Chapter 32 Cooking
In order to obtain production experience in an open and aboveboard manner, Yun Qing is naturally willing to let others know of her 'talent'.

Following Aunt Ye Six's way of making fish, Yun Qing stroked the contaminated chicken and said silently: "Use purification!"

A few seconds later, Yunqing saw the reminder to gain experience, and Sixth Aunt Ye happily said, "Great, Miss Yunqing, the relief station is very busy, how about you help here?"

Yun Qing saw that the 10 taels of silver that had just been charged had turned into 8 taels. She wanted to ask Aunt Ye Liu if she had any wages, but she was taken care of by the relief station, and she still lives in the relief station. It is a bit open to ask for money. I can't speak.

Aunt Ye Six's catchphrase is to donate food, and the work must be done for nothing.

Seeing that Yunqing didn't make a statement, Aunt Ye Liu persuaded, "Most of the people who stay in the village have to join the anti-drug team. That job is tiring, hard and dangerous."

Without waiting for Yun Qing to refute, Aunt Ye Six dragged her into the kitchen and said, "You can purify poisonous food raw materials, and you can definitely make food that can heal wounds. Many people in the village have suffered minor injuries and urgently need healing food." Food, you definitely can't bear to watch everyone get more and more injured because they can't get timely medical treatment..."

For the production experience, Yun Qing also wanted to stay at the relief station as a chef, the production experience was hard-won.

But, for her now, using the purification skills needs to consume silver, please send some wages!
"Someone can make ordinary food, so just make food that can heal wounds." Aunt Ye Six said as she handed Yun Qing two pieces of meat, one that she had purified and one that hadn't.

In modern times, Yunqing can cook.Well, it belongs to the kind that can be cooked and basically masters the right amount of salt.

There is a big difference between modern kitchen utensils and Yejiacun kitchen utensils. Looking at the two chickens in front of her, Yun Qing said in embarrassment, "I've never done this before."

Aunt Ye pointed to the busy cooks on the side of the stove and said, "They are cooking, you will learn it as soon as you learn."

Following Aunt Six's pointing, Yun Qing saw that several chefs were handling the roasted chicken. They used brushes to brush the adjusted sauce onto the blackened chicken. A trace of white air entered into the chicken, dispelling the black air.

After the seasoning is brushed, the chicken is fixed on a metal stick, suspended over fine charcoal and roasted. While roasting, the last black air is slowly dissipated with internal force.

After a few minutes of flipping, the otherwise white chicken turns golden as the chef removes it from the fine charcoal.

Freshly baked roasted chicken, Yun Qing saw: "Roasted chicken, delicious value 1, restores satiety to 60, restores blood volume to 8." '

It seemed easy, Yun Qing was eager to try.

Aunt Ye Six, who was busy, patted Yun Qing on the shoulder and said, "It's easy, there are seasonings over there, just use the prepared ones."

Yun Qing nodded, it was really easy, she didn't even need to adjust the saltiness, she picked up the freshly purified chicken, and brushed the paint on the chicken.

During this process, she also tried to use the purification skills. There was no black air on the chicken, and the use of the purification skills failed.

Pick up the grilled chicken sticks on the side. The sticks are almost all metal, with a pointed top, which is convenient for wearing ingredients. The bottom is a wooden handle, which is convenient for the chef to turn by hand.

Yun Qing put the chicken on a stick and grilled it on fine charcoal. This process is also very simple, just turn it over when it looks similar, as long as it is not mushy.

The fine charcoal is very hot, and the heat near the grill is oppressive. This is not a problem for Yun Qing, who has worked part-time in the blacksmith shop for a while.

During the roasting process, she also failed to use her purification skills.

The fine charcoal has a lot of firepower, and Yunqing needs to turn the roast chicken over in just a few breaths. Slowly, she simply imitated the modern oven, turning the stick in her hand at a constant speed, so that the roast chicken slowly rotated.

Under her careful turning, the skin of the grilled chicken brushed with seasonings slowly changed from white to light yellow and then to golden. Oil juice dripped from it slowly and dripped into the fine charcoal, making a sizzling sound.

This was her first time roasting chicken, and Yun Qing was a little excited. After learning how to roast chicken, her mother would no longer have to worry about her food.

"Liu Liu, do you like roast chicken?"

"I'm so hungry, I really want to eat meat."

"If you don't eat it, I don't have a share of this roast chicken. I'm reluctant to buy it with attributes. I want to use silver to purify the polluted things and earn more silver."

When the whole chicken was all golden, Yun Qing was still thinking about how long it would take to bake it, when she saw a system prompt:

Production experience +5;

Obtain roast chicken*1;

The system is indeed a plug-in, with a prompt after it is baked.

With little production experience, Yun Qing, who successfully roasted the chicken for the first time, happily took the roast chicken out of the roasting table, and said excitedly: "Liu Liu, it's finished roasting."

The roasted chicken in her hand was steaming hot, with a rich chicken aroma, and the golden skin looked very crispy. Yun Qing couldn't help swallowing. This chicken is free-range from the villagers, and it has attributes. She purified and roasted it herself. Yes, it looks delicious.

As she focused on her masterpiece, she saw attributes:
'Roasted chicken, delicious value 1, restores satiety to 50, restores blood volume to 4. '

She was a little disappointed. The attributes of the roast chicken she roasted were much worse than those roasted by the chef. The one cooked by the chef just now had 60 satiation points and 8 HP.

When the chefs baked, they added their own internal force, which has good attributes, but she has no internal force, so it is not good.

Aunt Six also came over and took a look at Yun Qing. The little girl seemed to know that her roasted chicken was not good. Aunt Six, who couldn't bear to hit Yun Qing, commented on her roast chicken: "The heat is just right, if it is too hot, it will be mushy. Miss Yunqing, you are still very talented as a chef, but you are a bit unfamiliar with the use of internal strength."

"Sixth Aunt's too much, I didn't bake well, I wasted ingredients." It's not that her inner strength is rusty, she has no inner strength at all.

It was a bit of a waste of ingredients. This time when the dark night comes, many poultry have mutated, and the relief station really needs a cook who can purify. Aunt Six pointed to another roast chicken that was not purified: "It's okay, try again."

Purifying 10 points of experience, roasting 5 points of experience, Yun Qing nodded and said: "Okay!"

This time, Yun Qing did not use purification in advance, but brushed with seasoning, and only used purification skills when baking.

As a result, no surprises, she still failed to make a roast chicken with better attributes, and spent 1 tael of silver on the purification skill.

Aunt Six, who is thrifty and thrifty, is a little bit pained, but the relief station will have a lot of food, so she continued to encourage: "Miss Yunqing, try again."

"Sixth Aunt, why don't I try ordinary roast chicken, I think it might be because of my poor cooking skills."

Aunt Six pointed to another grill table and said, "That's fine, but for ordinary roast chicken, you can use ordinary charcoal to grill it."

"Okay! Thank you Aunt Six."

With this question, does Yunqing want to test whether she will be given cooking experience if she cooks food, or will she be given experience only if she has to cook contaminated food.

(End of this chapter)

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