Chapter 42 Mission
Ye Tao comforted: "Wen Jing, you don't have to blame yourself, it's all my choice."

Ye Hai ran back from a distance and gritted his teeth: "I searched Ye Qiuyue's home and places where she might go, but I couldn't find her, and I couldn't find anything from Qiuyue Niang."

Ran?Or hid?No wonder there is no threat value increase.

Captain Ye Mao: "A woman who lost her husband first, and then her daughter got into trouble, the village will not be too embarrassing for her."

Ye Wenjing: "We have seen immortals give medicine to villagers, and the villagers can be saved even if they turn into soul corpses. As long as we find immortal cultivators, there will be a way."

Ye Xiaolang said: "The immortal cultivators who saved our village may not be ordinary people. If they want to find the antidote, they may go to sects."

Ye Wenjing: "Brother Tao, I will definitely join the sect and find a way to cure your eyes."

Yun Qing also clenched her fists secretly. Blindness has too much impact on a person's life. The goddamn fairy gave the pill, and she gave it, but it was picked up from the dungeon given by the system. The system must have related pills With the formula of the medicine, she will definitely be able to make the antidote elixir.

"Everyone has been delayed for too long because of me. There are a lot of soul corpses and animals outside the village. For the safety of the village, you should go out of the village as soon as possible to clear the poisonous soul corpses! In fact, I am lucky. The seventh child died at the gate of the village. middle."

The old seventh in Ye Tao's mouth is the Houtian warrior who Yun Qing personally added to his chest and died after being grabbed by the soul corpse.

There are a lot of tasks assigned to Ye Mao's team, and it is time for everyone to act. Almost every team has teammates who are slightly injured, seriously injured or dead, and they will not take care of the assigned tasks just because someone is injured.

"Brother Tao, you will rest at home these days, and we will act together after you get used to it."

"That's great! Your sister-in-law often complains that I can't spend more time with her at home. You go, I will go home by myself."

It is more convenient for acquired warriors to lose their eyesight than ordinary people. They have energy and can run around the outer circle to sense whether there are obstacles around them. Their hearing is also better than ordinary people. Even if they cannot see the road, they will not bump into things. It is no problem to go home with memory and voice.

"Well, we'll come to see you when we go back to the village."

The hunting team of the seventh group walked out of the village. Unlike the usual seven people, this time, there were only five people, the captain Ye Mao, Ye Xiaolang, Ye Hai, Ye Wenjing and the handyman Yun Qing.

The clearing task starts near the village and expands outward. The main task is to remove the mutated plants and kill any small animals.

The reason is the same as killing poultry and livestock, fearing that these small animals will mutate into the village and attack.

Digging up the mutated plants is to prevent Ye Family Village from becoming the next poisonous wheat field over time.

Plants that can absorb poisonous gas mutations are more valuable, but if there are too many such things in front of my house, the living environment will be affected.

Walking with a few powerful Houtian warriors, Yun Qing is fully qualified for this job. To kill small animals without mutations, stones and fine iron bows will definitely be able to solve them. To kill small animals that have mutated, she can use stones or Bow and arrow to grab some experience.

Pliers are used to pick polluted plants, no harvesting skill level is required, and no collection experience is required. After the pliers are pulled out together with the soil, shake the soil, and a complete polluted plant is obtained.

Yun Qing looked at the intact polluted hemostatic grass on the tongs, feeling a little happy in her heart.

"Liu, I'll get more plants like this to convert energy, so I don't have to worry about not being able to enter the cave without energy."

"This polluted plant gives more energy than ordinary herbs."

"That is, it can only be collected at level 31."

Yun Qing happily prepared to put it into his backpack, grabbed the polluted hemorrhoid she collected with one big hand, and put it into his backpack before Yun Qing could react.

Ye Xiaolang raised his chin slightly, as if commanding: "Put all the poisonous things you collect here to me."

Yun Qing knew that Ye Xiaolang didn't want her to put poisonous things in her unprotected backpack, as time passed, she would be poisoned.

But Yunqing is very depressed, my sister has a system backpack, it will not be poisoned, and I want to use it to convert energy!

Ye Xiaolang will not be greedy for the things he collects, the team will distribute money according to work, but money cannot be turned into energy, ahhh!

Yun Qing has no way to say that she will not be poisoned and needs these plants, so she can only watch Ye Xiaolang take away her items.

Every time after that, after Yun Qing collected the polluted plants, Ye Xiaolang would always come over, take away her harvest, and put it in his backpack.

Yun Qing could only accept her fate, there were only some unmutated small animal corpses in her backpack.

After the team went out for more than an hour, they met Ye Mingyu and his party of three.

The three of them were all half-soul people, and they were standing not far from the few people in the team with their full burdens.

Ye Mingyu begged: "Captain, it's not convenient for the three of us to enter the village. I wonder if you can help us exchange the items we picked in the village for money and leave them to our families."

There is no problem with being a teammate for a long time. Ye Mao said: "Don't worry about this. However, there are too many things that have been contaminated by poisonous gas recently, and the price will drop. Only the purified items will have a higher price." Higher."

"I understand, just buy it at the price in the village."

After the three of Ye Mingyu handed over the items to the team, they looked at each other, gritted their teeth secretly, and didn't want to go back to Yejia Village to take a look. They knew that the more they looked, the more reluctant they were.

The three of them walked into the jungle and disappeared after a while.They are going to the city of half-soul people, where there are cultivation methods for half-soul people, methods to maintain reason, etc.

It turned out that the team had gained a lot, but now they had more belongings from Ye Mingyu and the other three. Everyone's backpacks and Ye Wenjing's storage bag couldn't fit, so they had to go back to the village to hand in things.

After returning to the village, Yunqing took the opportunity of going to the toilet to enter the cave again to harvest trees. After being used as fertilizer by her once, she actually received wood*10. The tree that had not been fertilized had only wood*6.

Plant trees for fertilization, harvest charcoal and flax robes, and make wooden walls.

Silver and energy have been reduced, and the damaged floor has been repaired.

The quality of charcoal produced by low-level crafting machines is similar to fine charcoal, and the quality of linen robes is better than those sold in the village, and they are tradable items.

In other words, she can take it out and use it in reality, or sell it.

Not only that, but the production experience of these two items is quite a lot, and the production time is short, especially charcoal.

Buying wood to make wooden walls and floors will affect the quality of the house, but if buying wood to make charcoal, it doesn't matter if the quality is good or bad. She still has some ordinary pork belly in her backpack that needs charcoal for cooking.

But the wood he bought suddenly disappeared. In a crowded village, it is inevitable that he will not be suspicious. In the end, he has his own house. If he lives in Yejia Village for a long time, renting and living in a relief station is not a long-term solution.

If you don't buy wood, you can also chop wood. Yunqing has no conditions for chopping wood, and it is difficult to avoid teammates.

Even so, she gritted her teeth and bought an axe.

(End of this chapter)

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