Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 15 Before Dawn

Chapter 15 Before Dawn

The noisy city fell into a deep sleep, there was no wind, and after the heavy rain, a scarlet blood moon rose into the night sky, and the ground seemed to be flowing with bright red blood.

Every corner of the world is invaded by an unknown substance, which is colorless, odorless, and pervasive.

All the people fell into a coma, allowing this substance to change their own cell structure, without the power to resist.

After an unknown amount of time, Zi Sangchanmo woke up suddenly, unable to react for a while.

She remembers she was watching a movie, watching it...and falling asleep?
She opened the mobile phone that she had abandoned for several days, and after thinking about it last night, she kept putting it there to charge, and didn't care about it.

Unexpectedly, there are still a few unfamiliar missed calls?And all from the same number.

Zi Sangchanmo's principle is that when ordinary strangers call, one of them will not answer, and if two or more call back immediately, judging by the seven or eight missed calls, they must be looking for her for something, think about it , it seems that in the memory of the original owner, there are no friends, right?But she will definitely return this call.

Check the time, 2018/2/15, Wednesday, 6:04!

The end of the world has come!

No wonder she felt something was wrong!It was so quiet, there used to be the sound of rain every night, but now, the only sound left in the room is the sound of computer work.

Throwing the mobile phone with no signal on the bed, it's a pity that she will never have a chance to reply to that number again.

Opening the thick curtains, I don't know when the rainstorm has stopped, and there is no sun at six o'clock in the morning, only a red moon in the sky.

Sure enough, the end of the world has come.

But why did she wake up so early?

When the apocalypse broke out at twelve o'clock in the evening, it took about five or six hours for zombies to wake up, while for ordinary people it was about seven or eight, and it took ten to twelve hours for people with supernatural powers to wake up.

So even though there were not so many awakened zombies in the first batch, many ordinary people and supernatural beings became the rations of zombies during their deep sleep.

But now it's past six o'clock, that is to say, she woke up after only six hours, so does the original owner have no abilities?Didn't turn into a zombie?

Zi Sang Chanmo tried to feel the supernatural powers in her body, and besides the wood-type supernatural powers she was familiar with at the beginning, there was also a strange energy.

Spiritual department!
What a surprise!

So I tried to explore this new ability a little bit.Fortunately, with some experience before, it is not so difficult to use.

Gradually, she saw Han Zhengyu lying on the bed with all his clothes on in the next room. His sleeping appearance was completely different from his usual ruffian appearance. He is also a handsome man when he is quiet, Zi Sangchanmo secretly thought.

I saw two kinds of aura around him, a black death aura and a cold aura. This is probably the awakening of the dark and ice elements, and it is exactly the same as that written in the original book.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with him, when she just wanted to continue to extend her mental power, she felt a dull pain in her head. She knew that this was the reason for overusing the ability, so she quickly withdrew it.

Fortunately, she had experience before. Zi Sangchanmo took out a cup of worry-free spring water from the space and drank it, and then meditated to recover her abilities.

But this time, she also knows the approximate range of use. Now that her psychic ability has just awakened, the area she can cover is about five meters in radius, and then it will gradually increase until the area reaches about 20 meters in radius. The first step is reached, the second step is 40 meters, the third step is [-] meters, and so on.

Psychics are very useful in terms of attack, protection, and spying, so high-level psychic abilities in the later stage are very daunting.

Zi Sangchanmo remembered that there was a psychic supernatural being next to the heroine, who seemed to be a perverted doctor, the one who used Cheng Rongrong for research.

Although she wants to follow the heroine and the others, she doesn't want to see that perverted doctor at all. That guy's favorite thing is the structure of the human body, and he likes to cut, cut, cut people!Then he used his mental power to control the human brain, Cheng Rongrong was tortured like this for a long time.

Zi Sangchanmo began to admire the taste of the heroine.

Among the four male protagonists who seem to be female protagonists, except for the first male protagonist Cao Yuanli, it seems that they are not very normal.

Of course, I can't say that completely. After all, I'm looking at it from the perspective of a bystander, and it's mixed with a lot of foreign emotions. But you can tell by looking at Cheng Muhan. Cold-blooded and ruthless is also for outsiders. He takes care of the heroine meticulously. .

In Zi Sangchanmo's view, Cao Yuanli and the heroine are more like a cooperative relationship. I am afraid that the love for the heroine is not as much as the other male protagonists, so he did not find the abnormality of the heroine when she came back. Bar.

The heroine is such a strong person, but she shows such a fragile expression, and Cheng Rongrong's performance, something must have happened to them.

Zi Sangchanmo's IQ is not high, but she has been sensitive since she was a child, and what she is best at is observation.

There are thousands of thoughts, but the reality is only a moment.

After the headache disappears, the time is almost seven o'clock. The first batch of ordinary people are probably about to wake up. By then, the world will no longer be quiet.

The number of zombies is the largest, and most of the sleeping ordinary people and supernatural beings are also destined to be assimilated, so there are very few ordinary people and supernatural beings left.

At the beginning, she also wanted to remind people of the news of the end times, but the post was deleted within half a minute after it was posted. She was afraid that if she spread rumors again, she would also be detained.

She is just a small dust, how can she compete with nature?

"Master, don't be sad."

Well, since you can't escape, let's face it bravely!

Natural selection, she finally got a new life, so she didn't want to be the one who was eliminated!

Thank you Tian.

"Master, it wasn't Tian who spoke just now." Tian's unique male voice came from his mind.

Indeed, it was obviously a child's voice just now, and the voice said again: "Hee hee, master master, it's me, I'm your little girl."

Little flower?Zi Sang Chanmo looked around the room, and finally found the "something" that called herself Xiaohuahua on the windowsill.

"How did you become like this?"

 Friendship recommendation~Qianyue Muxue's "The Only Beloved in the Country" has a slow style of writing, and the old sayings are different in the old sayings~ Do you like it? ()

(End of this chapter)

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