Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 174 Attack

Chapter 174 Attack
Not long after it got dark, the two groups met smoothly.

"Hurry up, hurry up, come and sit down." Zhang San enthusiastically invited everyone to sit down.

"The visitor is a guest. It is not easy to survive this kind of world. Isn't it a kind of fate to meet at this time!"

Zi Sangchanmo and others received Brother Zhang's warm hospitality as soon as they entered the door, and they couldn't get used to it for a while.

"Brother Zhang is too polite."

As the team leader, Cao Yuanli replied in a nonchalant manner. As for why he knew Zhang San's name, he found out when he communicated with Zhao Wu.

As the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to win a hundred battles. Moreover, apart from Zhang San's name, even he, a power mutant, and Zhao Wu, an earth-type superhuman in this team, all know it.

Brother Zhang smiled, but he didn't think he was surprised at all. Zhao Wu's nature was just like that, he was coaxed into confessing everything, otherwise he wouldn't have been fooled by him for so long and still be so determined.

"That's why the brothers think highly of me, Zhang San. I don't know how to call them?"

Although a little strange, the atmosphere on the surface is good.

But Qiu Qianying on the side was not in a very good mood. Since she came in just now, she was sensitive to find that although Zhang San concealed it very well, his vague eyes made her very annoyed!

With a cold snort, the man restrained himself.

"Meeting is fate. I don't have anything good to entertain everyone here. Don't be polite today. Who knows if there will be tomorrow after living today?"

Zi Sangchanmo looked at the middle-aged man in front of him. Due to the long-time ungroomed beard drooping wantonly, his facial features did not resemble Zhao Wu's Zhou Zheng, and the already long scar made him look even more fierce.

Looking at the dishes in front of her, she slightly frowned her eyebrows hidden in her bangs, which reminded her of a word, a weasel wishing a chicken a new year, uneasy and kind.

Thinking about it, I always felt that there was something weird in his words, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

Before the other party looked over, he quickly lowered his head, pretending that the original owner was restrained and silent.

At this time, Uncle Ming was already chatting vigorously with Brother Zhang who was opposite, and he only heard the other party say: "I also found this farmhouse not long ago."

Then I heard Uncle Ming say: "Brother Zhang, does he know what's going on in this city?"

Brother Zhang glanced at Zhao Wu and signaled him to answer. Since he became the boss and robbed this farmhouse a few times, he never went out of this gate again.It's just that occasionally Zhao Wu will take a few more obedient younger brothers out to collect supplies, so he really doesn't know the situation outside.

And in his eyes, these are dying people, even if they know something, it doesn't matter.

Looking at the pot of meat in front of him, if he didn't know the inside story, he might not be able to bear it. I don't know how these people have such good concentration.

Seeing that Uncle Ming and Zhao Wu didn't intend to stop chatting, Zhang San couldn't wait any longer, and said, "Everyone is hungry so late, let's eat quickly."

After speaking, he gave each of them a piece of meat, and he picked a piece of potato chips for himself alone.

Han Zhengyu and Cao Yuanli looked at each other, looking at the meat in the bowl, their eyes flickered.

"I heard there are many ordinary survivors here?"

As time went by, Brother Zhang's complexion became more and more ugly.

Hearing Han Zhengyu's question at this moment, he frowned, and his tone became impatient: "That's right, they are all old people and children. This meal has been saved for a long time, and I have never been willing to eat it. I just wanted to entertain."

His tone almost said directly: I will serve you with delicious food and drink, why don't you hurry up and give it to me!

"is it?"

Han Zhengyu suddenly exploded!
(End of this chapter)

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