Chapter 19
After several days of heavy rain, the city was not as clear as imagined. The accumulated water that had not been drained in time mixed with the garbage in the sewers made this once bustling city devastated.

The air was filled with the smell of decay and sickening blood.

The roar of zombies and the screams of panic and despair of survivors are all frightening.

Zi Sangchanmo sat on the back seat of the car, forcing herself to accept it, watching those broken limbs and holding back her nausea, her stomach was churning, and she tried not to spit out her lunch.

Although I have done a long time of mental construction, no matter how many zombie movies I have watched, I am not as shocked as the impact of seeing it with my own eyes.

Looking at the rotting zombies one by one, there is no thought, no emotion, no breath, only the incomparable attachment to fresh flesh.

Some even threw their intestines out without knowing where, and dragged them on the ground, leaving black blood marks.

Now the end of the world has just begun, and most people still have surplus food in their homes, so there are only a very small number of people who are desperate for food, so the figures dangling on the street are almost all zombies.

Zi Sangchanmo's expression was abnormally ugly, and so was Qiu Qianying who was sitting next to her.

As a killer, Qiu Qianying had also seen many bloody scenes, and the scene in front of her was more like a one-sided massacre.

This time, there were seven of them in a group, and they drove a 7-seater SUV, with three girls in the middle, Han Zhengyu at the end, Cheng Muhan in the car, and Cao Yuanli in the co-pilot seat to deal with special situations.

Seeing that everyone looked like they had never seen the world, Cheng Rongrong was extremely happy. Did she finally overwhelm Qiu Qianying? She used to be inferior to Qiu Qianying in every way. The first time she saw a zombie, she yelled and yelled. Brother and Ah Li, how much they should despise themselves.

Is it finally time for her to despise others now?
To Zi Sang Chanmo beside her, she said, "If you're afraid, don't get out of the car later, lest you cause trouble to others."

Although these words were said to Zi Sang Chanmo, Qiu Qianying who was on the side could clearly hear the taste of pointing at Sang and scolding Huai.

Zi Sangchanmo was very angry, she didn't want to argue with this mentally handicapped female partner, but she was really deceiving her too much!

Does the tiger really think she is a cat if he doesn't show off his power?

"Cheng Rongrong, you fucking want to die and just say it, I'm still here and dare to bully my cat?"

Your uncle is the cat!

But for the sake of Han Zhengyu venting his anger, she generously didn't care about it with him.

"Qi", Cheng Rongrong snorted, "I'm telling the truth." Although his words were not forgiving, the momentum was still much weaker than at the beginning.

Cheng Rongrong was still very afraid of Han Zhengyu, a hidden master. Now that she couldn't offend these people, she wisely didn't say anything this time.

For a while, the atmosphere in the car was a bit depressing, but soon, with a "squeak", the car stopped, and the journey was safe and sound.

The sound of parking quickly attracted the attention of the zombies, and zombies kept gathering towards this side.

"Get out of the car!"

Everyone didn't dare to delay, and got out of the car quickly. This time, they chose a medium-sized 24-hour supermarket. Fortunately, because the end of the world came in the middle of the night, there would not be too many zombies, so it was just for them to practice. Opportunities to collect more supplies by the way.

According to what was agreed in advance, Cheng Rongrong was responsible for unlocking the car as soon as she got out of the car, and the others were on alert. If the door was opened by force, too much noise would definitely attract a lot of zombies.

Zi Sangchanmo was holding an axe, with ghosts wrapped around her wrist, she was still trembling in her heart, after all, it was the first time she had faced such a disgusting zombie.

The two zombies that were close to them rushed over as soon as they got off the car. Cao Yuanli and Han Zhengyu didn't change their expressions. It was resolved before everyone reacted.

Because Cheng Rongrong told them in advance that only by destroying the lost head can the zombies be completely solved, so it saves the danger of groping slowly. Zi Sangchanmo admired such a clean and neat method. It really is the great god in the novel. Well, as the corpse fell, the heads of the two zombies rolled far away.

The crystal nuclei of the zombies have not yet appeared, so the few people also saved the experience of digging out the heads of the zombies, otherwise Zi Sangchanmo believes that she will vomit!

Just when the two of them had finished dealing with the zombies, Cheng Rongrong had already opened the door.

"and many more."

Cao Yuanli signaled everyone to wait a moment, and gave Han Zhengyu a look. The two stood on one side, one on the left and one on the right, gathered their powers in their hands, and signaled Cheng Rongrong to open the door after everyone entered the combat state.

Sure enough, as soon as the door was opened, two zombies rushed over with claws and claws. If an inexperienced person accidentally broke in, he would definitely be caught.

Cao Yuanli and Han Zhengyu once again cooperated tacitly, each of them used their abilities to kill a zombie, and everyone followed them into the supermarket, and then closed the door of the supermarket to avoid attracting more zombies.

Zi Sangchanmo looked around, and saw a zombie stuck inside the cash register, yelling at them, but couldn't get out. Now the zombie just appeared, and its movements were stiff and slow, waiting for the crystal nucleus to appear At that time, the zombie's movements can almost resemble the speed of a normal person.

Now is the best time to exercise supernatural skills and courage. Unfortunately, most of the survivors at this time are at home and cannot accept the fact of the end for a while.

According to what was said in advance, because of Cheng Rongrong's spatial ability, Cao Yuanli and Cheng Rongrong went to the warehouse, and the rest of them were responsible for guarding and handling zombies to exercise their abilities.

A group of Qiu Qianying and Cheng Muhan had already entered the supermarket. Now this supermarket has not been patronized by anyone, except for the occasional zombie knocking over, it is still tidy and clean.

Han Zhengyu pointed to the zombies on the counter that kept hitting and screaming, and motioned for Zi Sang Chanmo to practice.

(End of this chapter)

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