Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 232 2 Months

Chapter 232 Two months

"I'm back, I'm back."

With the cheers of the crowd, Shitou and the others have already placed today's harvest in the center of the square.

This time it was another bumper harvest, and everyone gathered around and looked at the kelp-like creature in the middle, and they were shocked from ear to ear.

"Come, come, everyone, help me." Shi Shi distributed the huge mutated kelp to the hands of each labor force, and the excitement on his face couldn't stop, "Thanks to Brother An this time, if it weren't for him, we would almost All of them were almost swept into the sea."

Zi Sangchanmo lived very harmoniously in the small fishing village, especially Shitou, whose admiration for Tian approached A Tuo in a straight line.

Tian smiled and didn't answer, but turned to Zisang Chanmo who was on the side, and said in a warm voice: "Momo, go to the side to rest for a while, and we will do the rest."

Shitou was not annoyed, and nodded in agreement: "Little sister Mo, go to the side and rest for a while, and leave the rest to us big men."

Zi Sangchanmo looked at the villagers who were busy, without being pretentious, she walked to the side, found a stone bench and sat down casually.

While cleaning up the supplies for space growth, he watched everyone busy.

The ordinary life on the island passed slowly. After more than two months of recuperation, her body had recovered to an excellent condition, and her abilities had reached the peak of the fourth order. It has been half a year since the island.

Half a year can change a lot of things. Tian has fully adapted to this body, and his appearance is getting closer and closer to his original appearance. Fortunately, these changes happened bit by bit, and the surrounding villagers did not notice it. out of exception.

"What are you thinking about?"

A Tuo sat down beside her, looking at the busy villagers with a soft expression.

Zi Sang Chanmo glanced at him, still had a beard all over her face, still couldn't see his face clearly, still couldn't distinguish joy.

She didn't care, as a teammate in the past six months, she didn't have the initial defense, and she got to know a lot, but this person didn't talk much, and the most talked about was only the issue of ability improvement.

"I'm thinking about when to leave."

Zi Sangchanmo didn't mean to hide anything either, they were going to leave sooner or later, now that her body and abilities had recovered, she and Tian were preparing to leave recently.

A Tuo was stunned for a moment.

Is it not good here?

Why do you have to leave one by one.

Is the outside world really that good?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help asking directly.

Zi Sangchanmo didn't expect him to ask such a question.

"How should I put it, the outside is not as good as I imagined. There are many people and many things." She pinched the bottle filled with water in her hand.

"Once there are more people, then people will have more selfishness, intrigues, intrigues, especially in the case of shortage of supplies, there is no such thing as etiquette, justice, and shame."

A Tuo turned to look at her, "Then why are you leaving?"

Zi Sang Chanmo was terrified by his straight eyes, and she struggled to move away from his sight.

"Because I'm going to find someone."

She wondered if he was still alive.

Yes, her final decision was to leave.

A Tuo's heart moved, and a slight strangeness rose in his heart.

That person must be very important.

Seeing that the other party didn't ask any more questions, Zi Sangchanmo didn't say any more.

In any case, now is not the time for her to settle down.

The villagers distributed the harvest this time, and the villagers who followed them all got a lot of supplies. They thanked Tian and the others very much, and they all happily went home with the food.

In the past, when the two of them were not here, although the villagers in the fishing village could barely live, they definitely couldn't have enough or even a surplus as they do now.

Therefore, the life of the two in the fishing village is really very comfortable.

But leaving is inevitable.

(End of this chapter)

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