She is playing games in the immortal world

Chapter 247 The Power of the Soul Exorcist Ball

Chapter 247 The Power of the Soul Exorcist Ball

There is no other way, Bai Wuyou can only increase the loss of his own spiritual power, and when Yun Qing is in extreme danger, he can add a spiritual power shield to him.

Yun Qing's escape technique, which can ignore all obstacles, can be used, but the effect is greatly reduced, making her always wandering between life and death.

Even with the help of Bai Wuyou's spiritual power shield, her health bar will drop from 100 to 100 points. After two times, she will not deal with Tang Luo and Lu Rong other than entering the cave to avoid the battle. Difficult to survive.

Once again, Tang Luo's spiritual power swam around him like a ribbon, and in the next moment, he attacked the two of them like a poisonous snake.

While Bai Wuyou was flying around, Wufeng swordsmanship dealt with the attacking spiritual poisonous snake. It could be seen that after a few moves, Bai Wuyou had already gained the upper hand, and Tang Luo and Lu Rong still did not move. half point.

Looking at herself with only 150 points of life left, her sanity point has dropped by 30, Yun Qing thought, with two soul exorcism balls in her hands, she wanted to be the bottom card, but now she has no choice but to use the killer weapon, Another hit, and she'll lose consciousness.

Yun Qing said via voice transmission: "Senior Wu, please entangle them, it's best to suppress them with your spiritual sense, and don't let them escape."

Don't let them escape?It seems that her master has the means to kill them, Bai Wuyou said: This is like having a master.

"Don't worry! But hurry up."

"Okay! Just take a breath, and please be careful, senior, don't bump into my things."

With one hand, Bai Wuyou slashed Tang Luo's spiritual power poisonous snake with the phantom sword, and with the other hand he made a tactic, and the spirit binding technique was cast, which consumed more spiritual power and consciousness. He drew a prison near Tang Luo and Lu Rong, and the two stayed far away. There will be no feeling, if you want to leave the range defined by Bai Wuyou, you must break Bai Wuyou's moves.

Sound transmission communication is different from speaking, you need to say each word, you only need to turn your own meaning into spiritual power and pass it on to the other party, and the other party can use the sound transmission technique to know the meaning.

While communicating with Bai Wuyou, Yun Qing first threw the Soul Exorcist Ball at Lu Rong. In the place where there seemed to be some problems with the space, in order to make sure nothing would go wrong, she only threw it when the skill aim appeared on Lu Rong.

Lu Rong's spell shortened the distance between Tang Luo's attack on Yun Qing and the two of them, and Yun Qing's attack on them was also closer.

The exorcist ball hit Lu Rong the moment after it was thrown, and Lu Rong appeared in a trance. The grade and name on Lu Rong's head disappeared in an instant, and the person became a corpse.

"Lu Rong's hatred towards you is +200."

"Lu Rong's hatred towards you is +200."

"Lu Rong's hatred towards you is +200."


"Lu Rong's hatred for you has increased to that of a deadly enemy."

Bai Wuyou didn't know what kind of treasure Yun Qing used, but she saw Lu Rong fall without any resistance. The extraterrestrial demon's methods were weird, and Yun Qing's methods were even more weird. When she threw out her treasure, she also felt To trembling from the depths of the soul.

Thinking about it, Bai Wuyou didn't waste a moment of time, she seemed to sense the resentment floating around, and the Suohun Slash came out, and the resentment in the air and Yun Qing's system prompt also disappeared after Bai Wuyou slashed out the Suohun Slash.

Crit -500;

Combat experience +50000;

Gain: Spell: Shrink the ground to an inch.

As soon as Lu Rong died, the spells she used immediately became invalid. Tang Luo's attack disappeared near Bai Wuyou and returned to her side. Yun Qing's danger was temporarily relieved.

Tang Luo also didn't understand how Yun Qing killed Lu Rong, but when Yun Qing threw something just now, it brought her a great sense of fear, which made her afraid to fight, and planned to leave, but just escaped After a few steps, he was trapped by Bai Wuyou's painting ground.

This spell will be difficult to break for a while, Tang Luo found another way, using dark spiritual power to block between himself and Yun Qing, and widen the distance between them as much as possible.

After Yun Qing killed Lu Rong, she was going to kill Tang Luo immediately, but when she was about to throw the soul-exorcing ball, she realized that it was too far away, or there was a dark atmosphere between the two of them. No Tang Luo.

There was only one soul exorcist ball left, fearing that she would miss it or kill Bai Wuyou by mistake, Yun Qing did not dare to throw her only soul exorcism ball rashly.

"Senior, please help break its spell."

Just when Bai Wuyou was about to make a move, Tang Luo's voice sounded: "After you died, Qin Yan still took away everything from your Qin family, and the Wufeng swordsmanship that you regarded as the most precious treasure was also sold by people who sold it cheaply. Everyone knows, do you know why?"

Tang Luo gritted his teeth with hatred. If he had known that Yun Qing was so weird, he would have killed her when she delivered her food in the outskirts of the Rizhao Mountains.

She sensed that the protector was on the way, so in order to delay the time, she used mind attack to deal with Bai Wuyou.

When Qin Yan's affairs were investigated, Bai Wuyou's identity was known by Qin Yan, and it was possible that Tang Luo knew about her affairs.

"Why?" Bai Wuyou's hand that exerted spiritual power slightly eased, some things were her obsession, and she wanted the reason more than Tang Luo's life.

She communicated with Tang Luo without using sound transmission, after her death?Things like the Qin family, Wufeng swordsmanship will definitely make Yun Qing think of her identity, it's not important, just ask Yun Qing to make a heart demon oath later, and never reveal her secrets.

Yun Qing is not in the mood to listen to gossip, and really wants Bai Wuyou to act quickly, and quickly solve Tang Luo's escape, so as not to have many dreams in the night, she does not have much blood, and the dark spiritual power in front of her is the forbidden area of ​​her life. near.

But it was obvious that Bai Wuyou didn't want to do anything now.

"Qin Feng is also thinking about you. You have no descendants, and you are afraid that your foundation will fall into the hands of others after you fall. Naturally, it is for Qin Yan. Anyway, your things will belong to Qin Yan sooner or later. It makes no difference if you say it sooner or later, so So I informed Qin Yan early."

Bai Wuyou seemed to be talking to himself, seeming to refute, and said in a pale and authentic tone: "At the beginning, we agreed to reconcile, but we were reluctant to part with the foundation we laid together. He said that as long as there is a queen, he would be willing to do anything from the palace, and he would be willing to do anything. take advantage of others."

It turned out that it wasn't that Bai Wuyou didn't want to reconcile, but that Qin Feng wanted offspring, but also couldn't bear to part with the family property. Did he want to force Bai Wuyou to leave the house?Before the matter was settled, he had offspring with a mortal woman.

Yun Qing knew that Tang Luo was delaying time, but if Bai Wuyou didn't do it, she couldn't help it.This melon, even if you don't want to eat it, you have to eat it.

Tang Luo continued to irritate Bai Wuyou and said, "Even if you don't want your Taoist couple to have children with others, you can't bloodbath the Qin Family Garden, not to mention the woman, even the guards are innocent."

"That's not what I did!"

"Even if you didn't do it, the people under you didn't act according to your wink. If it wasn't for pleasing you, they wouldn't die."

Yun Qing thought to herself: It turned out that Bai Wuyou didn't kill it with her own hands, but her subordinates or cronies killed her.

The death of Qin Yan's mother and the guards had something to do with her. Bai Wuyou asked another thing she cared about: "Then let me ask you, how did you find Qin Yan?"

"Hahaha! He has such a strong desire to become stronger and kill you. Naturally, we sensed him. After investigation, we felt that he could become one of us, so we gave him a helping hand."

It turned out that the forbidden technique jade slips were sent to Qin Yan by a demon from outside the territory, and had nothing to do with Bai Wuyou.

Yun Qing, who was holding the soul exorcist ball, had a comprehensive understanding of their family's affairs from the standpoint of Bai Wuyou from the conversation between the two.

 Sorry, I have been working a bit lately and may not be able to update. I will update a few more next month if I have the energy. I will finish it as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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