Chapter 54 Friendly
It was within Yun Qing's expectation that a small stone would kill a soul corpse, but it was beyond the expectation of the four people in the ancestral hall.

Ye Mao said incredulously, "Dead? Yun Qing killed a soul corpse."

Ye Xiaolang narrowed his eyes and said: "Have you noticed that the three soul corpses that started chasing her didn't come back?"

Ye Wenjing said: "So many stones and arrows, where did she put them?"

Ye Xiaolang looked at the three of them and said: "She may have a storage bag, but this is her business."

The three of Ye Wenjing nodded and said: "She is our teammate, so she won't have any thoughts because of a storage bag."

"Ye Xiaolang's favorability towards you is +64."

"Ye Xiaolang, your favorability has increased to friendly."

"Ye Wenjing's favorability towards you is +20."

"Ye Mao's favorability towards you is +20."

"Ye Hai's favorability towards you is +10."

Killing a soul corpse, failed to pick up the corpse, but gained a lot of favorability.

Especially Ye Xiaolang, whose favorability towards her soared, and was the first person to achieve friendship.

The people in Ye Family Village, including Aunt Ye Six, Master Li from the blacksmith shop, and others treated her well, but there was a lot of alienation among them.

The favorability has already reached more than 100, Yun Qing said happily: "Liu Liu, I can draw ten consecutive draws and five consecutive draws."

"Favorites are not easy to come by. You have to use them and cherish them. Save more favors to win mid-level prizes. Low-level things will soon be useless for you."

Yun Qing: A bottomless pit!

It's not a good time to draw a lottery now, if she draws a good thing, she can't help but go to the cave to check and delay her business, she should first find a way to save people.

Throwing stones like this is not a solution, it is very slow and exhausting. Looking at the few stones left in the system backpack, I still have to find a way to attract two of them.

Yun Qing shouted in the direction of the ancestral hall: "Captain, Little Wolf, Sister Wen Jing, Brother Hai, are you alright?"

Yun Qing's voice successfully attracted the attention of the soul corpses, and the four people in the ancestral hall also guessed what she was going to do.

Several people looked at each other and nodded, Ye Xiaolang said: "I'll help her."

Ye Mao said: "I'll take you up."

Ye Wenjing said: "I'll make a noise and keep some of it, Little Wolf, be careful."


Ye Xiaolang shouted to the outside: "Xiao Yunqing, I'll come out to help you!"

He stepped on Ye Mao's shoulders, jumped up with his strength, climbed up to the pillars of the ancestral hall, lifted the tiles, and soon he appeared on the roof.

Ye Wenjing opened the window to make some noise to attract the attention of the soul corpses, and to cover Ye Xiaolang's departure.

Yun Qing's voice originally attracted the attention of some spirit corpses, but was immediately attracted by Ye Wenjing's movement.

Ye Xiaolang ran to the other side of the ancestral hall lightly, and a large number of soul corpses approached the window where Ye Wenjing was.

Yun Qing heard Ye Xiaolang's shout, and from the figure appearing on the roof, she also knew what he was going to do.

She took out the few remaining metal arrows to attract the attention of the soul corpses, but whether it was her metal arrows or her shouting, they were ignored by the soul corpses, and their attention was captured by the acquired warriors in the window. The smell of blood is deeply attracted.

Ye Wenjing had already closed the windows, and the excited soul corpses slapped the windows and walls, and the entire ancestral hall was crumbling in Yun Qing's view.

Yun Qing said worriedly: "Liu Liu, if the soul corpse concentrates its strength and pushes the house, it will surely knock down the ancestral hall."

Liu Liu said indifferently: "You shouldn't have too high demands on the mentally retarded. If it weren't for them being mentally retarded, you wouldn't have killed so many of them."

Just when Yun Qing was annoyed that he could not attract the hatred of the soul corpses, he saw Ye Xiaolang not far away, followed by several soul corpses, running towards the village.

He said: He came to help her?
How to help?
"Do you have any weapons in your storage bag, where do you need me to lead them?" When Yun Qing was puzzled, Ye Xiaolang's voice came.

When did she say she had storage bags?

The number of stones just thrown was too many, and it was exposed.

Ok!A storage bag is a storage bag, she neither admits nor denies it.

Yun Qing replied: "I only have clay bricks and stones, you can see where is convenient."

"Leave it a little farther, so that other soul corpses cannot see it. You go to the fifth private house behind you, and I will bring them later."

"it is good!"

Yun Qing followed what Ye Xiaolang said, ran towards the private house he said, and soon arrived at the location he pointed, and she had already appeared on the wall once she used her jumping skill.

She has a storage bag, jumps so high, and can purify food, all of which are known to the team.

In fact, as long as you use these, no matter how careful you are, you will be spotted by others.

Fortunately, these are within the range of what normal people can understand, and they increase their favorability towards her, not suspicion and hatred.

It was precisely because of these skills that they really increased their favorability towards her and regarded her as a true teammate, so Ye Xiaolang came out to help her regardless of the danger.

Soon, Ye Xiaolang took five soul corpses, stepped on the wall a few steps while running, and jumped onto the roof with his strength.

The soul corpse at the back followed his example and used its strength to jump towards the wall. It seemed that its jumping ability was no worse than Ye Xiaolang's, and it might be able to jump onto the roof.

Just as it jumped into the air, Ye Xiaolang turned his body around and swept his spear backwards, and the soul corpse that jumped half way was swept away by him and fell to the ground.

Yun Qing was a little scared, she always thought that the soul corpse would not be able to jump up such a high wall, even if she jumped up, she would fall down due to unsteady walking. It turned out that her attraction to the soul corpse was not that strong.

Five soul corpses, two flexible and three inflexible, have already gathered under the wall where Yun Qing and Ye Xiaolang are.

"How many pebbles do you have? Give me, I'll kill two first."

When Ye Xiaolang throws stones, he can inject internal force into the stones, making his attack more powerful.

"If I can temporarily trap the following ones, how sure are you of getting rid of them?"

"Are you sure you can trap it once?"

"I've never been trapped so much before. You can try it. If it doesn't work, I'll go pick up some stone bricks."


Yun Qing stretched out his right hand and said silently: "Take out 400 stone bricks."

A large pile of stone bricks appeared out of nowhere, and they were smashed down, burying five soul corpses in it.

"Battle experience +52;"

"Battle experience +22;"

"Battle experience +30."


A series of injuries and experience appear. If this continues, you will soon be able to upgrade from level 29 to level 32. The combat level is at most ten levels higher than the character level, and you will not be able to gain experience after ten levels. The experience was somewhat melancholy.

Ye Xiaolang was slightly surprised. Yunqing's storage bag was several times larger than Ye Wenjing's. She had such a large storage bag, so their team could get out of trouble by themselves, and even wiped out the entire poisonous wheat field village. soul corpse.

"Ye Xiaolang's favorability towards you is +5."

Ye Xiaolang looked at the adobe bricks that were being arched below and said with a smile: "Next, leave it to me."

He jumped off the wall, and helped the earth-bricked soul corpse kick open two earth bricks. With the internal strength of the spear in his hand, he stabbed at the immobile soul corpse.

The blood bar of the trapped soul corpse lost a quarter, and Ye Xiaolang spun his spear around the head of the soul corpse. After the attack, the blood bar of the soul corpse is emptied.

The more nimble soul corpse on the other side had already got its head out of the mound, Ye Xiaolang charged up a few times and easily dealt with it.

(End of this chapter)

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