Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 145 Hate Iron Is Not Steel

Chapter 145 Hate Iron Is Not Steel

"A few clothes, a few packets of biscuits, a packet of wet wipes, a roll of toilet paper, a bottle of water..."

After thinking about it, she put the dagger in the space into the bag. After all, every minute wasted is more dangerous. She is used to this dagger, and other daggers may not be as sharp.

If it is true that someone has no eyes, Zisang Chanmo's eyes are sharp. She doesn't like to cause trouble, but she hates trouble even more!At worst, one kills one, one pair kills one pair!
Guigui circled her wrist, obediently used it as a decoration, and on her left ear was Yaoyao who turned into an earring.

Touching the two partners who will never leave her forever, because they are about to leave the base for a few months or even half a year of wandering, my restless heart suddenly calms down.

Opening the curtains, it was originally a morning sun with white belly, but now it seemed to be covered with a thin layer of black mist. For some reason, I suddenly thought of Lele, Tongtong and those children who had met once.

When will hope be found on their faces?

Is it really necessary to wait until the beginning of a new era?

However, with a reborn female supporting role, and the female supporting role of the time-traveling female supporting role, can the heroine start a new era?
As soon as the idea came out, I couldn't help being surprised!
The female protagonist has no space, and without the spiritual spring inside, Cao Yuanli cannot be saved. The female protagonist who lost the first male protagonist may now even be cannon fodder for the zombie brother. This is really far worse than the original book.

Who should the New Era rely on?

At least the heroine can't die yet!

After a lot of cranky thinking, I still have to resign to my fate and pack my things.

Check the room one last time, and pack some of her inconspicuous things into the space. Anyway, no one has visited her room except Han Zhengyu, but the quilt will have to wait for Cheng Rongrong to come over and put it in her space. .

This thing is a consumable, and it is necessary to use this all the way to the northern base of City B.

Although she is walking with Cao Yuanli and others now, she still feels a little unwilling.

Just wait, there will always be a chance.

After putting on her makeup, she put down her bangs and looked at herself in the mirror with disgust. Even if Zisang Xiangxiang, a mother, came, she would not recognize her daughter at a glance.

As a partner, An Yi came to see him off early.

Just like when I saw it at the beginning, the serious military uniform is meticulously fitted next to the body, and the skin color of wheat adds to the charm of a man. Although it does not have the eye-catching appearance of Han Zhengyu and Cao Yuanli, it is formed by the long-term military life. The scent is also charming.

"Bo Nan, you take these, and you can't be willful with Captain Cao in the future."

Of course, as an elder brother, I still know this younger brother who looks very inconspicuous, and I prepared a medium-sized travel backpack for him early on. It looks like a lot of things have been packed inside.

An Bonan smiled brightly, and reached out to take it. Seeing his empty hands, he knew that An Yi had guessed right.

"It's good to have a brother."

An Yi glared at him, knowing that he was usually out of tune and not very angry. When he saw Qiu Qianying next to him, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes quickly, and he just nodded lightly as a greeting.

He glanced at his heartless younger brother with hatred, "Think about what I said to you, and clear your head, brother will never harm you."


(End of this chapter)

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