Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 93 It's My Flower

Chapter 93 It's My Flower
Zi Sang Chanmo looked at the two flowers with big eyes and small eyes, and rubbed her head with a headache, if these two flowers had eyes.

One rose, one peach, two flowers bloomed on each side, threw away the ashes of the crystal nucleus, and then took a new one out of the space, continued to practice supernatural powers, and by the way, had big eyes with the two flowers Stare small eyes to see who can survive who.

When Zi Sangchanmo threw away the 18th crystal nucleus that turned into ashes, she felt the growth of her abilities comfortably. These days, she worked hard to practice, and with the battles today, yesterday and morning, her abilities also had a gratifying improvement , even if it is still early to upgrade the ability, there will always be a day, and she believes that it will definitely not be too far away!
Ever since Cao Yuanli asked Lin Ruxue to be thrown out, she felt that Guigui had finally woken up. When she returned to her room, she couldn't wait to introduce new friends to her. She didn't expect to encounter such a situation!

She rubbed her stiff legs and neck, glanced at the two flowers that were still resting on Mount Tai, and sighed, let them fight, she couldn't take it anymore, this day was exhausting both physically and mentally, But she was exhausted, and her eyelids kept fighting up and down.

Probably because Zisang Chanmo didn't bother to care about them, Guigui finally couldn't hold back anymore, and was the first to lose.

With a loud cry, she threw herself into Zisang Chanmo's arms, "Momo, don't you want me? I just fell asleep, and you made me such an ugly guy, Momo, tell me, Do you not love me anymore! Wow wow wow..."

Only then did Zi Sang Chanmo know these two people, no, why did these two flowers stare with big eyes and small eyes for so long, the crying made my head hurt, and sleepy people were all overwhelmed by ghosts. The loud voice scared them away, but fortunately, they were the only ones who could hear them.

"Guigui, what are you talking nonsense about? How could Momo not want Guigui? Guigui is so powerful!"

Originally, I thought these two flowers would be very happy to see each other, but I didn't expect that they would fall in love and kill each other when they met. Look at the mess in the room. Although there are not many things in the room, Zi Sangchanmo doesn't have the energy to clean it up now.

Tired and sleepy, why is it so difficult to raise a flower?

"Then Momo, send him back quickly. It's good that Momo has Guigui. Guigui is very powerful now. This section of wood is not as cute as Guigui, and without Guigui's ability, it's fine if Momo has Guigui..."

Guigui is also wronged, it just sleeps, why does a log suddenly appear to compete with it, what if Momo doesn't like her anymore!
Yaoyao can't stand anymore, it's obvious that the villain complained first, even if it is a high-quality peach blossom, it will be angry!

"Who are you talking about, you ugly bastard covered in thorns! You know the crybaby!"

When Guigui heard this, she dared to say that she was ugly, and immediately blew up, and stopped crying now, and got out of Zisangchanmo's arms.

"Who are you calling ugly!"

While speaking, she slid from Zi Sangchanmo's arms to the ground, twisting herself into a twisted shape.

"Sister, do you have such a small waist? Do you have such an enchanting figure? Do you have such sexy red lips? Sister..."

Zi Sangchanmo's eyes are almost popping out, it's amazing to my flowers!


"Little cat, did you become a thief last night?"

Han Zhengyu reached out his hand to touch Zi Sang Chanmo's big panda eyes, before he touched them, he was slapped away by the person in front of him, and he was not angry, he was joking with people.

Zi Sangchanmo yawned big, took a bite of the sweet steamed bun while half asleep, closed her eyes and said nonchalantly, "Well, yes".

(End of this chapter)

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