Chapter 195 The Second Day

Zi Sang Chanmo looked at Tian with a standardized smile, and a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind.

It stands to reason that Tian is the housekeeper in her space. In the game, she is just a character composed of a bunch of data. It's just that she always regards Tian as her closest relative and trustworthy person in her heart, so some "abnormalities" towards Tian would be too negligent.

Now that I think about it, I seem to have "neglected" Tian too much.

Thinking back to Tian's demeanor, movements, and even tone of voice, it seemed to be very standardized. I don't know when, when they got along with each other, they became casual.

From the simple change of expression, to the later tone of voice, and just like just now...

She clearly felt that Tian seemed to have something to say to herself.

A bold and somewhat absurd idea appeared in Zi Sangchanmo's mind, but she had to feel that what she thought was so close to the truth.


Tian's gentle voice came from behind.


Although Tian's tone is not much different from before, but the last tone of the tone is obviously and slightly tactful, and you can still hear the meaning of concern mixed in it if you listen carefully.

A breeze came from somewhere in the space, blowing over from the rice fields in the distance, and the clear smell of soil curled up with the harvest and rubbed against Zi Sangchanmo's cheek, lingering past, leaving a lingering fragrance of peace of mind.

Tian wouldn't hurt her anyway, would he?
"Tian, ​​I thought, you'd never hurt me, would you?"

She seemed to have asked this sentence many times, but she still wanted to hear him say it again.

"Tian would never hurt the master."

Zi Sangchan smiled slightly, like a blooming peach blossom, fresh and intoxicating.

"Tian, ​​when I wake up later, I want to eat steamed mandarin fish and braised prawns in oil. You can serve me a vegetarian dish and a mushroom soup. You know I don't like radishes. If you let me eat them secretly, I will eat them again." I don't care about you anymore!"

Seeing Tian's helpless appearance, he gave a provocative look, and happily went to take a bath.

Regardless of whether Tian started to have feelings and thoughts, she only knew that Tian was her closest relative and trustworthy.


If Tian wants to leave, she is also willing to let him go free.

The sky in the last days changes as it says it will. Last night it was raining lightly, but today the sun is shining brightly.

The train without communication equipment moved forward slowly, and stopped slowly in a deserted place early in the morning of the second day. Except for Qiu Xiang and Han Zhengyu who drove the train, they got a bottle of eight-treasure porridge and a box of canned meat. Ren sent two packs of biscuits to cope with it, of course his own things were not included.

Because the train drove all night last night, the two of them had to take a good rest today. Fortunately, Han Zhengyu had already mastered the operation method, so it would be much more convenient for the next two people to take turns if they only need to take a rest today.

On Lin Feng's side, since Wu Qianqian exposed her spatial abilities yesterday, she took out supplies, whether it was all or part of them, I saw that everyone's food this morning has increased a lot, and it can be clearly seen that Wu Qianqian's attitude towards Ma Yawen has changed. From the obvious obsequious flattery and flattery in the past, now even though she doesn't tear her face, she also lacks compliments.

It's just that both of them stared at Cao Yuanli like a wolf, looking at the woman beside him, whether it was Qiu Qianying, Zi Sangchanmo, or even He Fang, they all looked at the rivals in love completely. look!
(End of this chapter)

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