Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 105 Old Friends

Chapter 105 Old Friends

"Haha, Chanmo, don't be nervous." The emotion on Qiu Qianying's face disappeared instantly. Speaking of which, the heroine is better at acting than Cheng Rongrong, at least all the emotions will not be shown on the face for people to know at a glance.

Then he said: "I don't doubt you, it's just..."

Before the words were half spoken, there was a sudden noise in front of her, and Qiu Qianying's impatient expression flashed past. She hated being interrupted by others. This Cheng Rongrong ruined her good things every time. It seems that she should do it in advance up.

"What's the matter? Sister Qianying, let's go and have a look?"

Seeing that the situation was relaxed, Zi Sangchanmo withdrew her ability and exhaled quietly. She didn't expect that Cheng Rongrong's troublesome temper would help her once. It's impossible to imagine what would happen if Qiu Qianying attacked her.

Now that her dual-element abilities are in the middle stage of the second level, I don't know the generality of Qiu Qianying's abilities, but since she is the heroine, her abilities will naturally not be so low.

As far as the last time I met a pack of wolves, I guess it would be almost the same without the second order!
Maybe she had to move ahead with her plans.

There was no other way, Qiu Qianying had no choice but to nod.

"Rongrong, let me be with you, I can cook, do housework, I can do everything, Rongrong, we are best friends, aren't we?"

Before the two of them got close, they heard a commotion in the crowd, and then they heard Cheng Rongrong's voice, "It's Xinxin, what's wrong with you, I remember you didn't follow the one with the supernatural power called What kind of king? It seems to be called Wang Gang? Why, was this abandoned?" Cheng Rongrong's words were not polite at all.

As she spoke, Wang Xinxin's face turned green and white.

As soon as the two of them reached the periphery of the crowd, He Fang spotted them with sharp eyes. She scanned the two of them and said, "Why did you go, there will be no good show if you are later."

"I went to the front for a stroll, and I asked Chanmo to accompany me to buy some things." Qiu Qianying explained with a blank expression.

He Fang secretly gave Zi Sang Chanmo a look, which means: She didn't bully you, did she?
Zi Sang Chanmo was moved, but she didn't want to involve He Fang in this matter, so she shook her head lightly, expressing that it was fine.

He Fang smiled and looked at the two of them and said: Look, isn't that Wang Xinxin from before? I just heard that after we separated from Lin Shengrui and the others, he followed Wang Gang, and later Wang Gang fell in love with other women and abandoned her. Cheng Rongrong was generous, and probably wanted to find someone to rely on. "

The two people in the crowd, Cheng Rongrong was in a very good mood at the moment, like a proud queen, looking down at her former "good friend".

Now she wants to have supernatural powers, space to have space, and she will be the heroine in this life!
As if the heroine and the heroine had a previous connection, Cheng Rongrong turned her head and met Qiu Qianying's gaze, and sparks flew everywhere in an instant.

"Get out of the way, out of the way, what's going on!"

A group of well-dressed base patrols with guns arrived.

The crowd dispersed in a rush. Anyone who dared to make trouble at this time was asking for trouble, and no one was willing to give up the opportunity to set up a stall.

"What happened?"

The leader is Zi Jiyang's subordinate, Xiao Chen.

Looking at these four neatly dressed women with ruddy complexions, they immediately turned around in their minds and guessed their identities in an instant.

These people are probably under Captain Cao. There are only so many supernatural beings in the base. Although these days have increased a lot, he has inquired about the characteristics of these people, so he will definitely not admit his mistake at this time.

As a result, Xiao Chen's attitude softened a little, although he was not so close and warm, nor would he offend others.

"It's okay, isn't it just a moment of excitement when I saw someone I knew before?"

"Yes, yes, yes." Wang Xinxin quickly agreed, she was counting on Cheng Rongrong to take her with her.

In fact, with her looks, it's not that she can't follow Cheng Rongrong, it's just that she doesn't like those stinky men, but she always thinks about the man named Han Zhengyu in her heart, and every time she thinks of him, her heart beats, so she can only get close to Cheng Rongrong what she wants.

But when Cheng Rongrong was trying to please Cao Yuanli, how could she bring a useless woman back to make trouble for herself? Besides, she is not soft-hearted!
Just after Xiao Chen left, he patted his butt and left, regardless of how the people behind him shouted, and still walked around in a good mood.

Before leaving, I still didn't forget to be vicious, "I advise you to go to Wang Gang and beg him hard. Although he is a bit ugly, he has supernatural powers anyway. Like you, I guess you can only rely on men, haha Ha ha."

Wang Xinxin squeezed her palms fiercely, her hands were almost bleeding, her eyes were bloodshot, why!
Cheng Rongrong, she insulted her like this!

Looking at the haughty figure walking away, I swore secretly in my heart:

Today's humiliation, she will repay it double!
There are also these few people, especially those who used those poisoned eyes to stay on Zi Sangchanmo's body for a long time. Han Zhengyu belongs to her, and she will definitely get back the shame of today from these few people!
Zi Sangchanmo suddenly felt heart palpitations for no reason, and looked back, except for Wang Xinxin who was there, there was nothing special, just pretending to be thinking too much.

(End of this chapter)

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