste. If she doesn't use the continuously increasing spiritual power quickly, it will all be wasted.

The continuous increase of spiritual power makes Yunqing have no worries. Fireball, light ball bomb, liquid nitrogen, fast shadow slash, phantom sword slash and other big moves frequently come out, including when the boss smashes with a hammer, she will also use eagle Step to attack the BOSS.

And the negative state of the light attribute in the boss made him hardly recover blood automatically.

When the BOSS's armor was damaged, Yun Qing took out the poisonous claw of the Queen of Mosquito that she had refined, and flew a claw towards the boss. The attack of the poisonous claw of the Queen of Mosquito gave the boss a critical blow and poisoned him.

The two negative states of burn and poison are accumulated, and the blood bar of the boss drops faster.

Although the mosquito queen's poisonous claws were strong, the critical strike did not reach a fatal blow. After 30 seconds passed, Yun Qing once again had no blue bars, and the boss had only one health bar left.

Take a first-level high-grade spirit-replenishing pill again, and continue to use skills to bomb the boss. As for the light crystal ball, it is really not worthwhile if you haven't used it before.

Soon the boss's health bar was only half, and the half-health boss attracted many mobs, all of whom were mutated ice bears, mutated ice snakes, etc. in the middle and late stage of Qi training.

Yun Qing didn't care about the little monsters that appeared, and took two first-tier top-grade tonic pills, and fought the boss to death. As for those little monsters, let them attack the fence!

The mobs need to use their skills a few times to attack the fence that has been reinforced by the third level, unlike attacking the fence that is reinforced by the second level, it will be broken in one blow.

Yun Qing's quick-fix method achieved very good results. When the mobs broke through ten of her fences and entered the foundation of her villa, she finally emptied the boss' blood bar.

After the boss died, Yun Qing was about to clear the mobs, but found that with the death of the boss, all the mobs summoned by the boss disappeared.

The little monsters are not killed, but disappear by themselves, so there is no meat drop.

Unhappily picked up the drop after the boss: a hammer.

Looking at the several walls that were breached, and all the buildings that lost most of their defenses, Yun Qing anxiously waited for the next boss to refresh.

Unable to wait for the next boss, what Yun Qing waited for was the reminder of a successful defense.

It’s just because the mobs broke through multiple fences this time, and the boss almost destroyed the entire cave. The reward for energy is very low. The reward for the first pass is the blank refining formula used during the Qi training period, which is different from the previous time. The weapon formula, this time it is the robe formula, you can edit the robe model by yourself, the system generates the formula and the required materials, and its power is equal to the Qi training period.

The third-level elite defense was successful, but the rewarded experience did not allow her to rise to level 46.

Yun Qing used something similar to the blank refining formula.

She first checked the drop of the boss picked up by Yoyo.

Refining Hammer: Ultimate Magical Artifact, crafting level 45, refining tool, speed bonus 20%, success rate bonus 20%, 20% chance to increase quality by one level, refining proficiency bonus 20%, refining hammer After the item reaches proficiency, there is a 10% chance to get one more finished product.

(End of this chapter)

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