Tears Fairy

Chapter 1060

Chapter 1060

The independent space in the blue theater is so uncharacteristically.She knew that behind the tranquility, there must be great danger hidden.

Since separate spaces are so different, the danger of tranquility worries her even more.

Now that she is here, she must make a breakthrough.There are no teammates here, only her own.

Breaking through the level is to break through the characters. While walking slowly, Feng Tianyu's heart suddenly moved.Since there is no gravity here, and no one else.Why doesn't she try it, and use the effect of the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft.

Let's see if her five-color auspicious cloud aircraft can fly in the independent space of the blue theater.

As soon as Feng Tianyu waved her hand, the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft was already under her feet, supporting her and slowly flew upwards.

Feng Tianyu smiled, and finally felt the speed of flying again.Looking at the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft under his feet, it flew quickly through the clouds and fog.

The five-color auspicious cloud aircraft flew for a day, and when her consciousness was stretched thousands of miles away, Feng Tianyu finally saw human signs.

Is this the one who broke through?
In order to confirm her guess, she decided to fly to the ground to have a look.

"Everyone, make a quick decision, someone is coming!"

A team that is killing wolves on a grassland.The captain, Zhong Shilin, suddenly discovered the airborne wind and rain.Busy immediately sounded a warning to his team members.

"In Xiafengtian, I got separated from my teammates who broke through the barrier. Dare I ask this Daoist, have you ever met these people?"

Feng Tianyu landed on the ground from the sky, waved away the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft, and then asked Zhong Shilin, who was staring at her with a sword.

During the interrogation, she waved out a water mirror.While pointing, the images of Jinyulou, Guan Shanyue, and Zhushanxian appeared in front of Zhong Shilin's team.

"Are you here to break through?"

Zhong Shilin's eyes lit up, and he asked instead.The sword in his hand was also put away during the questioning.

Feng Tianyu frowned, suppressing the sudden chill in her heart.Politely replied: "Yes, the next one is the passer-by who has been separated from his teammates. If you fellow daoists have seen the three of them, please tell us a thing or two."

"They!" Zhong Shilin thought for a while, seeing that his brothers had already killed the wolves.He gave Feng Tianyu a friendly smile before turning around and asking his teammates:

"This fellow daoist is looking for his lost teammate. Have any of you seen these three?"

Feng Tianyu's gaze, following Zhong Shilin's questioning, turned to the 24 people in front of him.


When Feng Tianyu just turned his eyes to look at the crowd, following the sound of weapons, a sword light suddenly flashed across Feng Tianyu's neck.


The sword in Feng Tianyu made a light bang.The wind and rain are like deflated balloons. After a burst of atomization, the existence of wind and rain is no longer in the space.

"The one who landed in the air, sure enough!" Zhong Shilin pointed at the void with the sword in his hand, and continued: "Fengtian, you can't escape, come out and suffer your death!"

In the void, Feng Tianyu took a look at Huang Yu who had activated the invisibility function.He also looked at Zhong Shilin's long sword pointing at him.

impossible!Is it a coincidence?
Feng Tianyu couldn't believe it.Therefore, she still stood motionless in the void.


Zhong Shilin shouted loudly, and Feng Tianyu realized that he had really been seen through Xingzang.Because the weapons of 25 people had already attacked her from different angles at the same time.

"It's a heaven and earth net!" Feng Tianyu exclaimed, unable to dodge in time, the Ziji Thunder Dragon Sword suddenly swiped past. "Boom boom boom..."

After a muffled thunder, there was another burst of magnetic crackling.

The heaven and earth net that Zhong Shilin had just formed was pierced by Feng Tianyu's Ziji Leilong Sword.

Zhong Shilin shrank his eyes and shouted: "Fengtian, try another move!"

"One sword through the ages!"

Zhong Shilin swiped his long sword, and there was a loud noise in the air.

"Boom boom boom..."

Rows of sword forests suddenly turned from virtual to real.Straight out from the ground.Attacked her like a tide.

"Ding ding ding..."

In the nick of time, the Purple Extreme Thunder Dragon Sword in Feng Tianyu's hand suddenly turned into a ray of light, supporting Feng Tianyu, and quickly fled far away.

"Want to escape? There is no door. All trees are soldiers!"

"Boom boom boom..." A piece of grassland suddenly grew wildly, attacking the wind and rain in the sky.

"The sky thunder is extinct!"

Feng Tianyu made a tactic with his left hand, and swung the Ziji Thunder Dragon Sword with his right hand. "Boom..." A thunder from the sky resounded through the sky, and in a burst of lightning, a world-killing thunder exploded directly from the air in this grassland.

Amidst the thunder and lightning, a piece of grassland turned into scorched earth.Zhong Shilin and other 25 people were also turned into 25 piles of ashes in the extermination of the Tianlei extinction move by Fengtianyu Zijileilongjian.

A gust of wind blew by, and 25 piles of ashes immediately flew up with a piece of grass ash. Where could it be distinguished whether it was grass ash or the fly ash of 25 people?
"Half-dead people are killing people!"

The sky has just returned to clearness, and the wind and rain have not yet left the scorched land.He heard a murderous sound coming from the front.

It was a very familiar voice, Feng Tianyu could tell it was Guan Shanyue's voice after distinguishing it carefully.Why should he be shocked by killing people?
Full of doubts, Feng Tianyu rushed towards the source of the sound. "Ding ding ding..."

On a Crescent Lake, Feng Tianyu saw more than seventy monks in green clothes besieging and killing Guan Shanyue.

I really can't see that Guan Shanyue, who usually doesn't talk much, will be so talkative when she is in danger.

"Brother Feng, run, they are not real people, don't be entangled by them."

Feng Tianyu was laughing in his heart, Guan Shanyue with sharp eyes had already seen her.When Feng Tianyu heard his words, he was taken aback, and couldn't help being stunned.

They are not human?what are they?
"Ding ding ding..."

The dense sound of ding ding weapons colliding brought Feng Tianyu, who was stunned for a moment, to his senses immediately.


"Clang clang clang..."

During the siege battle that was being fought, Feng Tianyu only heard a puff, her eyes narrowed, and with a movement of her figure, the Ziji Thunder Dragon Sword in her hand clanged and clanged, and sent a wave to the dozen or so people who were besieging Guan Shanyue. With the fast sword, the strongest Dayin Nine Swords attack in a row.

"Ah..." Among the nine swords, seven people were hit by the sword, and when the seven people uttered miserable screams, Feng Tianyu raised Guan Shanyue who had been hit by the sword.

When he flashed out of the battle circle, Feng Tianyu realized that the seven people in green clothes who had been hit by the sword had already turned into a strange black and red smoke under the lightning of the Ziji Thunder Dragon Sword.

"Fengtian, leave me alone, go!" Enduring the pain, Guan Shanyue stretched out her hand to push Feng Tianyu, anxiously urging her to leave quickly.

He has been registered by the life snatchers here, and now he is injured again, Feng Tian and Ben can't save him.

Since Fengtian is his teammate, he can't drag him down with selfish intentions, and he can't let him have the same fate as himself.

He has already been marked by these life-killers, and he cannot escape.He couldn't let his teammates also be marked by these life-killers.

Guan Shanyue's words and deeds warmed Feng Tianyu's heart, just because of this, she must save Guan Shanyue.

(End of this chapter)

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