Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 62 The Madman

Chapter 62 The Madman
tick, tick

Drops of liquid slowly dripped to the ground, like waves rising from a calm lake, clearly beating the passage of time drop by drop, especially clear in this invisible space.

The whole space is so silent that no trace of air flow can be seen, only occasionally there will be a smell of chemicals, time seems to have returned to the days of endless killer training, endless killing...

The emptiness in her soul gradually made her feel suffocated, panting heavily, the broken hair on her clean forehead was gradually wet with sweat, her body trembled uncontrollably, and her well-manicured nails left a few deep lines on her palms. deep crescent.

Her heart felt like a piece had been cut by a knife, the pain was so painful that she almost screamed!

Do not!
She opened her eyes suddenly, her dark pupils were particularly bright in this dark night, the shame on her face was not as good as the pain in her soul, her voice was almost trembling, her hoarse voice was like the dryness of a 70-year-old woman, "Are you who!".

Trying to feel the supernatural power in the body, but it seems like a stone sinks into the sea, and it disappears without a trace, "What did you do to me!"

An Bonan smiled lightly, revealing a few snow-white teeth as harmless as a clean big white rabbit. He casually put on the white coat beside him, leaned over and kissed Qiu Qianying on the cheek, "Daughter-in-law, why did you kill your husband so quickly?" Forgot your name?"

The sudden light made her squint her eyes uncomfortably.

This is a small laboratory. There are no windows around it, only a small door to enter and exit. There is a vent in the corner. From her experience, this place should be underground!

Occupying the center is a large laboratory table, on which there are many bottles and cans, blue and brown liquids are everywhere, the ticking sound heard before is just a blue bottle knocked over in the corner colored liquid.

She moved her fingers, and found that let alone supernatural powers, even if she got up, she didn't have the slightest strength to stand up. I didn't expect that a moment of kindness actually saved a white-eyed wolf!

If Ah Li and Mu Han knew about this, they would never forgive themselves!

His eyes became red with anger and shame, and he yelled at Ambrose, who was holding a test tube containing an unknown medicine: "What did you do to me!"

"Daughter-in-law, don't be so fierce, people are a little scared, I just used some medicine that temporarily makes you lose your strength, don't worry, it's okay, as long as you stay with me obediently, your husband won't hurt you your."

An Bonan walked up to Qiu Qianying, and traced the outline of Qiu Qianying's face bit by bit with his sickly white hands that had not seen the light for a long time.

His fingers were cold, without touching an inch of skin, Qiu Qianying felt the trembling from the bottom of his heart.

He did not know where he took out another syringe, and the sharp silver needle shone brightly under the light.

I saw him slowly inhale the unknown brown-red liquid in the test tube into the syringe. It may be that he has not seen the sun for a long time, his skin is a little pale, and there is an unknown smile on the corner of his mouth. Unstoppable chills!
"What do you want to do! I saved you, and this is how you treat me?" The more dangerous the situation, the more Qiu Qianying forced herself to calm down, and her voice was different from the panic before.

An Bonan gently picked up Qiu Qianying's arm that was on the side, squeezed it, and inserted the syringe that was glowing with cold light, and the cold liquid flowed to the whole body along the blood vessels in an instant.

Qiu Qianying was shocked, but unfortunately her originally clear mind gradually became dizzy, "What do you want to do to me!"

"Hey, don't be afraid, daughter-in-law, it's just some medicine to make you obedient."

Who the hell is this man!

Crazy, crazy, all crazy!
"Get in the car!"

Several people rushed out from the hospital and found a relatively safe place. Cheng Rongrong took out the car from the space and ran towards the base immediately.

This bustling commercial street in the previous life is still bustling today, and a mighty army of zombies has invaded almost every corner.

The road was already damaged by the earthquake in sevens and eighties, and the vehicles left by the survivors or the unfortunate made it even more blocked.

Zi Sangchanmo looked back and looked anxiously at the more and more zombies who were following more and more closely. She raised her eyes and turned around to pass Cao Yuanli's eyes, and then bumped into Han Zhengyu. Han Zhengyu grinned at her, probably because after yesterday's night of life and death, he now treats her completely without the noble style before.

Cao Yuanli stretched out his hand towards Cheng Rongrong, and said coldly, "Gun."

Cheng Rongrong didn't care whether Cao Yuanli's attitude was good or bad. In her opinion, as long as he was willing to talk to her, he was pampering her, "Here, Ah Li."

She couldn't stop cheering at the gentle touch, probably this is the temperature of love.

"Give me a gun too." Anyway, sooner or later, you will "will", so you can save your head and show your tail.

Cheng Rongrong had no feelings for this younger sister, she was only afraid that she would lose her face, and said bluntly: "Do you know how? You! Don't waste bullets."

"During the military training, the instructor taught me, so I will."

"give her."

Cheng Rongrong naturally listened to Cao Yuanli's words, but she gave her a secret look, unexpectedly, this girl became more and more courageous.

The car moved forward slowly, and the zombies behind gradually began to catch up.

(End of this chapter)

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