Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 229 Fight Again

Chapter 229 Fight Again

They all forgot!
Octopuses have three hearts!
The last one, and the most important one!Body heart, in its body!

Zi Sangchanmo was protected by Tian in his arms, and nothing happened at the moment.

"Are you okay?" Although Tian is the body of a zombie, there are inevitable weaknesses.

"It's okay." Tian seemed to be enjoying Zisang Chanmo's concern, and even though there were many dangers now, he could clearly see the corners of his mouth raised.

Zi Sangchanmo choked on his expression, but felt that Tian's mind became more and more difficult to guess since he left the space.

"This is not possible." The water is their base camp, and if they keep fighting in the water, it will be an absolute weakness for them.

Zi Sangchanmo looked at the shore, only a few hundred meters away, and turned to the crowd, "We must find a way to lure the octopus ashore!"

"Go first, I will control it with mental power."

Undoubtedly, this is the best way at present.

Everyone worked together, fortunately, the mutated octopus was seriously injured before, but in just a moment, it was the battlefield of survivors!

The previous villagers had heard the movement and rushed over, but they had no powers and no weapons, so they could only die if they rushed up, so they could only wait anxiously on the shore.

At this moment, he dare not approach even half a point.

The black sea water dyed the beach and reefs so that they could no longer see their original colors. At this moment, everyone could only see the rolling of huge waves in front of their eyes!

"Shitou, Dalin, you go ashore."

The two of them didn't talk nonsense, they just supported each other and left the battle area with a slouch.

The target of the mutated octopus was not the two of them, and it didn't have much energy to trouble them.

At this moment, its few tentacles are being cut off one by one!
A high-level mutated creature like the mutated octopus has already developed intelligence. At this moment, it certainly knows that it has been deceived, but it is impossible to go back to the deep sea!

Tian raised his knife and dropped it, another tentacles broke!
Zi Sangchanmo directly took out the energy gun used to deal with the spiritual zombies from the space!
"Tian, ​​I count to three, you all stand back!", at this time, it doesn't matter if it is exposed or not!
"1, 2, 3!"

A Tuo and Tian are already prepared!
The moment A Tuo turned sideways, a huge energy brushed past him, and in an instant, it was like a huge lightning bolt, resounding through his ears!
In order to hit a sure hit, this time she used a third-order crystal nucleus!
Even the villagers with no supernatural powers were shocked by the huge impact of energy! In their hearts, there was a trace of respect and fear for the two foreign brothers and sisters.

What an astonishing strength! Not to mention A Tuo, who was so close, there seemed to be a raging fire burning in his heart. The whole fire seemed to be devouring people, and finally turned into pitch black, hidden under the deep eyes.

Fortunately, there were no casualties, and Dalin, who was the most injured, was carried back by the villagers.

The octopus was shattered into slag under the impact of energy, and the crystal nucleus was even shattered directly. Fortunately, the tentacles cut off before can be regarded as a good harvest.

Zi Sangchanmo counted them, there are 6 of them in total, and each one is huge, at least for an ordinary person, they will not go hungry for a month.

Dalin, Shitou, A Tuo, and she and Tian, ​​each get one, and they don't plan to divide the remaining one.

The next few people worked together to drag the mutated oyster ashore. Although the shell of the mutated oyster had been broken, fortunately the mutated meat inside was fine. They planned to wait until they returned to the village to divide it up. After all, the oyster was as big as an oyster. boat!
(End of this chapter)

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