Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 158 Mutated Spider

Chapter 158 Mutated Spider
"Bo Nan, I knew you would save me!"

Lin Ruxue ran to the side and yelled. Fortunately, she still remembered that she had just awakened the spatial ability, and she didn't blindly add to the chaos.

Qiu Qianying had already gone up to help when he saw the spider.

Originally, An Bonan and Cheng Muhan didn't intend to intervene, but they couldn't hurt Qiu Qianying, so they couldn't stand by and had to participate in the battle.

At this time, everyone and the mutant spider had already fought together.

Since Cao Yuanli dared to face this mutated spider alone, his ability must have reached the third level!
The mutated spider was about the size of a seven or eight-year-old child, its body was pitch black, and its big feet kept scratching the ground.

There was a stabbing sound every time I swiped, and even the sidelines were frightened!

When Cao Yuanli put away the pistol, the spider's first attack had arrived, and it jumped suddenly, just like the way it ate the "Qiangzi" before.

The huge spider fell to the ground and splashed a burst of dust!
Everyone was sweating for Cao Yuanli in their hearts. Even though the mutated spider didn't have speed abilities, its speed was not slow.

Especially its jumping ability is amazing.

But it's not the male protagonist who can be killed so easily.

Cao Yuanli was no longer on the ground where the dust had dispersed.


A burst of purple light rushed straight from behind, mixed with crackling thunder and lightning, one could tell at a glance that it contained huge energy, this was Cao Yuanli's lightning ability.

At the same time, another lightning ball struck!Needless to say, besides Cao Yuanli, this was the only person present besides Cao Yuanli, Qiu Qianying.

That spider was attacked from both sides for a while!

Jumping up, avoiding Cao Yuanli's attack, while flicking his tail sideways, a silver-white spider's thread went in the direction of the ability.

At this moment, the mutated spider that seemed to have become complacent was hit by a thunder ball from behind, instantly losing a leg!
The mutated spider was furious, and kept baring its teeth at Qiu Qianying. Scarlet flesh and blood flowed everywhere with disgusting saliva.

Probably the loss of a hind limb completely angered it!He voluntarily gave up his attack on Cao Yuanli and rushed towards Qiu Qianying.

Xiao Er and Xiao San naturally would not watch their women get hurt in front of their own eyes.

Abilities have been shot one after another, so the war has begun here!
After a while, the mutated spider that lost a hind limb was completely crushed.

It's different from the scene where the hero fights monsters lively.

After testing the depth of the second mutated spider, Han Zhengyu led it to an open place.

"Sister He Fang, I'm going to help Han Zhengyu, and I'll leave this to you!"

"Then be careful!"

He Fang reminded that she also knew that her supernatural ability was animal transformation, and it was not suitable for her to be brave at this time.

Zi Sangchanmo nodded towards He Fang, and then chased in the direction Han Zhengyu left.

When she arrived, one person and one spider had already started fighting!


Zi Sangchanmo gave a coquettish voice, and Guigui instantly transformed from a bracelet into a long green whip full of barbs and appeared in her hand.

At this time, this mutated spider, which was bigger than the previous one, was shaking its huge abdomen non-stop, with long spider silk trailing behind it.

Every time it shakes, the spider silk behind it flexibly changes various shapes.

Every time he was about to fall by Han Zhengyu's side, but he just happened to dodge him!

The silvery spider silk was like a beautiful and soft ribbon against the moonlight, which made Zi Sang Chanmo's heart itch.

Gotta get this thing!
(End of this chapter)

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