She is playing games in the immortal world

Chapter 57 Spirit Detecting Roots

Chapter 57 Spirit Detecting Roots

"Queue up to test the spirit roots." Xiao Haoran dropped a few words to several people, and then floated back to the line of immortals, and the eyes of the villagers also moved with the movement of the immortals.

People from Yunqing's team and Ye Wei's team were at the end of the line, waiting for the spirit root test.

Yun Qing paid attention to the crowd and did not see Ye Qiuyue who hated her.

On the high platform in front of the square, the spirit root test has already begun.

A cultivator stood in front of a crystal stone, and the villagers could tell if there was a spiritual root and what kind of spiritual root it was if they walked up to it and put their hands on it.

Another immortal cultivator was holding the roster of Yejia Village's last spiritual root test, and the deputy village head was organizing people to line up according to the names on the roster.

The speed of testing spiritual roots is very fast. Most of the villagers know whether they have spiritual roots, and what kind of spiritual roots they have. Immortal cultivators only need to match with the last record to see if there is any change.

The order recorded in the roster is different from the current order of queuing, and the team of Ye Xiaolang and the others has also been transferred, and Yun Qing is at the end of the line, like several foreigners who have been in the past two years.

The spirit root test came so suddenly that Yun Qing couldn't even earn the spirit stone to hide the spirit root. In other words, she only guessed that the original owner might have spirit roots, but she didn't know if there was one.

She is calm on the outside, but restless on the inside.She was worried that if she had spiritual roots, she would be treated as an extraterrestrial demon, and she was also afraid that if she did not have spiritual roots, it would be difficult for her to travel to immortality.

The team moves very fast, and one can be measured in almost a few seconds.

"Liu Liu, what should I do?"

"A low-grade spirit stone worth 1000 yuan can hide the spiritual root or appear as a designated spiritual root. At least 1000 yuan is required to spend a low-grade spirit stone."

"Can I pay on credit?"

"No, deducting all your energy and items, you can't afford 1000 yuan for low-grade spirit stones."

"If I'm considered an extraterrestrial demon, we might all be screwed."

Liuyou: "It's you, not us."

Yun Qing felt uneasy, but she had no choice but to adapt to the situation when the result came out.

Ahead, it was Ye Wenjing's turn to test the spirit root, and finally it was no longer a few seconds. After she finished the test, a cultivator said: "Ye Wenjing, 17 years old, three spirit roots, ninth floor of the day after tomorrow, would you like to join me?" Ling Yunzong?"

"I am willing."

Ye Wenjing was left on the high platform to stand with the immortals. Everyone had expected this result, but when it happened, envy was inevitable.

Under the stage, the team also had a small voice of discussion: "Miss Wen Jing was chosen by the immortals, and she is about to leave Yejia Village to cultivate immortals."

"I'm really envious. If I can enter Houtian, I will be able to cultivate immortals."

"Lingyun Sect is a big sect. It is different from the sects that have tested their spiritual roots in the past. Miss Wen Jing is really lucky."


The whispered discussion only lasted for a short while, and two more teenagers were invited to join the Lingyun Sect because they had reached the acquired state within the prescribed age.

When it came to Ye Xiaolang, Yun Qing saw that his hand touched the white crystal stone, but there was no response from the crystal stone, Ling Yunzong still sent out an invitation: "Ye Xiaolang, you have no spiritual roots, the ninth floor of the day after tomorrow, would you like to Join my Lingyun Sect?"

Ye Xiaolang said: "Thank you for your kindness, I just want to stay in the village and be an ordinary villager."

Everyone has their own ambitions, and the cultivators of the Lingyun Sect no longer force themselves, Ye Xiaolang jumped off the high platform.

The crowd didn't understand Ye Xiaolang's refusal to join the Lingyun Sect. This was not the first time he had rejected the sect.Yun Qing guessed that this was most likely related to the special pair of ears on his head.

The spirit root test continued rapidly, and the villagers of Yejia Village quickly finished the test. It was the turn of the outsiders who joined Yejia Village within the past two years, and Yun Qing returned to the village late, and was at the end of the line.

The few people in front had already finished testing, and none of them had spiritual roots. When they walked up to the high platform, Yun Qing still didn't think of a countermeasure.

If an excellent spiritual root is detected, and she is not familiar with this world, she doesn't know which powerful person to pretend to be. She may be mistaken for an extraterrestrial demon, and she has nowhere to go except to enter the cave for temporary shelter.

Light is the nemesis of darkness, and she shouldn't think it is an extraterrestrial demon, so which powerful person should she say she is?Will he be valued and cultivated as a high-level talent from now on, or will he be searched for souls?

Yun Qing was already close to the measuring spirit stone, and she looked at the half-meter-sized crystal stone in front of her, firmly fixed on the shelf, crystal clear without a trace of impurities.

Like the villagers just now, they stretched out their hands to touch the crystal stone.

As soon as the hand was placed on the top, the crystal stone flashed a white light, and Yun Qing felt as if an inexplicable force entered the body through the hand, and seemed to flow through the meridians quickly to the dantian, and finally flowed out of the body and returned to the crystal stone.

In Yun Qing's apprehension, the crystal stone did not respond at all.

No reaction at all!

This is the performance of no spiritual root!

Yun Qing felt a chill in her heart, she actually doesn't have spiritual roots!

She thought about the various results that would occur after being tested for a spiritual root, but she never thought that there was no spiritual root.

The original owner has tested it, and there is no spiritual root.

But the performance of the original owner before death does not seem to have spiritual roots.

"Liu Liu, you didn't do anything, did you?


"Do I really have no spiritual roots?"

"Maybe there is a problem with the spirit stone."

Traveling to the world of cultivating immortals, how could there be no spiritual roots.

Yun Qing couldn't accept it for a moment, and there was no one queuing up behind her. She changed her left hand and put it on the crystal stone again. This time, she didn't feel the force entering her body, and the crystal stone still didn't respond.

When testing the spirit root, I have seen a lot of lonely, even crying children. There are not many people who are already in their teens and still lose their composure.

The immortal who was in charge of testing the spiritual root saw that he was the last person and no one was an extraterrestrial demon. He was in a good mood and comforted him: "If you don't have a spiritual root, practice martial arts well and enter the acquired realm, you can still join the sect."

"Thank you, Master Immortal." Yun Qing retreated down the stage in frustration, she was more willing to face troubles with spiritual roots than without spiritual roots.

After the last person finished testing their spiritual roots, the immortal master of Lingyun Sect routinely asked, "Have all the survivors in Ye Family Village participated in the spiritual root testing?"

Ye Wenjing, who was already qualified to join the Lingyun Sect, replied: "In addition to the three people who have left the village as half-soul people, there is also a 15-year-old girl, Ye Qiuyue, who is missing."

Yun Qing raised her eyebrows secretly, she was not the only one who paid attention to Ye Qiuyue, Ye Wenjing seemed quiet, but actually held a grudge.

Liuyou once told her that if the name is gray in the favorability list, it means that she is dead, and Ye Qiuyue's name is in normal color, which means that she is still alive.

The immortal cultivator of Lingyunzong gave half a stick of incense to the selected person to say goodbye to his family.

Ye Qiuyue's deeds were also known to everyone in Ye Family Village during this period, and they were also recorded in the roster taken away by the sect and left in the village.

Before Ye Wenjing left, she took precious time to say goodbye to everyone in the hunting team, including Yun Qing.

The time for half a stick of incense passed quickly, and the immortal cultivators of Lingyun Sect came and went quickly, taking away five qualified people from Yejia Village.

(End of this chapter)

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