Tears Fairy

Chapter 1189

Chapter 1189

Feng Tianyu replied to Saturn and ordered Fengmeng to stick to it for ten days.She decided to go back to Fengmeng first.

With the speed of the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft, Feng Tianyu felt that she could rush back to Fengmeng within ten days.

Because he decided to go back to Fengmeng, Feng Tianyu had to give up the trip to return to Baijiu Mountain.After the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft turned around.

Feng Tianyu re-fixed the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft's direction to return to Fengmeng.After everything was ready, she returned to the lounge with peace of mind, and for the next ten days, she handed over to the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft.Just do what she should do.

When Feng Tianyu was riding the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft, he was rushing all the way to Fengmeng.The order of the Wind League is in order.

Because of Feng Tianyu's orders, no one would disobey them.Saturn acts as the herald of wind and rain.The top and bottom of Fengmeng will be dispatched by Saturn for the time being.

Xing Wuming ordered [-] monks from Yundian to attack Fengmeng for three days in a row, but they still failed to break through the formation of Fengmeng.

What made it even more unacceptable to the people in Yundian was that they had suffered casualties when Fengmeng had stabilized its position.

As a result, the monks in Yundian have already begun to criticize Xing Wuming's proposal to attack Fengmeng.

He felt that Xing Wuming was using the banner of avenging the former leader to realize his own ambition.Don't take their lives seriously.

However, Xing Wuming has the support of the current lord of Yundian, and the support of the three elders of Yundian.

The other elders remained silent.The backbone below can only bury their complaints in their hearts.Only a small number of deacons and team leaders made different voices, expressing their dissatisfaction with resentment.

But these different voices were quickly suppressed by the lord of Yundian, Jia Zhen'er, by killing chickens to make an example to monkeys.

In order to help Xing Wuming get rid of her inner demons, Jia Zhen'er has already eaten the weight and made up her mind to fulfill Xing Wuming's wish at all costs.

Once she is in power, she has the confidence to help the tyrant.Xing Wuming's investment finally got a return beyond his expectations.

This time, he wanted Fengmeng to be completely annihilated in this valley.He wanted the brothers and sisters of the Feng family to stay in the purple war zone forever.

Thinking of the brothers and sisters of the Feng family who will stay in the ancient battlefield forever.Xing Wuming, who looked like a banished immortal in white clothes, was even more immortal.

Even Jia Zhener, who put all her heart on him, was so fascinated that Jia Zhener's heart fell completely.

Since then, Jia Zhen'er has become even more devoted to Xing Wuming, and has never regretted dying.

"Attack! Attack!"

Standing on a mountain peak, Xing Wuming issued an exciting attack order to the monk Yundian who was waiting for orders.

"Boom boom boom..."

The [-] monks were divided into two groups, and under the order of Xing Wuming, they alternately cast Taoism to the camp of the Valley Wind League.

The dazzling torrent of Taoism is dazzling and ferocious, and it is a converging force capable of destroying a world.

However, in the face of Fengmeng's stubborn formation, it can only shake the pillar like a dragonfly.Xing Wuming's dream of destroying a valley with it cannot be realized.

"Attack! Attack!"

Xing Wuming vowed not to stop giving orders if he failed to achieve his goal.

Yu Gongde watched coldly, when he proposed to Xing Wuming to attack Fengmeng, he was determined to stop it, but he was a loser.

He didn't stand up to stop it because he saw the thoughts of the top management of Yundian.

He has done his best for the old master, and now, he has no ambition to fight for power.Since they were going to kick the iron board, he kept silent, and it was enough to protect himself wisely.

Xing Wuming ordered people to attack Fengmeng for three days to no avail, and now, he still has to do this useless work.He just watched coldly.

Xing Wuming has no power to order him yet.Xing Wuming remembered his indifference to merit.

If Xing Wuming wants to deal with Fengmeng, he must unite all the forces of Yundian.Yu Gongde is one of the elders with real power in Yundian.Therefore, he can only tolerate merit and give him the respect he deserves.

After he completed the goal of clearing the Fengmeng and attacking the brothers and sisters of the Feng family.At that time, he will free up his hands to deal with Yu Gongde.

He doesn't care even if Yundian's strength is greatly reduced because of this, and the forces of Orange World are reshuffled because of this.

When did the power in his hands last for a long time?Isn't there still when he wants to employ people?
For this reason, Xing Wuming not only has no sense of shame, but is complacent about his own wisdom.He has a wise mind, so he doesn't need to bother to raise a power by using his strategy to gain the achievements of others.

Xing Wuming didn't care at all about Yundian's performance in attacking Fengmeng.What he wants is to suppress the morale of Fengmeng.

As long as his strategy of besieging Fengmeng continues.The Wind Alliance monks who were besieged by him.And how can we maintain peace for a long time?
As long as the monks of the Wind League lose their sense of normalcy, his strategy will be half successful.His plan starts with disintegration.

Xing Wuming continued to order the monks in Yundian to attack Fengmeng for three days.

In fact, Xing Wuming had no way of calculating success against Feng Tianyu.

This time, not only is Feng Tianyu not in Fengmeng, but all the people she cares about and can't let go of Feng Tianyu are brought with her in the portable space room on her body.

Moreover, the Wind Alliance is not another force, it is a huge force with a soul.Feng Tianyu is the soul of Fengmeng.

When there is wind and rain, Fengmeng will not be depressed, and will not lose his sense of normalcy for anything.Feng Tianyu is the soul of Fengmeng, and also the pinnacle of Dinghai.

On the seventh day, Xing Wuming stopped attacking for a day, which made Yu Gongde, who was watching coldly, a trace of confusion appeared on his indifferent face.

It was not until the eighth day when Yu Gongde saw the spiritual cannons erected around the valley that he was able to solve his doubts.

Looking at the storage bags filled with Zi Tianlei, placed next to the spiritual power cannons.The heart that is at peace with merit can no longer be at peace.

Xing Wuming is cruel enough, he wants to bury Fengmeng desperately.He suddenly felt a palpitation, and his eyes shrank suddenly.

Such a ruthless person, after dealing with Fengmeng, what will be his next goal...

He has been on the sidelines for so long, he must have hated him!Thinking of this, Yu Gongde suddenly looked bitter.

There is nothing he can do now.Because, no matter how much he did, he still couldn't get rid of Xing Wuming's desire to deal with him.

Xing Wuming looked at the Fengmeng garrison.His face was as handsome as a banished fairy, and at this moment he had an angelic smile on his face.

People who didn't know saw Xing Wuming's angelic smile.Seeing the [-] spiritual cannons and the [-] purple sky thunders placed beside them, they must have thought that this was a generous gift prepared by Xing Wuming for the Fengmeng.

Of course, in Xing Wuming's heart, isn't all of this a generous gift he prepared for Fengmeng?
So don't blame the uninformed for getting it wrong.In fact, there is nothing wrong with their thinking.Things are also different.

Xing Wuming decided to bury Fengmeng with a generous gift of [-] purple sky thunders.This is owned by Jia Zhen'er Qingyun Palace and brought back for Xing Wuming.

Such a large price has already exceeded the scope of ordinary generous gifts.Xing Wuming couldn't help being heartbroken for it.

Zi Tianlei, Lingli Pao, this time it's up to you.He waved the reserve flag to the gunner.

(End of this chapter)

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