Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 136 Inexplicable

Chapter 136 Inexplicable
"Bo Nan, why are you here now? What did your brother tell you?"

As soon as Qiu Qianying opened the door, she saw An Bonan in a white coat standing at the door with a joyful tone.

"It's nothing, but we just joined in for a while, why, Cheng Muhan didn't satisfy you?"

An Bonan leaned back on the sofa in the room, pulled him into his arms, pinched Qiu Qianying's earlobe, and said slowly.

"Be serious, I'm talking to you!"

Pretend to be angry, but in fact she is very sweet in her heart. When she thinks that two such excellent men are so devoted to her, she is extremely proud.

Why would such an outstanding woman like her hang herself from a tree? As long as those troubles are resolved, Cao Yuanli will obediently return to her side.

Qiu Qianying's heart darkened, even if he didn't love her, as long as she liked her, he would never let anyone touch her.

Suddenly, a dull pain came out of her ear, pulling her back to reality.

"Madman! What are you doing!"

All of a sudden, he jumped out of An Bonan's arms, covered his ear that was almost bitten off, and shouted at the person, "Why are you so crazy!"

"I'm thinking about your Boss Cao again, huh!" A hint of sarcasm flashed in An Bonan's eyes, "Qiu Qianying, Qiu Qianying, don't force me to do anything to you, my woman is actually thinking about it in front of my face. Other men!"

Qiu Qianying choked, and suddenly felt a little guilty. She grabbed the man who wanted to leave, brought him to the bed, and threw herself into her arms for the first time. Women can't always be strong, and only by being subdued occasionally can they better grasp a man's heart , She has a lot of experience about this.

Kissed An Bonan's side face, and smiled lightly, "What are you thinking, why are you jealous again, don't you know my love for you? I was just thinking about how to find a chance to get rid of that little bitch Cheng Rongrong Bring over the space. Last time I missed such a good opportunity, this little bitch is really getting smarter, I'm afraid it won't be easy to make another move."

"Why are you timid? If you want me to say, if you want space, just kill someone and bring it back. Women are trouble." An Bonan was a little impatient, she was just a woman, if she killed it, she would kill it.

"You can't let her die like this, that would be too cheap for her."

Qiu Qianying touched her increasingly rough skin, and then thought of Cheng Rongrong showing off to her with space, looking at her increasingly tender face, she was so angry that she wanted to kill someone!
Isn't death a kind of relief in these last days? She doesn't want to just take advantage of that woman!

Looking at this calculating woman, An Bonan couldn't help but compare with the girl he saw outside the base just now, and felt a little irritable for a while.

He waved his hand, "What happened to that woman's sister?"

Qiu Qianying sat next to him again and asked, "Zi Sangchanmo?"

A trace of displeasure and suspicion flashed in his eyes, "What are you asking her for?"

"Haha, what are you thinking?" An Bonan hugged her tightly into his arms, "It's just that you and her seem to have some conflicts. Besides, did you die so easily last time when you lost your mind?"

Hearing what he said, he felt relieved, and explained: "Contradictions, it's not a big contradiction, but it's just not pleasing to the eye. I also think it's strange about the zombies of the spiritual department, but I can't get evidence now. Second note."

Ambrose fixedly glanced at the person in his arms, his eyes flashed with thought.

(End of this chapter)

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