Chapter 51

When Yun Qing turned to another wall, she tried to collect earth bricks, but found that there was no way to put the uncollapsed earth bricks into her backpack, so she could only run while looking for a suitable target.

There is no way to collect intact walls, but collapsed earth bricks can be collected. In this village full of ruins, collapses are everywhere.

There is a soul corpse with a big nose chasing it below. After trying a few times, I found that it is difficult for the soul corpse to jump up the high wall, and it is also difficult to pass through from one house to another room.

Yun Qing boldly collected earthen bricks and tiles as backup means of attack.

After she collected 300 earth bricks, she tried to see if she could get rid of the big-nosed soul corpse. On the high wall, Yun Qing waited for the big-nosed soul corpse to chase down the wall.

As expected, Big Nose lived up to expectations, and soon reached below her, opened his mouth and roared, jumped up vigorously, trying to tear the food on the wall.

Yun Qing stretched out his right hand and said silently: "Take out three sets of clay bricks."

Hundreds of earth bricks fell down in an instant, each weighing tens of catties, and many of them fell on the soul corpses. Yun Qing was also screened by a string of numbers.

"Battle experience +12!"

"Battle experience +12!"


Below, a pile of earthen bricks has been piled high, and there is no final blow, which means that the soul corpse has not been smashed to death, but may only be temporarily trapped, and may escape in a short time.

She hurriedly left here, collected earthen bricks, and waited to deal with the next soul corpse.

There are many houses in the village. When collecting earthen bricks, Yunqing would enter the villagers' homes. She saw that there were many things in the abandoned villagers' homes, such as pots, kitchen knives, farm tools, and small weapons.

Although these tools are very worn out, in the eyes of the small workers in the blacksmith shop, they can turn waste into treasure.

The dark night came too fast, some villagers fled, some failed to escape, and the tools and soul corpses left at home remained where they were when they could no longer be used.

In fact, Yun Qing also wanted to search whether there were any gold and silver treasures in the villagers' homes that she hadn't had time to take away. Unfortunately, there were soul corpses everywhere in the village, so she didn't have much time to search, so she could only simply search for possible silver deposits. The place.

The first family, Yunqing, found rusty kitchen knives and hoes; the second family, Yunqing found rusty axes, kitchen knives and 20 taels of silver; Wood for firewood.

Just after coming out of the third house, he ran into a relatively unresponsive soul corpse head-on.

Rolling sideways and jumping skills, Yun Qing successfully jumped onto the wall, avoiding the attack of the soul corpse, and released earth bricks towards it.

"Battle experience +52!"


After 100 earth bricks went down, a series of damage prompts appeared, and looking at the soul corpse, it had been buried by the earth bricks until only one head remained, and a little half of the blood bar had dropped.

In order to end the battle faster, Yun Qing jumped onto the earthen bricks, and hit the soul corpse's head one by one with the hoe he picked up not long ago.

Even though it was a rusty hoe, when it hit a soul corpse, the damage was higher than that of a log. After a while, Yun Qing emptied its blood bar.

The layout of each village is similar to that of Yejia Village. It is not easy to search for valuables in the villagers' homes, but there are valuables in many places.

Yunqing set her sights on: the village chief's house, warehouses in the village, blacksmith shop, sewing shop, grocery store and so on.

These places are often in the center of the village, and there will be more people gathered, and it is estimated that there are many soul corpses.

She randomly selected and took a lot of useful things in the village to her, and walked slowly towards the center of the village, and when she encountered lonely low-level soul corpses, she would turn them into her experience and take their treasures with her. Corpses, when encountering high-level soul corpses, will be buried with a large number of earthen bricks.

There were a lot of soul corpses along the way. From the entrance of the village to the center of the village, Yun Qing walked for half a day, and her battle level was already 28.

Contrary to what she thought, there were not many soul corpses in the center of the village, which was similar to the number of soul corpses in other places.

In the sewing shop, Yunqing only saw a few old machines that were too old to be used. There were no flax, cotton, gauze, coarse cloth, fine cloth, etc., and she didn't take any of them.

The blacksmith shop has a blacksmithing platform, a blacksmithing furnace, and some farm tools that are so shabby that they need to be re-smelted. There are no finished weapons or better items. Yun Qing didn't want to return empty-handed after a hard trip through the soul corpses. , the remaining things in the blacksmith shop were swept away by her.

The grocery store, it was as if it had been ransacked, and there was nothing of value.

In the village head's house, except for large furniture that is not easy to move, there is nothing left.

Finally, Yunqing came to the warehouse in the village with the last hope. The resources in the village are usually several warehouses, which store different items in different categories.

But from a distance, she saw the warehouse door open.

"Liu, I'm too greedy. The village of poisonous wheat fields has been occupied for many years. There must be many masters who have come here. They can take away the resources in the village with storage bags. Good things are naturally out of my reach."

"It seems that you like picking up rags, the rags of villagers' houses, don't you like picking up rags?"

"I took one last look at all the warehouses, and went to see where the villagers I rescued were there if there was nothing left."

"Thank you for remembering the mission, it's really not easy."

There is nothing in one, two, and three warehouses, and the last warehouse is also not closed. Unlike other empty warehouses, this warehouse contains two-thirds of the warehouse's timber.

At a glance, there are hundreds of them.

This wood is about the same size and length as the wood she felled. I don't know if it can be used to build a house. Yun Qing concentrated on watching:

"Bad wood that can be used for heating, making fire, making charcoal, etc."

All the wood in the village is prepared by loggers for the construction of wooden houses.

The wood stored in the warehouse has been stored for a long time without special treatment, such as brushing with insect-resistant tung oil, etc., causing the wood to grow moths. It is only suitable for firewood, but fortunately, it can be used to make charcoal.

Making charcoal is equivalent to gaining experience in making charcoal, which is equivalent to upgrading the character level.

In order to prevent the soul corpses from attacking, she first closed the warehouse door and collected wood.

When she received one third, the space in the system backpack was no longer enough.

She needs to tidy up her backpack, and all the messy things can be put into the energy converter.

Yun Qing first took out the corpses of the soul corpses she had killed, and searched for silver on them.There are more than ten soul corpses, four of them have silver on them, and the total is only 80 taels.

With a thought, he entered the cave, and Yun Qing threw all the soul corpses and the polluted resources dug up today into the energy converter, and more than ten slots in the backpack were immediately emptied.

This is not enough, the pile of junk she picked up in the villagers' house also takes up a lot of space, and all wood that can be made into charcoal must be made.

The two simple wooden cabinets made by the low-level manufacturing machine have already been completed. Yun Qing took out the two simple wooden cabinets and put them in the wooden house.

The cabin was already crowded, but now when operating the machine, there are only gaps that can be squeezed.

The things picked up in the villagers' homes and blacksmith shops are put in a simple wooden cabinet, and the usable wood is put in another simple wooden cabinet. All the wood picked up in the warehouse is thrown into the low-level crafting machine to produce charcoal.

(End of this chapter)

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