Chapter 99

He is dressed in a dark gray suit, his five outlooks are upright, and his hairstyle is meticulous. This is a bit similar to Han Zhengyu. He is nearly forty years old and looks like he is only 31 and [-] years old. It seems that the wind and frost of the doomsday are not on him. Leave a little trace.

You must know that in this last days, everything is for the convenience of survival, and it is rare to see such a clean man in a suit.

The clean and gentle breath is easy to make people feel good.

Sure enough, An Yi's words established the identity of this person.

"What a coincidence today, the base chief also came to the cafeteria to eat?"

The man laughed before saying anything, "Where did you say that? I'm just relying on the old to sell the old for a name. Now everyone in the base doesn't say hello from Director An Ji. I, a big idler, wander around when I have nothing to do. It's rare today." It happened that Director An Ji came out to eat in leisure time, didn't he bother everyone, did he?"

First belittle yourself, and then praise others. What Zi Sangchanmo admires the most are these officials.

"Of course, you also know my worry-free brother, thanks to their help, no, I just want to invite someone to have a good meal,"

"I've heard for a long time that several high-level supernatural beings have come to the base, and I finally saw them today. It's really scary for young people."

Everyone is here, so we can't drive them away, right? An Yi just smiled, "If you don't mind, why don't you sit down and have a chat?"

Whether it was a sincere invitation or a disguised chase, Zi Jiyang didn't seem to feel it, and still smiled gently, "No, no, I haven't eaten yet, so I won't bother you, let's find a time to have a good chat another day. "

Now it's time for An Yi to be surprised, so he just left?

As if he really came to say a few words, he really waved his sleeves without taking away a cloud after saying hello to Cao Yuanli and others.

Zi Sangchanmo is completely puzzled by Monk Zhang Er now, this person looks quite normal, how can he do something so abnormal.

After Zi Jiyang left, everyone made arrangements for the next itinerary. The itinerary originally planned for tomorrow was to force An Yi, an old fox, to make a decision. Now that everyone is rushing to send his younger brother up, naturally they are not in a hurry to leave .

However, considering the climate that Cheng Rongrong mentioned, it is better to set off as soon as possible.

A group of people here are discussing the itinerary, and in the office on the other side, the people who were smiling just now only have sad faces.

"Uncle Zhang, is there any news today?"

Although the replies he received every day were disappointing, he still couldn't help looking forward to it. It might be good news for him to have no news now.

Uncle Zhang shook his head, "A few days ago, there were two task leaders, but they didn't find any useful information."

It's been 20 years, 20 years, where did the little sister he loved in his hands go?
Zi Jiyang squeezed the center of his brows wearily, hating himself in his heart, if it wasn't for his selfishness, his sister would not have run away from home, let alone not being heard from for so many years.

He probably knew that she had come to Z City after touching all his connections, but Z City is so big that no one can be found in a peaceful era, let alone the dangerous end times, with vast crowds and rampant zombies, if there is no special ability , the consequences for a woman can be imagined.

"Uncle Zhang, you said..."

"Impossible, Yangzi, let me tell you, don't think too much, no news is the best news!"

Zhang Bo was a little excited when he said this, he couldn't control the volume for a while, he didn't know whether to comfort Zi Jiyang or tell himself.

The younger sister that he dotes on in the palm of his hand is not the one he dotes on like a daughter, or in other words, there is no one in the Zi family who does not dote on the youngest daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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