She is playing games in the immortal world

Chapter 40 The defense is successful

Chapter 40 The defense is successful
After the death of the sixth goat, there was a sound of "barking" in Yunqing's mind.

Looking for the black dog shadow, Liuliu was standing in front of the fallen piece of meat, screaming and jumping excitedly.

Yun Qing thought: "Sure enough, it's a real dog, and it can bark."

Immediately afterwards, she smiled helplessly, this little boy had suffered a lot with her, either he was hungry for a few days or he couldn't eat what he liked.

The pieces of meat can't be taken out in the cave, no matter how greedy you are, Yunqing can't feed it.

The speed of sheep respawning is getting faster and faster, and it can't be killed with one arrow, which is a certain danger to her cave.

With a thought in mind, Yun Qing put the bow and arrow on her back, and tightly held the dagger she just took out. As a former butcher, how could she use a bow and arrow to kill sheep? Even if she didn't have a butcher knife, a dagger would be fine.

Seeing that the red dot was about to enter the attackable area, Yun Qing ran over, and when the goat appeared, he grabbed the goat's horn that appeared first with one hand, pierced the goat's neck with a sharp dagger, and cut its trachea.

Unexpectedly, there was no blood spurting out, only the blood bar of the goat was emptied,

Combat experience +40;

The goat carcass disappeared, leaving behind a pile of silver.

Obtained: 4 taels of silver.

It is easier than killing a real sheep. When grabbing its horns, the strength of the struggle is not very good. It is worse than that of a real sheep. When killing a real sheep, it really kills the sheep.

Yun Qing was practicing close-combat fighting with the goats in the cave. The goats came and killed one by one, and a person and a dog ran back and forth between the east, west, north and south of the cave. She didn't feel tired at all, but hoped that the monster's siege of the cave would end later.

The idea is very good, there are really not many monsters besieging the cave caused by 100 points of hatred.

After killing more than a dozen sheep, there were only five red dots left in the gray area, but these five red dots were heading towards the battleable area together.

As soon as the five red dots entered the battleable area, Yunqing could clearly see their levels, three chickens, each level 5, and two sheep, each level 10.

Fortunately, these monsters appeared in one direction. If they appeared in all directions of the cave, she would be hard to guard against.

With a stone in hand, throw one, the level 5 chicken is missing one; throw another one, the level 5 chicken is missing again; throw another one, the level 5 chicken is still there, 10 The super sheep accelerated and sprinted to help the chicken block the attack.

It doesn't matter, it won't live long, the sheep are sprinting, and Yun Qing is also sprinting towards them.

While turning around, a stone hit the last chicken, and at the same time, she also met a sheep.

Grab the horns, insert the dagger into the sheep's neck, and turn a goat into experience.

After finishing one goat, Yun Qing looked up and saw another goat had already run to the base of the station, and its goat's feet were already trampling the floor.

The distance is too far, if she runs over, I don't know how many floors the goat will destroy, pebbles can't kill it, and bamboo arrows need two arrows to kill it.

With a thought in Yun Qing's mind, a metal arrow appeared in her hand, she bent her bow and set the arrow, and the moon was full, and her quasi-heart appeared on Yang's neck.

"Whoosh!" The speed and power of metal arrows are not comparable to bamboo arrows.

Combat experience +40;

As she expected, the metal arrow disappeared with the goat's carcass.

Yun Qing was hurt by the metal arrow for a second, but when the five monsters died and piles of silver fell on the ground, she immediately forgot the pain.

Worrying that the final boss is coming soon, she has no time to pick up silver, so she sprints at a speed of [-] meters and runs to every pile of silver.

Obtained: 4 taels of silver;
Obtained: 2 taels of silver;
Obtained: 2 taels of silver;
Obtained: 2 taels of silver;
Obtained: 3 taels of silver, Baba fertilizer +1;

After picking up the last pile of drops, Yun Qing was looking forward to the appearance of the boss, but the boss did not appear, and the countdown to the end of the monster siege of the cave appeared in the sky.

"Liu, where's the boss?"

"The lowest level of monsters besieging the cave has no boss."

"It's not bad if you don't have one, it can save you some effort."


"Congratulations, your battle level has been raised to level 21."

"Congratulations, your crafting level has been raised to level 19."

"Congratulations, your collection level has been raised to level 21."

"Congratulations, your character level has been raised to level 19."

After a row of prompts on the screen, the area around the cave was restored to gray, and there was no mini-map.

Her level 1 energy has once again increased to a thousand, and the silver has 105 taels.There are also three pieces of mutton and three packs of Baba fertilizer.

At this time, she was near the floor.

And she found that the floor under her feet showed: "This floor was damaged by an attack, repairing requires level 1 energy*10, whether to repair it."

She looked carefully at the floor, but couldn't find anything wrong with it.

Yun Qing cursed in her heart: "The floor may also suffer from invisible internal injuries."

Only the last goat had been to this floor. Unexpectedly, the goat's feet caused damage to the floor.

It must be repaired, Yun Qing silently said: "Repair!"

A countdown to the completion of the repair appeared on the damaged floor, one hour and 59 minutes.

"Liu, this floor is too easy to break. My cave is really defenseless. After I finish the house and furniture, is it easy to be breached?"

"In the future, you can build a fence around the homestead and farmland. Only when you break through the fence can you come in and destroy it."

"That makes sense, how do I make a fence?"

"The cost of making a fence is lower than the cost of building a wooden house. Are you sure you want to make a fence first?"

"No, my goal is to build a house and make a bed so that I can sleep in the cave."

The fence or something, I will think about it later, Yun Qing checked around, and no other places were damaged. When she walked to the half-sized tree in the farmland, a reminder came: "Consume fertilizer*1, whether to fertilize."

Fertilization can increase the yield, and Yunqing fertilized one of the trees.

Fertilization also does not require her to touch the fertilizer, just say 'fertilize' silently, and a progress bar will appear, and when the progress bar is completed, 1 will be deducted from the fertilizer, and the fertilization will be completed.

Minus the energy of repairing the floor, the harvest is still full.

This harvest is simply too cool. Looking at the new additions, Yun Qing still couldn't get enough of the authenticity: "Liu Liu, it's great that the monsters caused by this hatred point besiege the cave. I really want to clear up the hatred point."

Liu Liu was full of excitement and said: "Let's go out to eat meat first!"

Yun Qing: ...promising!
With a thought, Yun Qing appeared in the room of the relief station, a piece of mutton appeared in his hand, and he threw it aside to Liu Liu who was watching her eagerly.

Yoyo jumped up excitedly, took it in his mouth, and lay down on the ground, holding the mutton with his two front paws, and began to gnaw. The wagging tail showed its happy mood.

(End of this chapter)

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