Chapter 35

Enduring the discomfort in his head, Yun Qing kept his eyes on the battlefield. When the village gate was opened, soul corpses poured into the village. Dozens of acquired masters had already fought with more than a dozen soul corpses.

As expected of humans, there is a well-organized team. In an instant, the team has been divided into three or five people fighting a soul corpse, and a team of ten or so people is patrolling around the animal soul corpse.

In a hurry, there were imperfections in choosing opponents quickly. The soul corpse holding an ax was faced by a hunting team of average strength, and that team was Yun Qing's team whose captain was Ye Mao.

Yun Qing's sights all fell on the five members of the team, Ye Mao and the other four fought in close combat, and Ye Wenjing assisted with long-range bows and arrows.

The few people in close combat were thrilled again and again. Ye Mao slashed at the arm of the soul corpse holding the axe. The soul corpse ax turned slightly and resisted Ye Mao's attack. Mao had no choice but to retreat and temporarily avoid the edge.

Ye Xiaolang's spear stabbed towards the soul corpse's head, the soul corpse raised its other hand, grabbed Ye Xiaolang's spear, and inserted its sharp nails into the spear.

Ye Wenjing's arrow flew over and hit the soul corpse's chest without affecting it in any way.

After the Soul Corpse's ax knocked out Ye Mao's big knife, it slashed at Ye Hai, and Ye Hai and Ye Tao hurriedly parried.

The soul corpse is not afraid of injury or pain, and the ax in its hand allows it to have a larger attack range. Although the person fighting it has reached the acquired state, he is still a mortal body, and he will be injured and poisoned.

The howling from the soul corpse's mouth affected all the Houtian warriors who besieged it, making the warriors' combat moves slower than usual.

Yun Qing was very nervous, and someone was more nervous than her, as could be judged from the sore arm from being scratched.

She really wants Ye Qiuyue to let go, if she continues to hold her like this, she will lose blood.

The little girl, seeing such scenes of life-and-death battles, was afraid and justified, unlike her, who had worked as an apprentice in a slaughterhouse and as a handyman for hunters, and had seen many bloody scenes.

Not only that, she has also been a fairy and killed soul corpses.

The team members' attacks on the soul corpses were ineffective, Yun Qing clenched her fists tightly and guessed in her mind: "Liu Liu, could their weak point be their heads?"

"If you burn it to ashes, you will definitely die."

Yun Qing was speechless, of course she knew she would die if burned to ashes, in the dungeon, she killed many soul corpses with fireball.

As soon as Liu Liu's voice fell, Yun Qing saw that after a team chopped off the soul corpse's head, the blood bar of the soul corpse dropped by half, but there were still blood bars, and the head that fell on the ground could bite people and roar silently Send out sonic attacks, hands and feet can still catch people.

"It is estimated that the blood bar will be empty before he dies."

The battlefield is changing rapidly, and within a few seconds of opening the village gate, villagers are injured.

"Ah!" When Yun Qing looked away from the separated soul corpse, he heard a scream coming from the side, and with the scream, the clenched arms turned into a vigorous push.

The sudden force made Yun Qing, who was standing on the wall, stagger and almost fell off the wall.

Fortunately, she has great strength, and has learned skills such as physical fitness and unyielding will. She bent and turned her body slightly to stabilize her figure.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that Ye Qiuyue was actually pushing her!

Under the wall is the battlefield between warriors and soul corpses. It is very dangerous for someone like her to fall down.

Her figure was stable, but the person who pushed her, because of excessive force, Yun Qing's body turning slightly, and Ye Qiuyue's body inertia, made Ye Qiuyue take a big step forward uncontrollably, one step at a time. Stepped into the air and fell from the fence wall about five meters high.

Under the wall, there is thick grass, and under the grass is some soft land.

After Ye Qiuyue fell, she didn't suffer any injuries. She got up straight away and ran towards the battlefield. The place she ran to was the battlefield of Ye Xiaolang and others.

At the beginning, the team was a bit hectic fighting the ax-wielding soul corpse, but after several rounds, they had already figured out the attack method of the soul corpse. Four melee fighters surrounded it, and Ye Wenjing shot a concentrated internal force from behind. arrows.

When Ye Qiuyue pushed Yunqing, Ye Wenjing shot the second arrow after hitting the soul corpse's neck with one arrow.

Ye Qiuyue ran over for the first time, hugged Ye Wenjing tightly and said, "Sister Wenjing, don't kill daddy!"

The battlefield was very noisy, but Yunqing still heard Ye Qiuyue's words clearly. It turned out that the soul corpse holding an ax that was besieged by Ye Xiaolang and others was Ye Qiuyue's father.

When she was in the herbal gathering group, Yun Qing heard that Ye Qiuyue's father was a carpenter and her family conditions were not bad. Unexpectedly, he did not come back this time in the dark night.

However, although she could understand the grief of losing her father, she couldn't understand the behavior of pushing her first, and then hugging Ye Wenjing in a dangerous battle. No matter what kind of behavior, it could definitely kill someone.

Yun Qing sweated deeply for Ye Wenjing.

At the same time that Qiuyue hugged Ye Wenjing, a heavily wounded soul corpse, which was almost out of blood, entered a state of final struggle. It opened its mouth wide, raised its head and yelled, but it let out a silent roar.

People couldn't hear its roar, but the soul corpses could hear its roar, and saw that the soul corpses that had been suppressed by the crowd had entered a state of berserk one after another.

The ax-wielding soul corpse exploded with several times its strength, and broke free from the suppression of the four people in an instant. Coincidentally, it broke free in the direction where Ye Qiuyue and Ye Wenjing were.

Ye Wenjing was shocked, and wanted to break free from Ye Qiuyue's shackles, but Ye Qiuyue seemed to have grasped the last straw, clung to Ye Wenjing tightly and refused to let go.

She stared straight at the soul corpse rushing over, with surprise mixed with fear in her eyes, and she murmured: "Daddy is here, he must have recognized me."

Ye Wenjing, who was hugged by her, was only terrified, unable to break free for a while, and the ax of the soul corpse was about to hit, making her want to draw out the dagger at her waist, cut off Qiuyue's two arms and escape for her life.

However, Ye Wenjing was a little hesitant. How could she cut off the hand of a beautiful girl from the same village who just lost her father.

The opportunity passed in a flash, and the soul corpse had already rushed nearby. Ye Wenjing hesitated, and lost the chance to cut off Qiuyue's arm to escape.

The soul corpse swung the ax and slashed at Ye Wenjing. Seeing that the ax was about to hit Ye Wenjing, Ye Hai threw the long knife out of his hand and hit the soul corpse's axe, causing the soul corpse's ax to stop slightly.

It was this little bit of time gain that allowed Ye Tao to rush between Ye Wenjing, and his sword had already caught the soul corpse's axe.

Ye Wenjing also rolled to the left with Qiuyue hugging her tightly, out of the most dangerous range.

The soul corpse held by Ye Tao felt a bulge in its stomach, as if it was taking a deep breath. After a while, it opened its mouth wide, and a cloud of blue-black poisonous gas the size of a basketball enveloped Ye Tao.

Ye Tao can dodge, but if she dodges, the saliva and ax of the soul corpse will greet Ye Wenjing who has fallen to the ground. As for Ye Qiuyue, he is not in his protection range.

Withstood the power of the soul corpse's ax and endured the stench, Ye Tao was sprayed all over the head and face by the soul corpse's blue saliva.

(End of this chapter)

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