Chapter 83
"Sister He Fang, it is common for children to fight. If I intervene now, it will only harm him, not benefit him."

He Fang was puzzled, not knowing what her so-called advantages and disadvantages were.

"If I help him now, the other children will be afraid and won't bully him in the future. This is only a temporary benefit for him, but it will limit his future development even more. You know, when they grow up In the future, we will not only face humans, but also zombies!"

Zi Sang Chanmo looked out of the window, her big eyes showed a strange brilliance, only then did He Fang realize that she had always underestimated this little girl.

She understands this world better than anyone else. It turns out that your so-called kindness is not needed by others.

Looking at the little boy outside the window, I couldn't help but think of myself in the previous life. Because I was relatively thin since I was a child, I was bullied by other children all the time. Even though Xiao Xiao would help sometimes, there were always times when others couldn't protect me.

Later, she gradually understood that only when she was strong could she not be bullied.

So this kind of thing can only be understood by experience.

He Fang didn't know what to say for a while, looked at her side face, opened her mouth, and finally said nothing, and they returned to the villa in silence.

After lunch, Zi Sangchanmo couldn't wait to return to the room and locked the door.

Because I've been too busy recently, I had time to go into the space to have a look, and Guigui didn't know what was going on.

"Master, you are here." Tian greeted him first.

The space is still the same as it was before the end of the world, with blue sky and white clouds, fruit trees and flowers, four uncles, four uncles, and four aunts each perform their duties, and the space is well organized and full of vitality.

The originally depressed mood was instantly relaxed, as if returning home, and all the exhaustion and pretense were instantly removed.

"Tian, ​​it's nice to have you waiting for me every time I go home.", Rarely, Zi Sangchanmo acted coquettishly in front of Tian, ​​lying on Tian's shoulder and unwilling to move.

Now outside, she never dared to show the slightest weakness, even He Fang did the same.

But it's different in front of Tian and Guigui. They signed a contract with themselves, and they are destined to stay together for the rest of their lives.

"Master, what's the matter, are you in a bad mood? Are you hungry? Tian has prepared a lot of delicious food for the master."

Zi Sang Chanmo has some dark lines, has she become a foodie in Tian's eyes now?
"Uh, I just finished eating, so I'm not in a hurry. How is Guigui?"

Tian smiled softly, and a big juicy peach appeared out of thin air in his hand, he tore off the outer skin gently, and handed it to her before saying: "It's okay, I'm just soaking in the Wuyou Spring leisurely, I guess It won't be long before you wake up."

Too lazy to pick it up, he followed Tian's hand and took a bite. The crystal peach powder was puffy, and it was so tender that it almost dripped. The sweet aroma filled the whole mouth and went straight to the heart.

After a few strokes, a bowl-sized peach was eaten by Zi Sang Chanmo, "I want to eat it, Tian."

I don't know where Tian picked the peaches. Not only are they delicious, but I feel relaxed after eating them. My violent emotions calmed down unexpectedly.

Tian smiled and shook his head, "Master can't eat too much. This is the spirit peach on the Lingshan Mountain. If the master stays outside for a long time, he will more or less come into contact with some zombie poison. This spirit peach helps the owner to cleanse the body. Impurity."

"Then why can't you eat more, Tian, ​​you won't steal it all by yourself, will you?"

After staying with Tian for a long time, she would always deliberately joke with Tian, ​​just to see if Tian had other emotions besides being happy.

It's a pity that Tian never seems to be angry, and his tone is always pampering as always, "Tian doesn't need to eat. I'm afraid that the master's aura and supernatural power will conflict if he eats too much. It's hard to solve it for a while. A different kind of energy."

"Oh, well, let's go see Guigui." Zi Sang Chanmo was a little disappointed, Tian didn't seem to have the emotions of ordinary people.

"Oh, right."

Zi Sangchanmo was overjoyed, "What's wrong?"

"When I was picking peaches for the master, the peach tree spirit gave me the flower branch she left when she bloomed thousands of years ago, and asked me to give it to the master. I thought that Guigui was upgrading, and the master just happened to lack a handy weapon, so I took it away. down."

(End of this chapter)

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