She is playing games in the immortal world

Chapter 38 Monsters Siege the Cave Mansion

Chapter 38 Monsters Siege the Cave Mansion
"Liu Liu, every cause has its fruit, and her retribution is me. If she didn't want to kill others, I wouldn't throw stones at her. If she didn't hate me, my cave wouldn't have monsters attacking me so soon , I don’t need to prepare so many stones to deal with monsters. Besides, she hates me, she will definitely take revenge on me when she gets the chance, picking up stones is not painful. It’s not that I don’t want to eliminate the hatred between me and her, but In my heart, the reason for losing my father is blamed on me. It is the greatest kindness for me not to take the initiative to eliminate the enemy."

Just when Yun Qing filled both cuffs with pebbles, the guards patrolled her and told her that Aunt Ye Six from the relief station asked her to go.

There must be a lot of things at the relief station. Aunt Six will not let her purify the food, right?She only had 2 taels of silver, and there was nothing she could do.

Aunt Six is ​​looking for her, but she still wants to go.At the entrance of the village, she can't help, whether it's a funeral or healing.

What Liu Liu said is not unreasonable, if you pick up the stones again, maybe Ye Qiuyue will be overwhelmed and jump out to find her desperately.

Yun Qing greeted Ye Mao, the team leader, and told her to go back to the relief station if something happened. Ye Mao waved her hand and told her that the hunting team had no missions at present, and she could act on her own.

On the way to the relief station, Yun Qing found a place where no one was around, and put the stones into the system backpack. There were originally 24 stones, but now there are 70. He just picked up 46. Ye Qiuyue's hatred for her is 146.

Inside the relief station, seeing Yun Qing coming, the busy Aunt Ye Sixth threw her a purse and said, "I was too busy last night, so I forgot to tell you that you are paid for doing work at the relief station. This is your wages for working." , a total of 60 taels of silver, which is not as high as the wages of the cleaning team, Miss Yunqing, don’t think the money is too little.”

Yun Qing took the purse from the throw, it was very heavy, and it was heavy in her hands, definitely more than the 50 taels of silver she had ever earned the most.

Purifying food has silver. She purified 30 times last night, but got 60 taels of silver. Compared with the price of purifying food, this silver is indeed not much. For her, it is twice the silver consumed.

Then she has to hurry up and grab work, strive to earn more money, build her own cabin as soon as possible, and put a bed in the cabin, so that she can recover her energy and spirit in the cave, safe and secure, she is hated by some people now .

Yun Qing hurriedly said: "Sixth Aunt, is there any food to be purified, I can still make it."

Sixth Aunt hasn't rested in the past two days, and she looks tired. It's better to deal with the poisonous food as soon as possible. She nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes!"

Her purification speed is faster than ordinary people. During the last purification period, she roasted chicken and harvested trees. After 30 purifications, she is still very fast.

If the purification is more and faster this time, it may cause doubts.

"Sixth Aunt, can I take it back to the room for purification?"

Yunqing lived in the relief station, and it wasn't too far to bring her back to her room. As long as the work was done and the things were not taken out of the relief station, Aunt Six had no objection.

"How much do you want to take?"

"How about fifty?"

Fifty copies!The chefs who can purify the food at the relief station are extremely exhausted. If Yun Qing can help purify [-] servings, it will be a great help to them.

Just after the dark night, many villagers were injured and needed to purify the food. Aunt Ye Six smiled and said, "Then you must bring it back before dark. If the food is not treated specially, it will be easily spoiled."

"no problem!"

Fifty servings of contaminated food, each weighing 3 to 4 catties, were packed in boxes weighing less than [-] catties.Moving from the warehouse of the relief station to her room is not a problem for her who has a lot of strength.

In the room, Yun Qing recharged 60 taels of the 50 taels of silver she had just obtained into the system. After purifying three foods, Yun Qing saw a wonderful system prompt:
"Congratulations, your crafting level has been raised to level 18."

"Congratulations, your character level has been raised to level 18."

It's finally at the same level as the enemy Ye Qiuyue, mainly because the production experience is too rare.

The food has been purified 50 times in a row, and the contaminated food brought back has been purified.

Her spirit is already exhausted, which has something to do with her not having a good rest last night.

Waves of drowsiness struck, and Yun Qing lay wearily on the bed in the relief station room, thinking of today's soul corpse, and thinking of Ye Qiuyue's hatred for her, sleeping in an unsafe place so defenseless, isn't it? very good.

Yun Qing became more and more determined to quickly build the Dongfu house and make a bed that can restore energy and spirit in the Dongfu.

In the current cave, even if she wanted to lie down, she couldn't do it.

Yun Qing didn't intend to send the purified food back to the relief station now, it would be too fast to make people suspicious.

"Liu Liu, I'll sleep for a while, can you wake me up before the monsters attack the cave?"

"There will be prompts from the cave."

"it is good!"

Eyes closed and opened, Yun Qing, who was still a little tired after more than an hour, heard the siren.

"Didi! The monster siege of the cave will come in 3 minutes, please get ready."

The sound of the siren successfully revived Yun Qing, she put the box containing the purified meat back into the system backpack, and with a thought, the person appeared in the cave.

The cave is still the same, except for the homestead and farmland, the other places are all gray, and you can't see any scenes outside, and you can't walk through it.

In the sky, there was a countdown to the monsters besieging the cave. As the countdown became 0, the gray area around the cave changed, and a battleable area appeared around the cave.

Yun Qing tried to enter, her body passed through the air wall unhindered, and entered the combatable area, but she still couldn't enter the gray area from the combat area.

A small map appeared in her mind. There were red dots on the small map, and the small red dots moved slowly from the gray area towards the battle area.

The monsters besieging her cave are coming!
In the gray area, there are red dots, but Yunqing has not seen the true face of Lushan Mountain with red dots.

Slowly, a red dot came closer and soon passed through the wall of air she couldn't pass into a combatable area.

Yun Qing also finally saw the monster that came to attack her cave: chicken, level 5.

"Liu, you're such a strong monster!"

"No matter how weak the monster is, it will still cause some damage to your cave, so it must be removed as soon as possible."

"it is good!"

She is already very familiar with throwing stones, and when she throws them with all her strength, she doesn't need to check whether the heart appears on the chicken's head, Yun Qing is confident that she can kill it with a single stone.

The stone hit the head of the chicken, and the blood bar of the chicken was instantly emptied.

Combat experience +5;

After the chicken died, the body disappeared, leaving a pile of what looked like money on the ground.

Disappeared with the chicken, and the stone she threw.

Stones cannot be picked up and reused. Looking at the remaining 69 stones in the system backpack, if they are all thrown away, she can still use daggers, bows and arrows.

From the small map, the slow-moving red dots in the gray area, it will take a little time to enter the battleable area.

(End of this chapter)

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