Chapter 66 Cooperation
Ye Xiaolang intuited that this phantom formation might have been set up for him by his seniors, so that he could break through to innate. What's also strange is that the soul corpses here seem to be much weaker than those outside, and their strength is only acquired.

Yun Qing was worried that Ye Xiaolang would blame her for the strangeness, so she first raised a question: "This place is so strange, after killing the soul corpse, there is not even a corpse left."

Ye Xiaolang thought in his heart: I'm afraid it will be absorbed by them as strength.

Yun Qing's health bar has not decreased, Ye Xiaolang's health bar is still 200/200, but his blue bar is already 35/50.

They should still be able to fight for a while, looking at the path on the map, there must be firewood ahead, Yun Qing reminded: "Go forward, there should be soul corpses."

There are soul corpses, and the power of qi and blood.

Ye Xiaolang suspected in his heart that this was a phantom array activated by his blood power, but he was not sure if it was related to Yun Qing.

Recalling the more than a month of knowing Yunqing, he witnessed her efforts and progress with his own eyes. If Yunqing worked so hard before and made such great progress, no matter whether she has spiritual roots or not, her strength is far beyond innate.

Perhaps, this is not his chance, but her chance.

"I feel that attacking soul corpses will give back our energy and blood. This phantom array should be a rare opportunity. You should try your best to attack some soul corpses while ensuring your own safety."

It turns out that experience is called the power of qi and blood. Yun Qing didn't expect that Ye Xiaolang didn't want to steal monsters, but hoped that she could also get benefits.

Yun Qing only asks for each monster to let her fight to get the dropped silver, not how many monsters she can grab. Of course, it would be great if she can break through to the day after tomorrow. She laughed: "For me, the strength of soul corpses is nothing Too strong, you don't need to slow down the speed of killing them just to let me hit them."

Unexpectedly, Yun Qing thought so, Ye Xiaolang nodded and said: "Okay!"

"Ye Xiaolang's favorability towards you is +10."

He walked ahead, and after a while, he saw a pile of firewood, and Yun Qing could see the prompt: "Light the bonfire to dispel the fog."

This time, without Yun Qing's prompting, Ye Xiaolang walked over and lit the firewood.

The fog dissipated, and a deeper road appeared on the small map, with red dots on the road.

"Soul Corpse!" Ye Xiaolang flew forward after reminding Yun Qing.

With a thought in Yun Qing's mind, a stone appeared in her hand, and she charged up and threw it at the soul corpse.

"Battle experience +1!"

Come on, change a throw.

It is a rare opportunity to enter the Xiantian, Ye Xiaolang naturally wants to get more blood power, he concentrates his energy, and kills every soul corpse with all his strength, fortunately, the soul corpses here are weaker than the soul corpses outside, There is no intention of desperately, and there is no sign of an outbreak.

Ye Xiaolang excitedly killed soul corpses one after another, and Yun Qing happily followed behind him, picking up piles of coins and drops.

After the two killed nearly 20 soul corpses, the surrounding fog was no longer thick. They entered the village and finally saw one small earthen house after another.

Small earthen huts are scattered throughout the village, and there are soul corpses everywhere in the village, and occasionally piles of unlit firewood can be seen.

I don't know where the villagers who need to be rescued are, and how far they need to be rescued before they successfully complete the task.

When Ye Xiaolang reached the village, the blue bar was empty.

Ye Xiaolang greeted Yun Qing, "I'll adjust my breath to recover my internal strength."

Seeing Ye Xiaolang sitting cross-legged and recovering his internal strength, Yun Qing was impatient. Half an hour had passed when they reached the village, and there were only two and a half hours left in the dungeon.

If Ye Xiaolang came down in one big week, after two hours, the mission would definitely fail.

Now no one has been saved, but the time is running out to save everyone.

Yun Qing hurriedly said: "Little wolf, will there be a time limit for many phantom formations, for example, they must be completed before dawn, otherwise bad things will happen."

Ye Xiaolang, who just closed his eyes and was about to adjust his breath, opened them and said: "You are right, I am short-sighted."

With such a rare opportunity, how could he waste time on recovering his internal strength, he slapped the storage bag, took out a qi invigorating pill from it, and put it in his mouth.

Yun Qing watched helplessly as Ye Xiaolang took the elixir, and the blue bar was fully restored.


She wants to build an alchemy room in the cave mansion, extract the elixir formula, prepare materials, and automatically alchemy. In the future, by selling the elixirs, she can make a fortune without worrying about money, no, but about spirit stones.

No matter how scorching Yun Qing's gaze was, Ye Xiaolang was reluctant to give Yun Qing the pill that he was reluctant to use, and besides, it was a pill for the acquired martial artist to restore internal strength, Yun Qing would eat it for nothing.

He coughed dryly to divert Yun Qing's attention and said, "Ahem! Let's go to the village to find soul corpses and kill them!"

Ye Xiaolang had already rushed towards a soul corpse a hundred meters away, but Yun Qing didn't follow him and threw stones. Two and a half hours killed all the soul corpses in the village, not enough time.

She wants to find a way to complete the task quickly. There is no fog here, but there are piles of firewood, which must have a certain effect.

Yun Qing approached a pile of firewood, and there was a different reminder on the firewood: "Lighting the bonfire can show where the villagers who need help are."

So simple!
Ye Xiaolang was already fighting with the soul corpse, Yun Qing had a thought, took out the flint and lit the firewood.

As soon as the firewood was lit, four little people icons appeared on the small map in the upper right corner of Yun Qing, some were far away and some were near, the nearest one was in the dirt house 20 meters in front of Ye Xiaolang.

Yun Qing complained secretly in her heart: This is not a dungeon generated from Maitian Village. The four rescued people were not in the same place, and they had to go to four places, bad reviews.

Ye Xiaolang, who was fighting, moved his ears under his hat, then took a deep breath through his nose, he felt something strange.

With Yunqing's little stone in hand, before Ye Xiaolang killed the soul corpse, he was lucky enough to snatch the last blow. After the soul corpse died, he also left a pile of silver.

"Yunqing, I seem to hear someone's breathing and smell someone's breath. There should be people alive in this village."

Yun Qing was slightly surprised, this person's ears and nose are really good, and there are more than 20 meters away, you can hear the sound of breathing, she can't hear or smell, but she has a small game map.

She suggested: "Let's go to the place you perceive and find out."

Ye Xiaolang nodded, clenched his spear tightly, and walked straight to the place marked by humans on Yunqing's map.

"Be careful on the right side!" Yun Qing saw a red text on the corner of the small earthen house through the sign on the small map.

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Xiaolang crouched down, raised his spear obliquely forward, and the soul corpse at the corner had already rushed over.

Ye Xiaolang rolled forward, the spear started to cut down along the soul corpse's chest, until it reached the leg below, creating a long and deep wound.

The blood bar of the soul corpse was reduced by one-third, and black venom immediately dripped to the ground.

Yunqing Shizi charged up and hit into the wound of the soul corpse.

"Battle experience +1!"

The same damage figure and experience made her lose her temper. Only when she used metal arrows and long knives to attack, would she have more damage and more experience.

(End of this chapter)

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