Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 47 Zombie Transformation

Chapter 47 Zombie Transformation

Everyone in Lin Shengrui separated from them after entering the base for inspection, and they don't know why He Fang didn't follow Lin Shengrui.

"That's your sister?" He Fang approached her and whispered in her ear.

"Well, the same father and mother." Although they really don't want to admit it, they are a family in the eyes of outsiders.

He Fang looked at Zi Sangchanmo sympathetically, she must be very wronged to have such a sister.

Zi Sangchanmo was looked at by He Fang as unnatural, did she sympathize with her?

If it is the original owner, it is indeed worthy of sympathy, but now it is her, she seems to have suffered nothing.

Politely smiled at He Fang, expressing that she was fine, but in He Fang's eyes, this smile was clearly a forced smile. What a miserable child, it seemed that her thoughts were right, which further established that she had to take good care of her. Zi Sangchanmo's heart.

Seeing He Fang's eyes becoming more and more doting, Zi Sang Chanmo was surprised, what kind of rhythm is this?
Could it be that He Fang has the same experience as himself, so he feels a little sympathetic to each other?Right now, I feel the truth.

At this time, the intrigue battle between the heroine and the heroine has almost come to an end.

Each person got a sign with a number on it. After registration, everyone was taken to a row of small houses surrounded by barbed wire. There were several soldiers with guns patrolling nearby. Shoot directly, of course, this sudden situation refers to zombification.

Two soldiers armed with guns sent them into the small house marked No. 2, then locked the door and left directly. At this time, no matter whether they are supernatural beings or not, as soon as they arrive at the base, they must first check whether they have been caught or bitten by zombies. Injury, a small wound is likely to be infected. Of course, this is at the beginning of the end of the world. When the human body develops immunity to this, the situation will be much better.

As soon as everyone entered the room, the people who were already in the room all looked towards this direction, and stared at them vigilantly, as if they were declaring the sovereignty of the territory. After all, any negligence at this time would lead to death. .

The space in the room is not very big, there is no place to sit down except for a few scattered stools with missing legs and blood.

The people who came in with them quickly found a place, and prepared to survive for more than an hour. Even the mother and daughter who followed them stayed away from them, fearing that they might be some kind of scourge.

Cao Yuanli led the crowd to find an open space against the wall, "Let's take a rest." Then he leaned against the wall, his eyes wandering, not knowing what he was thinking.

Zi Sang Chanmo always felt that after these people went to the gas station, each one of them became a little weird. The male lead was the same as the female lead and the female lead. Didn’t she just not go to the gas station? Why did she miss so much? thing?

And no one can ask, so no one can satisfy her heart of gossip?
I couldn't help seeing He Fang who was with them. He Fang also went there at that time, why don't I find a place to ask Sister He Fang?Do you think she is too gossip?

The waiting time is always very long, and the bored Zi Sangchanmo just looks left and right, just to pass the time.

In the early days of the end of the world, as long as you have a little ability, you don't have to worry too much about food, so now you don't see people who are so hungry that they are pale and emaciated.

Of course, except for the old witch who checked her body.

Now most of them are just listless, and what appears on their faces is also the color of infinite confusion about the future.

The mother and daughter who followed them squatted in the corner, trembling. Every time they heard a gunshot outside, their bodies would shake uncontrollably, and the hands holding the child tightened.

It is said that they are mother and daughter, but it is only judged from the color of the clothes. Zi Sang Chanmo has never even seen the child's face.

Judging from the size of the child, the child is estimated to be two years old. She buried her head in her mother's arms and kept quiet even though she was shivering with fright. It seemed that her mother protected her very well and wrapped her tightly from head to toe. It is not known how the two men drove to the base.

People left the house one after another. Zi Sang Chanmo looked at her watch. They would be able to go out in 10 minutes. Suddenly, a gunshot came from the next door, and the mother and daughter sitting in the corner trembled even more.

Zi Sangchanmo frowned, why does this look a bit strange?It stands to reason that it has been so many days since the end of the world, and I haven't seen anything terrible, so I shouldn't be so scared anymore, right?

She stared at the mother and daughter in the corner motionlessly, trying to find a flaw, but saw that the child was shaking more and more, and the mother could hardly hold it back.



"Ah!" There was a scream from the crowd, "There are zombies!"

The girl finally poked her head out from her mother's arms. It was half a face that had been corroded!

"No, no, she's just sick!"

The young mother kept explaining, but the zombie in her arms was no longer recognized by her relatives. She opened her mouth and bit the woman who was protecting her!A mouthful of bloody human flesh was pulled out like this!

(End of this chapter)

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