Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 212 His Opportunity

Chapter 212 His Opportunity
Zi Sang Chanmo felt that she had had a long dream, and when she looked back, it was blank again.

It seems to have returned to the mother's body, dangling.


Time flows unconsciously, and the days are passing by day by day.

"Cough, cough."

Suddenly choked on a mouthful of water and couldn't help coughing violently.

"Master, you are finally awake!"

Zi Sang Chanmo opened her eyes, her expression was in a daze, and a feeling of not knowing what year it was came to her heart.

It was pitch black, and after she gradually got used to the light in front of her eyes, there was only one figure in front of her, looking at her excitedly.

Zombie King!
Zi Sangchanmo suddenly jumped up!Memories flooded into her mind like a flood, but Nai He didn't know how long she had slept, she just felt weak and dizzy.

The whole person fell heavily again.

"Master be careful!"

"I'm Tian!", Tian hurriedly helped him sit up, and explained again.


Zi Sang Chanmo did not let go of her guard at all, she stared at the man in front of her, it was clearly the face of the Zombie King, and it had no resemblance to Tian, ​​if she insisted on saying something different, it would be that his eyes had changed from A zombie's pupil turned into a human.

"what happened?"

Zi Sang Chanmo rubbed her drowsy forehead, recalling what happened before she fell into a coma.

She used her ability to throw explosives into the zombie king's side, and then hid in the space herself. To prevent the zombie king's sneak attack, she also used psychic powers to protect her body, but she underestimated the zombie's cunning.

At the last critical moment, the zombie king caught the ghost beside him!

Naturally, she couldn't watch her partner sacrifice. She wanted to take Guigui into the space, but the zombie king's mental power was clinging on tightly.

In the end, she used all her psychic powers to attack the zombie king's brain, and pulled Guigui and the zombie king into the bottom of the sea.

She thought she was able to hide in the space, but she overestimated herself. After a few times of excessive use of the power, she was exhausted due to the power, and in the end she didn't have the consciousness of entering the space at all.

"Later, through the connection between Guigui and the space, coupled with the fact that the Zombie King had no attack power at this time and was no longer a threat to the master, I pulled everyone closer to the space."

Tian's eyes flickered, and he seemed to be hiding something, but because the light was too dark at this time, Zisang Chanmo didn't notice his abnormality, "I don't know what happened, the space suddenly changed, and I was pulled into the zombie Wang's body, by the time I realized it, we had already been thrown out of space."

"You said you were pulled close to the zombie king's body? How do you feel? Where is the zombie king?"

Listening to Tian's description, she was shocked, what the hell is going on!How could it be pulled into the body of the zombie king?

"Except that I can no longer take the initiative to enter the space, I don't feel anything else. The Zombie King is dead."

In fact, it wasn't that he was forced into the zombie king's body, but that he took the initiative to occupy the zombie king. Looking at Zi Sangchanmo who trusted him so much, Tian didn't know whether it was right or wrong to do so.

This is the only chance for him to be by her side. Only the zombie king's mental strength can withstand his invasion.

He was not a character created by stacking data, but his memory was erased, his soul was placed in the space farm, and a bunch of memories were implanted. At first, he thought that he was really just the housekeeper of the farm.

If you want to get out of space, you must find an empty shell without a soul, and ordinary zombies can't bear the strength of his soul.

This time is not so much an accident, but an opportunity for him!
(End of this chapter)

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