Chapter 79
"When will you allow me to activate the skills again?" Since she gave some of the meat to Yoyo, Yoyo never asked him for meat, which made her a little uncomfortable. She wanted a cute dog.

"I can't be sure about this question. I definitely can't open my new skills before level 41."

Yun Qing will definitely not join the big forces and become an ordinary miner. She is going to the abandoned mining area to pick up scraps to reinforce the villa and the fence.

The "Han family mine" made inquiries all the way, and after two hours of trekking through mountains and rivers, they finally arrived at the entrance of an abandoned mine.

Unlike the mines that are still in operation, there are hardly any busy miners here. There is only a small stone house under the big signboard of the Han family mine.

In front of the stone house, two masked men with completely white hair were resting with their eyes closed.

Name unknown, level 36; Name unknown, level 37.

The clothes on them represent their identities, people from the Han Family Mine.

Yun Qing, who was holding a pickaxe and carrying an animal skin backpack, approached and saw their appearance clearly. It turned out that their hair was not gray, but that their black hair was covered with white dust.

When the two men saw someone approaching, they glanced over and realized that the person was a woman. They immediately cheered up and looked at the person without any scruples. What disappointed them was that it was a woman, but it was worse than the bottom of the pot. With a dark face, it is even harder to talk about than the mother-in-law at home.

That's right, how could such a good-looking woman come to the mine? Judging by her attire, she must have come to pick up waste.

This kind of looking up and down made Yun Qing feel very uncomfortable. Ever since she entered the black iron mine area, she has been looked at like this many times.

This reminded her of what some people often say in modern times, in a place where women are often not seen, even if it is a sow, men will think that she has beautiful features.

She felt a little chubby in her heart. In broad daylight, with her dark appearance, she hoped that she would not attract covetousness.

The men in the Han family's mine were really unattractive when they saw the person coming, and they lost most of their interest.

Even so, in a place where almost no women came, the man at level 36 still said in a tone that was eight points better than usual: "Who are you! What are you doing here?"

Yun Qing said with a smile: "Brothers, I am a miner and I want to enter the Han family mine to find some ore to support my family."

The voice is not bad, and it's not bad without looking at the face. The man is a little more interested.

"Lu Yin!"

Yun Qing took out her guide from her body and passed it over. The man looked at the man's hand, and he was sure of the dark spot on his hand, and his body was probably also very dark.

He was not interested in connecting with Luyin either, he just glanced twice to make sure there was no problem and said: "Ten taels of silver, you can enter the mine for a day."

Yun Qing put away the guide, took out ten taels of silver and said, "Thank you, two elder brothers."

The man at level 36 took the silver, pointed to the road behind him and said, "Go in!"

"Thank you!"

Yun Qing walked towards the road leading to the interior of the Han family mine, and the man at level 37 behind him rarely spoke: "Enter the mine, life and death are at your own risk, you'd better come out before dark."

"Thank you, brother! Is the mine dangerous at night? What if I don't come out today?"

"You'd better come out. If you don't come out today, if you are ordered to come out another day, I won't charge you more money."

Yun Qing didn't take it to heart, I will talk about the night's affairs later, and enter the mine first.

After Yun Qing left, the man at level 36 said, "What did you remind her to do?"

"I'm only 15 years old, and I'm already on the second floor of Houtian. Maybe I can enter the sect. It's a pity to die in the mine." A person's strength can be judged from the breath he exudes. As for the age, Lu Yin has it.

"Just because she looks ugly, I didn't pay attention to it. It turns out that her strength is not bad. Then tell me, she came so late, can she earn ten taels of silver today?"

"Regardless of whether she can earn it today, she will have to pay ten taels of silver when she enters the mine tomorrow."


Entering the abandoned Hanjia Mine, both sides of the road are full of gravel and thick dust walls. A gust of wind blows by, bringing up a cloud of dust, which makes people turn white, cannot open their eyes, and has difficulty breathing.

Yun Qing took out a linen robe from the system backpack, made it into the shape of a face scarf, covered his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and waited until the dust passed to reveal his eyes, and walked slowly.

"Liu, I really want a pair of goggles."

"Get more favorability draws, maybe you can get goggles."

"Goggles, it doesn't sound like a product of this world. I still work hard to get more internal force. It's easier to use internal force to protect the eyes and prevent dust from entering."

Along the way, Yun Qing focused on looking at the surrounding ores, but none of them gave any hints that they could be collected.

The ore that the Xuantie Mine can produce, before coming to the Han Family Mine, Yun Qing had already asked about it through a routine.

She has known stone, iron ore rich in impurities and black iron ore, and pure iron ore and black iron ore.

At a glance, as long as there are valuable items she knows, the system can help her quickly identify the things she knows, but there is also a range. It can be recognized within a certain range, and it will not prompt when it is far away.

It wasn't until she crossed the mountains and walked five or six miles in the Han family mine that she finally saw a reminder on a stone among the rubble:

"Stones can be collected with a level 5 collection technique."

Just ordinary stone, not even iron ore.

It is not easy to encounter ordinary stones. You must know that there are not many stones that can be collected in other places.

It is more difficult to collect stones than to collect wood. Digging slowly with a pickaxe will take a lot of effort to dig out ordinary stones. It will be more difficult to dig small stones from big stones.

However, getting this stone doesn't seem to be that difficult.

With a thought, Yun Qing took out the broom from the system backpack and cleaned the gravel and dust covered with stones. After a while, a stone that was one foot large and could be collected was completely exposed in her field of vision.

This is an independent stone. Judging from the lines around the stone, it was mined from a big rock and dropped here.

Yun Qing smiled and said: "Liu Liu, my luck is really good. This stone should have fallen from the Han family's mine, and I didn't pick it up. This is indeed a good place to pick up leftovers."

The black yoyo was spotless, seeing Yunqing's complacent look, it said with contempt: "Those who know know that you picked up a stone, those who don't know think you picked up a black iron ore."

Yun Qing ignored Liu Liu's contempt, put away the broom, took the pickaxe in her hand, inserted the pointed end of the pickaxe into the bottom of the stone, concentrated her strength, and dug hard, the stone shook, and after a while, the stone that was not placed tightly was planed by her come out.

Gathering experience +1;

With a thought, put the stone into the system backpack.

Get stone*1;

Stone: a basic resource with a wide range of uses.

Yun Qing put the stone fragments and dust that had just been swept aside into the system backpack, and then put them into the small pit where the stone was removed by her.

Keep going!The further you go, the more stones you can collect.

(End of this chapter)

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