She is playing games in the immortal world

Chapter 86 Level 87 Spirit Stone

Chapter 86 Level 87 Spirit Stone
Gradually, Yun Qing's sight was blocked by flames and thick smoke, but fortunately, the original owner's clothes were not like her coarse cloth and animal skin, and she was not afraid of ordinary fire at all.

Yun Qing couldn't see her opponent, the red iron puppet, and could only judge where the red iron puppet was by the red dots on the small map. Burning firewood hit the red iron puppet again and again, sometimes knocking out a little of its blood , sometimes no hits.

Occasionally, it can be seen through the flames and thick smoke, and the blood bar is slowly decreasing. It is really difficult to burn a puppet to death with ordinary firewood.


Xiao Haoran, who slid to the bottom of the passage, immediately used his spiritual sense to observe the environment. This place seems to be a kind of formation, but this formation is relatively profound, and he has never seen it before.

He, who didn't see too many ways, accidentally stepped into the formation, thick fog rose around him, the environment around him changed, and countless soul corpses and soul corpse animals emerged and surrounded him. They are all above Foundation Establishment, and they can cooperate with each other to form a killing formation, encircling him.

Xiao Haoran took out the flying sword, calmly confronted the enemy, and faced the continuous stream of enemies.


I don't know how long it has passed, Yun Qing, who is hypoxic, is in a trance. The flames have swallowed her long hair, and the thick smoke makes her dare not breathe. Breathe clear air.

But she could no longer breathe the air full of thick smoke. She had already inhaled several mouthfuls, her chest was burning with pain, and her blood volume had reached 70/200.

Even so, she couldn't relax at all. She had no doubt that the puppet Red Iron Man could kill her instantly with just one paw.

The puppet Red Iron Man has only [-]% of his health left, and now it's up to him to see who will die first.

Yun Qing had long been unable to persevere. If it wasn't for the support of her instinct of not wanting to die, she would have died long ago and would not be able to die again.

Hallucinations have appeared before her eyes:
"If you don't want to go to your aunt's house to pay New Year's greetings, then take care of yourself today. Mom and Dad won't go home for dinner."

"Know it!"

Parents are not at home, Yunqing is the overlord, she is lying on the couch playing games while she is lying sideways and vertically for a while, and a Labrador who is sometimes black and sometimes white is peeling sugar oranges for her .

She had already eaten the Tangju before she knew it, and she couldn't eat any more. A red dot appeared in the corner of the living room, and Yunqing threw Tangju at that red dot, with a great technique and a hit.


"Battle experience +40!"

"Congratulations, your battle level has been raised to level 33."

"Congratulations, your character level has been raised to level 33."

A burst of white light flashed across Yun Qing's body from top to bottom, and Yun Qing felt refreshing all over.The sense of trance and illusion disappeared, and the blood volume became full due to the upgrade, and the burning feeling in the chest seemed to disappear for a moment.

The feeling of suffocation did not improve in the slightest. She couldn't control it, and took another breath of air containing poisonous smoke.

The blood volume suddenly changed from 200 to 180, and it continued to decrease. The upgrade did not heal her injuries, and the scorching breath entered her chest, making Yun Qing feel like she was about to be cooked.

Taking a breath of air, the suffocation was slightly relieved.

The 'Sugar Tangerine' in her hand also turned back into burning firewood, hitting the puppet Red Iron Man again.

Again and again, she attacked the puppet red iron man with a faster frequency. Finally, the firewood in her system backpack had bottomed out, and when the blood volume dropped to 70 again, the puppet red iron man finally emptied his blood bar and fell into the fire .

Yun Qing didn't care about seeing what the puppet Red Iron Man would fall, so she jumped off the stone wall and ran forward.

Under the stone wall, there wasn't so much smoke, and Yun Qing didn't dare to breathe, so she ran with her skills and quickly passed the narrow stair area.

At the end of the stairs, there was an irregular hole about ten meters high, which seemed to be formed by destruction, and the thick smoke flowed into the hole. Yunqing couldn't care how the hole was destroyed, so she used the rolling skill, and followed the thick smoke, into the hole.

Entering the hole, you enter a relatively wide space. In this space, many places have been damaged, and there are many cracks and holes in the wall.

When the thick smoke entered here, it drifted out from different holes, and there was an extra one.

The air quality here is much better than that of the narrow stairs. There is still smoke in the air, but it is not yet toxic.

Yun Qing breathed in the precious air through the soaked clothes, and her condition recovered slightly.

The air in her lungs was no longer hot and did not further aggravate her injury.

Finally came alive!

Yun Qing sighed that the hell-level dungeon was not easy. Facing a puppet mob that has been corrupted by time for countless years, she also walked through the gate of hell for several times.

What she didn't know was that the other person was trapped in the formation, and his own spiritual power had been exhausted, and he was currently struggling to support himself by relying on pills and spirit stones.

After taking a few breaths of air, Yun Qing heard a wonderful system prompt:
Obtained: low-grade spirit stone*10, iron ore*6, black iron ore*4.

Yun Qing looked back, and the white Liu Liu was running towards her with her tongue out.

It is still very useful to pick up the skills dropped by monsters!She didn't dare to pick up the corpse of the monster in the fire.

After the puppet Red Iron Man died, he dropped low-grade spirit stones, ten yuan. This was the first time she got spirit stones, but unfortunately she couldn't get them out. It was a system number.

It can also be used. Yunqing's crouching skills can be upgraded with ten spirit stones, and can have the invisibility attribute.

This place is too dangerous, and Yun Qing doesn't know the other functions of the spirit stone at present, so I keep it as a backup for the time being.

With a thought, she took out a large pot of water from the system backpack and poured it into her stomach. After being roasted by the fire for so long, she had already done so badly that she not only wanted to drink water, but also wanted to soak her whole body in the water .

With a sore throat, Yun Qing took out another grilled fish with blood-increasing attributes, and spent a long time mining and fighting monsters. She was also hungry, and the food that could heal her wounds was very suitable for her now.

While eating, Yun Qing looked at the environment she was in. It was a hall of over a thousand square meters. The walls and ceiling of the hall were inlaid with many shiny stones, and some shiny stones fell to the ground.

There have been fights here, the walls are full of traces of sharp weapons, everything that can be destroyed has been destroyed, and there are many remaining things that have not been destroyed.

Looking at the ground again, it was covered with black dust. The black dust was very new, and it had just formed not long ago. There were only her footprints on the dust, and Yoyo had no footprints.

The fire and thick smoke just now covered many original traces.

"Liu, can I pick up the shiny stone on the ground? What is that?"

"You can pick it up, it's not that you drop it from monsters, I can't pick it up for you."

This secret realm uses hint scrolls, and the system can help her hint out the basic items.

A system prompt appeared soon, that the glowing stone was a fluorescent stone.

Fluorescent Stone: It can gather the light in the air and use it for lighting.

Yun Qing picked up the fluorescent stone, wiped off the dust on it, and found that the fluorescent stone that originally emitted dim light became brighter after being wiped.

"Just talk about the drowsy light, how can it be used for alchemy and experimentation, it turns out that there is dust on it."

(End of this chapter)

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