Chapter 96
How many people are there in this base, and how many people with supernatural powers are there? I'm afraid they have waited and watched for a long time like An Yi, and they just waited for an opportunity.

Now that everyone is leaving, how long will it take if they don't make a move at this time?
An Yi sent someone over early to invite the group of them to dinner. From Cao Yuanli, Han Zhengyu to Uncle He Fangming, everyone was politely invited to the cafeteria of the base.

Of course, they are not invited to eat in the cafeteria. The base also has a restaurant inside the cafeteria. This restaurant is jointly managed by the military and the government.

In today's world, of course, there may be another supernatural person added to supplies and weapons and equipment in the future, whoever has the right to speak in the hands of whoever owns it. This is why the Zi family can quickly get a share of the pie from An Yi. part of the reason.

Originally, the city z base was just a temporary base. Logically speaking, it is enough to have troops stationed in city z. There is absolutely no need to send people over from the big base in the north. This is why An Yi couldn't figure it out. After searching for a long time , but the secrecy work was done very well. An Yi searched for a long time, but only found out that the Zi family might be looking for someone. As for who they were looking for, it is completely unknown whether this person is a man or a woman.

An Yi is very aggrieved, what is it all about, half of the originally good base was robbed by someone, no one would be happy to put it on anyone, not to mention that he has no desire for this right .

An Yi was sitting in the high-end restaurant on the third floor of the cafeteria, pointing his fingers at the table. Opposite him was An Bonan, still wearing a white coat, with a sunny smiling face that was spotless, as if he was out of tune with the filth of the last days.

Now the base has not been fully built, only the outer perimeter of the base has restaurants, so no matter whether it is the inner perimeter or the outer perimeter of the base, if you want to get a meal, you can get this canteen.

The cafeteria has three floors. The first floor is the hall. It is the place where people line up to receive meals. There is no place to sit. The door is not open at ordinary times and only opens at regular intervals at meal times. If you miss it, you will be hungry. There are heavy guards at the door Ordinary people don't dare to make trouble if they want to, not to mention in this last world, where can they go without the base?
So from the establishment of this rule in this cafeteria to now, no one who dislikes the safety of the base has made trouble in the cafeteria.

The second floor of the cafeteria is relatively high-end, with more than a dozen small round tables and several independent private rooms. This is a special place for people to treat guests to dinner, but it is not affordable for ordinary people to eat in such a place.

Now that the end of the world has passed so long, vegetables and fruits are the most scarce things. Plants have not yet begun to mutate, and mutated animals are rarely seen, but even if they do, no one dares to try to eat them.

The third floor where An Yi invited them to dinner was relatively high-end. This is where only the leaders of the base can enter. This also shows that An Yi attaches great importance to them.

"Boss Cao, you are here, please sit down."

"Mr. Anji is being polite." Uncle Ming smiled politely. He is usually the one who comes forward for this kind of thing. "It's really unflattering if you don't come again for such a sincere invitation."

(End of this chapter)

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