She is playing games in the immortal world

Chapter 46 Level 46 Walking Alone

Chapter 46 Level 46 Walking Alone
Obviously, this tree is not as good as the tree planted in the cave.

Don't waste it, you can burn charcoal.

Yun Qing measured the position of the trunk, found a place about three meters long, first swung the ax to remove the lower branches, and then chopped it up at three meters. She wanted to cut it into sections, and tried to see if it could be made with low-level Machine charcoal.

The position here is not as thick as the root, but it is still not easy to cut. Yun Qing worked hard to chop a cup of tea, and finally cut it off. Just after cutting it, he saw the system prompt:
Gathering experience +20;

Get wood*1;

Looking intently at another section of tree that she had cut down, a display appeared on it: "Wood can be collected, and requires a level 20 harvesting technique."

Great, the next step is for the system to automatically control and revise her movements, but she needs to be tired as well.

Taking a little breath, Yun Qing put the tree he cut just now into the system backpack, walked to the remaining part, and said silently: "Use the harvesting technique."

With the help of the system, she walked towards the branches of the tree, swung the ax neatly, and could cut off a branch with one stroke of the ax. A section was also removed, leaving only a section of tree about six meters long.

She walked to the middle of the trunk and chopped it down with only about twenty axes.

Gathering experience +40;

Get wood*2;

Even if the wood collected using the harvesting technique is still much worse than the wood grown in the farmland, Yun Qing put it in the system backpack.

As for the cut branches, of course they are also received in the system backpack, and they are used as firewood after drying.

With a thought, he entered the cave. The saplings planted in the farmland were almost healed, and the wooden wall had already been completed. Yun Qing put away the wooden wall and placed it on the floor.

There are still a lot of poor things in the cabin. Yun Qing tested it. The wood she just collected from the outside can be used to make floors, and it can also be used to make wooden walls, but the quantity is not enough.

Considering the quality issue, Yun Qing chose to make charcoal from the wood he just got.

After leaving the cave, she continued to look for trees that could be collected, herbs that could be dug up, and so on.

Since the poisonous gas wheat field was covered by the dark night last time, few people came here. All kinds of weeds and trees were overgrown. Yun Qing cut down several trees and dug some herbs, which would not affect the ecological balance at all.

Two hours later, Yun Qing's system backpack was full.The main reason is that the things she got are not uniform enough, and there are too many varieties to accumulate a group. It is time to add a little energy to the cave.

Throw everything except temporarily usable items into the energy converter, most of which are contaminated items, give each item from the energy converter and get an energy estimate to judge whether they are good or bad, I don’t know much about the cloud Qing did not keep them to take up space.

It's just that the contaminated items could have been converted into level 2 energy, but the energy converter can't convert to level 2. There is no way to turn it, and getting level 1 energy is better than throwing it away.

Finally, she hesitated for a second, and put the soul corpse occupying the place into the energy converter together.

Just when Yun Qing was about to throw the soul corpse in, she was rejected.

System prompt: This item cannot be put into the energy converter.

"Liu Liu, didn't you say that the dead body can be put in? Isn't the rabbit bone that I shaved the flesh put in the same way?"

"See if his clothes can't be put in, or there's something on him that can't be converted."

Need to undress before changing?
With a thought, Yun Qing went out of the cave, took out the soul corpse, said sorry a few times, and began to pick and pull the bloody corpse that had been smashed by her.

When touching somewhere around his waist, Yun Qing's fingers touched a familiar hard lump. This shape made her happy: it's silver!
Soul corpses used to be villagers, and it was normal for villagers to carry silver on their bodies.

After some searching, Yun Qing found 20 taels of silver from him. She didn't know this villager who had mutated into a soul corpse, so he probably wasn't from Yejia Village.

It's just that the silver is black. I wonder if it can't be washed out of its true color like her people and clothes?
Trying to see if I can not wash it, Yunqing handed over the silver directly to the system, and as expected, the amount of silver in the system increased by 20 taels.

After getting the silver, Yun Qing was not interested in the clothes on his body, after throwing it into the energy converter again, this time, he was not rejected.

The energy converter runs slowly, and the same material is converted into energy, and the converted energy can be taken out to become the energy number in the cave, and the raw materials that are queued for conversion can be withdrawn regretfully.

The conversion speed is not fast. It is estimated that it will take half a day to complete the conversion of all materials.

In front of the low-level production machine, after Yun Qing put away the ten pieces of charcoal she had just made, she heard a wonderful prompt from the system:
"Production experience +668!"

"Congratulations, your crafting level has been raised to level 20."

"Congratulations, your character level has been raised to level 20."

At level 20, nothing happened, she was still an ordinary person.

Liu Liu said, "I'm so hungry, I really want to eat meat."

I always wanted to reach level 20 as soon as possible, thinking that level 20 would become even more powerful, but after reaching level 20, I found that she was still the same at level 20.

It was already afternoon, and she could find a way to return to Yejia Village before dark.

However, after just two hours of walking alone, she didn't really want to go back to the village anymore. Although she was a little worried about the situation of Ye Mao and the others, she was really unable to help at level 20.

"Liu Liu, I don't want to go back to the village, I want to hang out in the wild." She wanted to upgrade quickly.

"It's dark and windy at night, I can't see anything, it's a bit dangerous."

"I can wait in the cave at night until daytime."

"That will waste a lot of energy, and your spirit will not be restored."

"Then I'll just find a place to spend the night, can you guard it for me to see if there's any danger."

"Liu Liu is just an elf who answers questions, and Liu Liu can't meet your request."

"Well, anyway, I don't want to go back now, let's talk about it tonight."

After coming out of the cave, it was still in the afternoon, not only did you want to eat meat, after such a long period of physical labor, Yun Qing was also so hungry that her chest was pressed against her back.

Giving Liu a piece of pork belly, Yun Qing ate two baked potatoes by himself.

Upgrading is a long-term goal. The direction of my efforts now is to cut more wood quickly to see if I can build a wooden house earlier and make a bed so that I can sleep in the cave.

Ignoring the polluted plants that could be collected all over the mountains and plains, Yun Qing quickly found a tree that could be collected.

When I started to cut down again, I don't know if it was an illusion, but it seemed a little easier to cut down trees than before the upgrade.

Yunqing did not use the wood he cut for experience to make charcoal, but to make wooden houses.

It didn't take long for Yunqing to use the wood cut from outside to make a wooden wall. The gaps in the wooden wall are much larger than those made of trees planted in the farmland, and the quality needs to be checked a lot.

Each wooden wall is about one meter wide and three meters high, and surrounds nine floors on all sides. A total of 12 yuan of wooden walls are needed, and doors and windows need to be made on some of the wooden walls.

(End of this chapter)

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