Chapter 44

With the second-level jump, the soul corpse can no longer keep up with Yunqing's speed. She is looking for the steep jumps, which make it difficult for the soul corpse to catch up. its getting rid of.

After chasing and chasing, Yun Qing was chased out of the planting range of Yejia Village and into the poisonous wheat field.

Suddenly, a pothole appeared in front of it, which was less than seven or eight meters deep and four or five meters wide by visual inspection. There were many weeds surrounded by black air in the hole, and the surroundings were vertical, making it difficult to climb.

Yun Qing had a plan in mind: "Liu Liu, I can lead it into the hole and get rid of it completely."

"Well, you can easily introduce this kind of artificial retarded soul corpse into the cave."

The soul corpses she met were "artificial mentally retarded" in Liu Liu's mouth, with low intelligence, and their behavior was guided by the instinct of wanting to devour other living creatures to become stronger.

Yun Qing reckoned, her body is still quite strong, and it is not a big problem to jump off the muddy ground with grass on it.

After waiting for a while, she saw that the soul corpse was approaching, and when its sonic roar affected her a little, Yun Qing jumped forward.

After falling freely in an instant, Yun Qing jumped into the hole without any injuries, but what she didn't expect was that the soil below was too soft, so she jumped down, speeding up with strength, causing her two legs to sink into the mud More than half a foot deep.

After failing to pull it out, looking at the top, the soul corpse also jumped down after her.

If the soul corpse falls on her body, she will either be bitten to death by the soul corpse, or crushed to death by the soul corpse.

At the very moment, a thought came to Yun Qing's mind: "Use the jumping skill!"

As soon as the thought came up, her body suddenly jumped off the ground.

"Kacha!" Yun Qing only felt the sound of fabric breaking from behind. The sharp nails of the soul corpse had already scratched her coarse cloth animal fur clothing. Fortunately, she was wearing the original owner's high-end clothes inside. be scratched.

"Bang!" Immediately afterwards, she heard the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground. She didn't need to look back, it must be that the soul corpse had already fallen into the pit.

She was rising, and felt cold under her feet, it must be the soul corpse stretching out its claws to reach her.The soft soil in the hole can trap her feet for a while, and it can also trap the soul corpse's jumping for a while.

Yun Qing borrowed strength less than three meters above the hole, and made another double jump, this time jumping five meters.

The danger was not over, and seeing that he couldn't jump out of the hole, Yun Qing quickly stretched out his hands and raised them high, grabbing the edge of the hole.

What her two hands grasped was only the soft soil without any point of force. Even though her feet had stepped into the hole, she was still sliding down uncontrollably.

With a thought in Yun Qing's mind, a sharp wooden stick appeared in her hand, and she thrust it into the soil forcefully, her body finally stopped sliding, and at this time she had already fallen nearly one meter.

Although her body was temporarily stabilized, the wooden stick was not inserted very deep, and a lot of soil had already protruded. It is estimated that she would not be able to bear the strength of her body in the next second.

Sure enough, she started to slide again, and both Yunqing and Yunqing stuck wooden sticks into the soil, hoping to make her slide down a little slower.

"Roar...roar...roar!" Below, the sonic attack of the soul corpse made Yun Qing a little dizzy.

Steady your mind, wait until the cooldown of the jumping skill is complete, and say silently: "Use jumping!"

Yun Qing, who had already slid two meters down, was once again lifted up by his jumping skills. When he was about to jump out of the hole, he used his strength to jump a second time. After jumping out of the hole, he still jumped a few meters out of thin air.

She controlled her body, chose a place, and landed smoothly and safely.

Looking to the side, Liu Liu was beside her at some point.

"Liu Liu, how did you come up here?"

"I didn't go down."

Yun Qing rolled her eyes, not knowing what to say.

After getting rid of the soul corpses, Yun Qing originally wanted to go back to find the team, but when she saw the soul corpses trapped in the cave, she thought of her "dream" - someone would catch high-level monsters that would not resist, so that She throws stones to gain combat experience.

Now, isn't the soul corpse in the cave a high-level monster who can't resist, and can let her gain combat experience?

Yun Qing was overjoyed, laughed loudly and said, "Liu Liu, haha, I caught a high-level monster."

Liuliu: Human beings are so strange, they just rolled their eyes in displeasure, and then became happy in a blink of an eye.

No matter what Liu Liu thinks, Yun Qing has already pulled out a lot of stones.

After accumulating energy, the stone quasi-heart appeared on the neck of the soul corpse, and the legs of the soul corpse were still in the soil below.

"Battle experience +40!"

The damage is similar to that of using arrows at the beginning. This time the distance is shorter than last time, and it is easier to use force downwards, and it has been charged.But no matter whether you use stones or arrows, you can't break through the defense.

"Battle experience +48!"

Looking at the immobile soul corpse below, Yun Qing stretched out her right hand, palm down, and with a thought, released the big stone that had been in her system backpack for many days.

The force of the big rock thrown down was much stronger than the small rock thrown by Yun Qing.

"Battle experience +400!"

The big stone fell from the top of the soul corpse's head, giving it a critical blow, and at the same time making its legs sink a lot again.

The blood bar of the soul corpse was not as thick as imagined. After being smashed by big rocks and pebbles, it could be clearly seen that its blood bar had decreased.Fortunately, the soul corpse did not recover blood in time, which gave Yun Qing the hope of killing it.

When he was in the village, Yun Qing saw that after scratching and wounding people, the flesh and blood of eating people could regenerate blood.

Looking around, there was a big rock not far away, much bigger than the one she just threw.

Putting the boulder behind the system, Yun Qing threw it again towards the location where the soul corpse was.

Being hit by the big stone last time, the soul corpse also seemed to know that the stone could hurt it, and it began to struggle violently.

"Battle experience +480!"

Before the soul corpse could move freely, another boulder went down and hit it, and its blood bar was lost by a small amount. Unfortunately, there were no big boulders nearby.

And below, the soul corpse has already struggled out of the deep mud.

"Hoho!" It roared angrily and ran towards the wall where Yunqing was, trying to climb up, but the vertical soil on the pit wall was soft, and each time it could only climb up one or two meters before slipping down. go down.

"Battle experience +40!"

Without big stones, Yun Qing could only use small stones to grind slowly, hoping to win by numbers.

For the small stones thrown by Yun Qing, the soul corpse below did not dodge or dodge, allowing the stones to hit it everywhere.

"Battle experience +40!"


Obtained achievement: small throwing expert, reward achievement point 1, skill point 1.

Throwing Expert: Throwing hits 20 times in a row.

"Battle experience +48!"

"Battle experience +40!"

"Congratulations, your battle level has been raised to level 22."

Fortunately, she has the habit of picking up small stones at any time, otherwise there are not enough small stones to throw, but there are not many left.


Obtained achievement: hit every shot, reward achievement point 1, skill point 1.

Hundred hits: Throwing hits 100 times in a row.

At this time, the blood bar of the soul corpse was less than one third.Naturally, Yun Qing didn't want to think of a way to replenish the blood of the soul corpse, throwing stones at it to gain experience.

"Battle experience +40!"


"Battle experience +2335!"

(End of this chapter)

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