She is playing games in the immortal world

Chapter 81 Red Iron Spirit Insect

Chapter 81 Red Iron Spirit Insect
Yun Qing walked around the bottom of the cave. The bottom of the mine is not the real bottom of the cave. There are also mines extending in all directions below. Unlike this large cave of hundreds of meters, these mines are opened in other directions. Yes, the big ones are more than ten meters high, and the small ones are two or three meters high.

There are more than a dozen different passages, Yun Qing looked at the black Labrador beside him and said, "Liu Liu, which one do you choose?"

"Your question is beyond the scope of my answer. Do you want to use the hint scroll?"

Hint scroll?Yun Qing almost forgot that she got a reminder scroll in a lottery draw some time ago, so she didn't want to waste such a good thing in such a place.

Yun Qing randomly chose a medium-sized mine and walked in.

There are traces of mining on both sides of the mine. Here, there are finally many more items that can be collected. Stones can be seen every few meters. Occasionally, stones are collected, and there are low-quality iron ores below.

These stones should not have been taken away by the Han family mine, and the miners were unwilling to carry them on their backs, which made it easier for her.

In the dark and deep mine, there is only the echo of Yun Qing digging stones, and a small area that can be illuminated by the torch.

It was okay when there was ore to be dug, she was focused on collecting ore, but when looking for ore, the story of A Piao that she had read in her previous life came to her heart uncontrollably.

In Yun Qing's mind, the nagging words of best friend Weiwei emerged uncontrollably: "Yun Qing, turn around quickly, there is a dark shadow behind you."

In the mine, whether it was the sound of the wind or something real, Yun Qing seemed to feel a rustling sound, which made her heart tense for no reason, her heartbeat accelerated suddenly, she turned her head uncontrollably, staring Big eyes look back.

Under the light of the torches, nothing could be seen behind.

She breathed a sigh of relief and took a big breath, which frightened everyone to death.

Weiwei is her modern friend. She is a nice person, but she is a bit talkative and chatters a lot.

No, in Yun Qing's mind, her best friend Weiwei's terrified voice sounded out, "Yun Qing, Yun Qing, it changed direction and is behind you now."

Yun Qing just felt goosebumps popping out, she was so startled, can you not scare her, she is really scared, afraid of the unknown.

Turning back suddenly again, there was still nothing.

But, but, she seemed to have an auditory hallucination, and she heard rustling sounds.

The wind brought by the turning around made the flame of the torch in her hand less impacted, and the range that the flame could shine became smaller.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but she really seemed to see a black shadow.

Yun Qing wanted to know if that was true, and at this moment, the torch turned back to its original shape again, and there was no shadow there. It seemed that there was only a shadow because the torch was not bright enough just now.

I don't know if it's because I scared myself, but the occasional breeze, carrying the unique coolness of the underground, made Yun Qing's teeth chatter a little.

In order to prevent the 'inner demon' that her girlfriend Weiwei scared her from reappearing in her mind, Yun Qing said in her mind: "Liu Liu, how about we enter the cave to rest?"

"Aren't you going to be the liver emperor liver ore?"

"The emperor of the liver sometimes has his liver not moving! The liver will be the same tomorrow during the day."

"Whatever, there must be miners here during the day."

If there are other people, the resources will be robbed, and maybe someone will try to get her storage bag, Yun Qing gritted her teeth and said, "Then I will persist."

I'm really scared and panic, let's enter the cave again!

Yun Qing continued to move forward, just as she took a step, she heard 'whoosh! ' With a sound, a long sword appeared from behind her, and flew to her front in an instant, inserted into the mine hole, and made a buzzing sound.

Borrowing the torch, Yun Qing saw thick blood dripping from the long sword, and then looked above, an ugly thing the size of a millstone was nailed to the mine by the flying sword.

The level and health bars are no longer visible, and it was killed by a flying sword flying from a distance just now.

"Unknown, cannot be collected."

That ugly thing has a scale-like shell all over its body, not like an insect with a long tail, nor like a reptile, with two rows of feet on the left and right.

Yun Qing was a little scared, there really was something, it was not an illusion.

My best friend Wei Wei is amazing!Yun Qing thought to herself: Next time we will sacrifice Wei Wei in the lottery draw.

It cannot be collected, indicating that the level is higher than her collection skill level.She doesn't know this thing, so she doesn't prompt how many levels can be collected.

For some reason, this thing didn't attack her. I wonder if there are such creatures in this hole?
And this flying sword, who shot it.

Fortunately, she didn't enter the cave just now. In the darkness, holding a torch, her target is so obvious. Once she disappears, people will immediately notice the abnormality.

Who did Feijian, Yun Qing soon saw the answer.

In just one breath, an immortal cultivator in a fluttering white robe stopped not far from her.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the flying sword returned to his hand, and the dead monster, no longer pinned by the flying sword, fell freely to the ground, splashing a lot of dust in front of Yun Qing.

Yun Qing saw clearly that the person who came was the immortal cultivator of Lingyun Sect, the male cultivator who rescued Ye Wenjing and others in Maitian Village.

After the dark night attack, the spiritual roots of the villagers in the area affected by the dark night were finished. Xiao Haoran passed by the black iron mine, and felt that there seemed to be a demonic energy and abnormal movement at the bottom of the dark iron mine, so he went down to the mine to check the situation.

It's just that the change seemed to exist, and he couldn't determine where it was for a while.

Yun Qing cupped her hands and saluted, "Thank you, Master Immortal, for saving me."

Xiao Haoran also recognized Yun Qing, and after not seeing her for half a month, she broke through to Houtian, but this is not what he cares about, he didn't come here to accept disciples of Lingyunzong.

"Hmm! Why are you here?"

"I want to find some ore in the Han family mine, and I don't want to miss the time to leave the mine."

Xiao Haoran nodded, expressing that he knew that immortal cultivators could maintain the protective formations in the village and minimize the death rate of ordinary people in the dark night. He had no obligation to protect such a matter of going to the mine at his own risk.

He reminded indifferently: "This place is very dangerous at night, you'd better get out as soon as possible."

Yun Qing understood what the other party meant, and said respectfully, "Yes!"

Xiao Haoran waved his hand, and the red iron spirit insect that fell to the ground flew towards him, and he put it in the storage bag.

It is obviously dangerous to go out, Yun Qing doesn't think he will send himself out, maybe he will encounter this thing.

She respectfully said: "Dare to ask the immortal master, what is this thing? Will it attack people?"

Xiao Haoran didn't want to talk to her too much at first, and it was fate to see her again. He replied: "This is a first-order red iron spirit worm. It likes to eat iron ore and meat. It is afraid of light and fire, and it hides at night; when I saw When you were there, it was above you, when you just dug out a piece of iron ore, it moved and did not attack you, because it was related to the torch in your hand."

The first level of red iron spirit insects, Yun Qing knew that the first level was the level of the early stage of Qi training, but the early stage of Qi training was not comparable to her, the second level of Acquired Heaven.

In the Zhongzhou Continent, it means that the meridians of the body must reach a certain strength in order to draw qi into the body.

When digging iron ore, she didn't feel much, and she might pay more attention to the reading of iron ore and gathering technique.

(End of this chapter)

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