She is playing games in the immortal world

Chapter 3 Introduction to Herbs

Chapter 3 Introduction to Herbs
Having said that, Yun Qing still stood beside Ye Xiaolang.

The village has a population of over a thousand and is divided into several teams. Ye Xiaolang belongs to the seventh team. She was brought back by Ye Xiaolang. Since she has nowhere to go, she is currently registered in the temporary population of the seventh team.

Villagers appeared in the gathering place in the square one after another. There were men and women, adults and half-grown teenagers. When everyone saw her, they always took a second look. Yun Qing attributed this to her being new faces.

After the villagers arrived, there were more than 30 people in the seventh team to look for resources.

People from other teams in Yejia Village also arrived. There were ten teams in total, about 300 people. The team leaders of each team registered the villagers who went out.

At this time, Yun Qing noticed that not only the members of the seventh team, but also people from other teams would look at her from time to time. She was a little puzzled, she was not the only refugee on the move, why did they all look at her?Is it because of the prominent 'vitiligo' on her face?

When she saw two men dressed differently from the villagers in front of the first team, she immediately found the answer.

With the help of the system, she could see that everyone was wearing linen robes or coarse animal skin robes. Only the clothes she was wearing couldn't tell what grade she was wearing, which had something to do with her low-level clothes and high-level clothes.

Although the clothes were dark and she hadn't washed out their true colors, it could be seen at a glance that they were much more upscale than the villagers' clothes.

Yun Qing whispered: "Little wolf, do you know who those two people in front of the first team are?"

Ye Xiaolang rolled his eyes and said, "Don't call me little wolf, if you don't want to call me brother wolf, then call me big wolf."

Call yourself Dalang!Yun Qing was shocked!

"Big...big..." She blushed and almost laughed out loud, but she couldn't utter the word wolf.It's okay to be called Dalang, Yunqing is just worried that she will be replaced by Teacher Pan.

"They are from the caravan, not from the village. They come to collect the materials, basically every month." Ye Xiaolang couldn't understand why Yun Qing was embarrassed. Maybe girls with cheeks are thin-skinned. No, he still answered her question.

"Caravan? Then they can go to many places?" Yun Qing has been looking for more information about this world for the past few days, but unfortunately there is no corresponding book record, so she can only ask some villagers and friends who stayed in the village kid.

"Yes!" Ye Xiaolang said yearningly: "You can go anywhere in Zhongzhou mainland."

Zhongzhou Continent!

This time Yun Qing was really shocked. Just now Ye Xiaolang mentioned Zhongzhou Continent, but in the memory fragments, the original owner was located in Lingzhou Continent.

Yun Qing really wanted to know about the relationship between Zhongzhou Continent and Lingzhou Continent, but she was worried that this was a matter of common sense, so she didn't dare to ask directly in public.

"The captain is here!"

A villager reminded that Yun Qing saw a strong man with a strong temperament appearing in front of the team.

Ye Wei, the captain of the Ye Village Guard.

Ye Wei spoke briefly, and waved his hand: "Today is still the old rules, let's go!"

Yun Qing didn't know what the old rules were, which made her temporarily put aside the issues of Zhongzhou Continent and Lingzhou Continent, and followed Ye Xiaolang's rear, mixing with the seventh team.

The resources near the village are artificially cultivated by the villagers, and the wild resources ten miles away from the village are their goal this time.

On the way, Ye Xiaolang looked at the obtrusive straw backpack on Yun Qing's back, and his empty hands without any tools.

In his eyes, what Yunqing is capable of right now is picking herbs, and her homemade grass backpack can only hold some small herbs.

Such a day's harvest is bad luck. He was afraid that he would not be able to support himself, so he couldn't help but ask, "What have you done before?"

Yun Qing thought to herself: Studying, taking exams, playing games, eating, drinking and having fun, of course, I can't talk about these.

Seeing that Yunqing didn't answer, Ye Xiaolang continued: "If you want to mine, I brought a pickaxe and I can lend it to you. If you don't get a lot, I can also carry it back for you."

Near Yejia Village, there are many stones, some of which contain ores. You can use a pickaxe to cut open the stones and take out the ores, but it requires people to be able to identify where the ores are.The current Yunqing naturally doesn't have this ability, and neither does the original owner.

Cutting trees is easier than mining, but it is not easy for her. Different trees have different functions.Some trees can be used to burn charcoal, some trees can be used to build houses, and some can only be used to raise bonfires. The important thing is to move them to the designated location.

Picking cotton, flax, various herbs, food wild vegetables, etc., I don't know, and I don't know what to pay attention to.

Yun Qing smiled and said, "I don't know many things, but I can learn."

Ye Xiaolang looked at her in a daze for two seconds, as if he was thinking about what it meant to not know a lot, he lowered his standards and asked, "Do you know flax?"

Yun Qing shook her head.

Seeing Yun Qing's stunned appearance, Ye Xiaolang suddenly realized, and looked at her helplessly, as if saying: I understand, you don't know anything.

The purpose of bringing her back to the village was not to see her starve to death because she couldn't support herself, Ye Xiaolang decided to help her one last time, and if she didn't get the hang of it, don't say she knew him.

On the way, Ye Xiaolang pointed to a green grass on the side of the road with linear leaves that are somewhat different from other weeds and introduced to Yun Qing: "See, this is flax. It's only about two months now, and in a few months, it will be flax." It will bloom, and if it blooms, the purple flax flowers can be used as medicine, and the mature flax leaves and flax stalks also have different effects."

Yun Qing looked at Ye Xiaolang's finger, there were no plants that looked like weeds, but now he could see a reminder:

"Flax, do not gather."

Yun Qing looked at the black dog walking beside her and said, "You can't collect it because the grass is not old enough?"

Liuyou replied lazily: "You will know if you look carefully."

Yun Qing looked intently, and there were more words on the flax: "Flax cannot be harvested, mature flax can be harvested with level 3 harvesting skills."

It turned out that a level 3 collection technique was required, and the flax must be mature. Yun Qing found collection among several of her attributes.

Gathering, level 1, experience: 0/100;

The little elf Liuyou continued to introduce her weakly: "Level 1 gathering technique can collect items that require gathering skills up to level 5. When the gathering technique is lower than the requirements of the collected items, there will be a greater probability of failure to collect. The level requirements It is almost impossible to fail if it is lower than or equal to the level of the harvesting technique. It is almost impossible to fail when collecting items higher than level 5."

Liu Liu used almost two words, indicating that there are exceptions, Yun Qing boasted: "Liu Liu knows a lot."

"Must, otherwise how can I be called an elf."

It was proud just after boasting, Yun Qing embarrassed it and said: "Liu Liu, quit the game."

"You can't answer this question for the time being. You will study hard, or you can change the way of asking."

Yun Qing: "Is there any gift pack for beginners?"

Liu Liu: "I'm so hungry, I really want to eat meat!"

Yunqing: ...

(End of this chapter)

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