She is playing games in the immortal world

Chapter 48 The Unreturned Squad

Chapter 48 The Unreturned Squad
Yoyo turned the dog's head aside, didn't this human know?I also asked, as an artificial intelligence, even elves who specialize in answering questions don't like to answer the same question repeatedly.

Yun Qing returned to the wooden hut. The hut with an indoor area of ​​only about eight square meters was filled with beds, low-level crafting machines and energy converters, making it a bit crowded.

Put the side of the bed as far away from the door as possible against the wall, and then place the other two machines against the opposite wall. Finally, there is an extra passage in the room, and it is not so crowded.

"Liu Liu, this small house can only put another cabinet. If there is another table and stool, it must be dismantled and rebuilt."

"You have to earn more money and upgrade quickly so that you can expand your homestead and build a big house."

After placing the items, Yun Qing looked at the four to five centimeter gaps on the bed. No wonder the system told her that sleeping on this kind of bed would cause her back pain.

Can it not hurt?

Nothing to fault, it would be nice to have a bed to sleep in in absolute safety.

She didn't care if her back hurt or not, so she lay down and rested.

Yun Qing tossed and turned, the board was so hard, and the big gap was very uncomfortable.

She thought it would be difficult to fall asleep, but she didn't want to. After closing her eyes for a while, she fell asleep.It's just that I didn't sleep well.


In Yejia Village, many people were looking around at the entrance of the village, including the village chief. None of the people from the seventh team who went hunting today came back, and among them was the village chief's daughter Ye Wenjing.

Before the dark night of Ye Family Village came, the village chief sent a request for help to the sect, and a cultivator soon came to solve the problem. The village chief thought it was the cultivator he asked for help. After the village was rescued, he did not contact the sect of cultivating immortals again.This also caused the Zhongzhou Continent Cultivation Alliance to miss the best time for investigation.

Ye Wei led a small group of people to come in from outside the village, and the village chief hurried up to greet him and asked, "How is it?"

Ye Wei, the captain of the Yejia Village guard who was full of exhaustion, was a little worried: "From the place assigned to the seventh team, they encountered several soul corpses at the small wooden house in Bali. Judging from the traces of fighting at the scene, No one was bleeding or injured. Judging from the footsteps they left, they went in the direction of the poisonous wheat field. However, the road to the poisonous wheat field was difficult to walk at night and the vision was blurred. I can look for it again in the daytime tomorrow.”

A guard added: "Occasionally, there were traces of fighting along the way, but no blood drops. Later, there were no traces. Presumably, they have found a safe place to hide."

The village chief nodded. Although he was anxious, there was nothing he could do. Looking for people at night in the huge and dangerous poisonous gas fields would bring great danger to those who were looking for them. We had to wait until the next day.


Yun Qing refused to leave after being chased away by the soul corpses. The four members of the team wanted to quickly deal with their enemies, but two soul corpses sprang out from the wooden house. Now they couldn't even protect themselves, judging from their clothes. Look, these people should be the whole team from other villages, hiding in the hut when the dark night comes.

One-on-one, the four are not opponents, Ye Mao immediately ordered to avoid the edge and run away.


Upon waking up, Yun Qing's spirit and energy were fully restored, and indeed she felt a little sore and backache.

How can I have a better bed?No need to ask, she can guess, get more goodwill lottery, get the formula of advanced bed, and make advanced bed.

Looking at the level 1 energy of the cave, it is a little more than 100 less than before she went to bed. The 100 may be used by her sleeping in the cave, and the extra points are used by the trees in the farmland.

The trees in the farmland were already mature. After Yunqing harvested them, in order to save money, he did not continue to plant trees, but just made simple wooden cabinets.

Not knowing what time it is, Yun Qing checked the system time, it was three o'clock in the morning.

Full of energy, there was nothing to do in the cave, Yun Qing asked: "Liu Liu, can I see the situation outside from inside the cave."

"Yes, the current outside environment requires 20 energy points to view once. The more complicated the environment, the more energy is needed."

"Then don't look at it." Yun Qing moved out of the cave with a thought, and it didn't take so much energy to go out and enter again.

Outside the cave, a bright moon hangs in the sky.

The moonlight brings a little light to the darkness. Unlike the daytime, seeing things clearly is also beneficial. Under the bright moonlight, the objects surrounded by poisonous gas are more obvious.

Without concentrating day and night, Yun Qing can see that there are polluted hemorrhoids, polluted flax, polluted qi tonic ginseng, polluted analgesic herbs, and polluted chili peppers everywhere.

Ripe herbs can only be harvested, and immature herbs can also be dug out with fine iron pliers and thrown into the energy converter.

In this desolate and poisonous wheat field full of herbs, these ordinary herbs can be seen everywhere, and in some places there are still patches.

Yun Qing had a great time digging, digging more herbs today can return to the village to exchange for money, and can also get more energy.

Digging herbs with refined iron pliers also has its disadvantages, that is, it does not give gathering experience, but the gathering experience is good, but silver and energy are in short supply.

The poisonous wheat field at night is dangerous, Yun Qing dare not go to the place where there are many trees and shrubs, relying on the faint moonlight, holding a long wooden stick, beating and groping towards the flat place.

It wasn't that she was willing to walk forward like a blind man, because she couldn't see clearly, and was worried that there would be water and puddles ahead.

Digging all kinds of herbs, she can occasionally see uncontaminated herbs, and collecting them will give her some gathering experience.

Suddenly, the wooden stick in his hand picked up a vine, and a fist-sized object on the vine caught Yun Qing's attention.

"Cantaloupe, can be collected, requires a level 20 collection technique."

Cantaloupe!Ye Qiaoqiao once taught her to know the cantaloupe, she had only seen vines, but never a ripe cantaloupe, this was the first time she saw it, and looking along the vine, there was more than one cantaloupe.

This is the fruit she encountered in another world except wild strawberries.

After picking one manually, Yun Qing searched around and found three fist-sized melons in total.

Cantaloupe that has not been artificially cultivated and improved is a bit small.

Yun Qing looked at the cantaloupe in his hand, it was green with white in the whole body, exuding a faint fragrance of melon and fruit.

Cantaloupe: It can be eaten directly, can be used to make a variety of dishes, and can be eaten directly to satisfy thirst and hunger.

Seeing the word quenching thirst, Yun Qing couldn't help swallowing the non-existent saliva. She didn't bring much water, so she drank sparingly.

'Cantaloupe, restore satiety to 20. '

With no delicious value and no attributes added, Yun Qing didn't have too much expectation for this melon.

Rubbing the small fluff of the cantaloupe on the clothes, Yun Qing nibbled on the cantaloupe, the peel was a bit hard, the flesh was crisp, one bite, you can see the flesh about one centimeter thick, and the yellow orange seeds inside. .

The pulp is sweet and full of water, every time you chew it, the juice will burst out from the pulp, after one bite, Yunqing only feels the fragrance of the mouth and mouth, and the aftertaste is endless.

good to eat!

Thirst-quenching artifact in the wild!

(End of this chapter)

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