Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 215 that little girl

Chapter 215 that little girl

Tian started a fire in the cave, and built a simple stove with stones mixed with soil. Zi Sangchanmo took out a lot of daily necessities from the space. Now that Tian can't enter the space, she naturally won't throw them away. Let him enter the space to eat delicious food by himself.

"Tian, ​​that, can you still eat now?"

Zi Sangchanmo took out a large pot of rice that had just been cooked in the space, and asked with some embarrassment.

"Of course." Tian took it and placed it on the stone table in the cave, "Now Tian is considered a level five zombie, and it is not a problem to digest human food, and there is no need to upgrade the alien like low level zombies. You only need to absorb the crystal nucleus like a supernatural being."

Zi Sangchanmo quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, I was surprised by Tian's fifth-level zombies!
"Are you at level five now?" Zi Sang Chanmo was very resentful looking at the face that was only slightly similar to the previous zombie king. If it wasn't for this zombie king, she would not have broken through level four by force. Now It won't fall into this place where birds don't lay eggs, and even the ability can't be used again in a short time.

Fortunately, what is more consoling is that the Zombie King has become her family Tian, ​​and will no longer be the heroine's right-hand man.

Then wouldn't she be able to walk sideways among the zombies now?
If that's the case, why is she worried about the end of the world!
The more Zi Sangchanmo thought about it, the happier she became.

The end result is that I ate a few big bowls of rice when I was happy, and ended up eating myself up.

Her stomach, which had just recovered, couldn't take it anymore.

"Tian, ​​I'm going out for a walk, you don't have to accompany me, just do what you want."

Tian hesitated for a moment and then nodded. He had been around the island for the past three months, and there was nothing dangerous except for a few zombies tied up in the village.

Now his spiritual power can completely cover this island, as long as the master has something to do, he can feel it immediately.

Zi Sangchan breathed a sigh of relief.

I didn't have time to look carefully before, only to find that the geographical location chosen by Tian is very ingenious. The cave is located on the mountainside. When you leave the entrance of the cave, you will find a small piece of flat land. When you look up, you will be surrounded by polluted gray-black sea water. There are large and small marine animal carcasses floating on the sea surface, and the naked eye can't see the shadow of the mainland at all.

But she wasn't too worried. After all, there was a boat in her space, but the sea was far more dangerous than the land. It seemed that she had to wait until her abilities recovered before making any plans.

Now she just came out to digest food and get acquainted with the surrounding environment by the way.

"A Tuo, this little girl looks so good-looking, doesn't she look like a bad person?"

After listening to the words of the person next to him, the bearded man in front turned his head and didn't speak, but stared at the man who spoke just now with those sharp eyes.

The man was terrified by him, and thinking of the village chief's order, he mustered up his courage and stammered: "Ben, it was originally. Yes, it was the village chief who told them to go to the village."


The bearded man snorted coldly, turned his head away, and continued to stare at Zi Sangchanmo.

The man who spoke earlier breathed a sigh of relief. A Tuo is the most powerful person in their village. Before the sky changed, he was the king of the sea, and now he has the ability to control water.

Thinking of A Tuo's appearance on the sea calling the wind and rain, he was both afraid and envious.

"Not all women are bad."

"What did you say?"

"No, no, I didn't say anything."

The man shook his head vigorously, every time he was stared at by A Tuo, he felt a trembling in his heart.

Fortunately, fortunately, if he was heard, his life would be lost.

(End of this chapter)

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