Tears Fairy

Chapter 1207 Jia Zhener blew himself up in love

Chapter 1207 Jia Zhener blew himself up in love

Xie Zhenglai looked back in despair, and his heart sank to the bottom.I saw that Xing Wuming's black and white smoke had chased him to a distance of less than a hundred feet behind him.

Such a distance has completely entered the range of the monk's Taoist attack.

Xie Zhenglai looked back in despair, making Xing Wuming, who was enjoying this kind of game process, even more excited.

"Xie Zhenglai, I am in a good mood, and I will give you another chance to escape.

As long as you escape from the attack range of this deity, and this deity lets you go, Xu Yunfei's space ring is yours. "

Xing Wuming looked at Xie Zhenglai who was out of strength, this kind of satisfaction of conquering others by force made Xing Wuming, who was originally like a banished fairy and fell into the mortal world, look even more immortal at this time.

"Xing Wuming doesn't need you to pretend to be kind, you can enjoy the joy of being superior to others, and show your prestige to me.

From the beginning of the rebellion, I have figured it out.Seeking wealth and wealth, since I can't escape from your palm, there is only one word for my fate! "

Xing Wuming asked with a playful smile, "What word?"

"This word, I can collect and write it for you to see now!"

Xie Zhenglai wiped his long sword towards his neck, he had already told Xing Wuming with his blood what the word was.

just die?
Xing Wuming looked at Xie Zhenglai who had slumped to the ground, and shook his head incomprehensibly.

Cultivators earn their lives to cultivate immortals. They have already practiced Mahayana Dzogchen, and they are only one step away from ascending. Why not continue to escape?Give it a go?

Xing Wuming used his thinking to measure Xie Zhenglai.Naturally, he would not understand Xie Zhenglai's despair when he was exhausted and unable to escape.

At a distance of one hundred feet, it only took a gust of wind, Xing Wuming stretched out his hand to pick off the interspatial ring on Xie Zhenglai's hand, at this moment.


Under the sound of a sword breaking an iron bone, there was another gust of wind.Xie Zhenglai's hand wearing the ring was suddenly severed from his wrist.When a gust of wind blows by.The severed arm flew obliquely towards a cloud of five colors.

The five-color cloud is a unique existence in the sky of the orange world, and only monks who have seen it will be happy and terrified.

Xing Wuming has seen it before, so Xing Wuming is no exception, and he is terrified.

Rain or shine?
The five-color cloud is the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft, and it is also the unique symbol of Fengtianyu.Xing Wuming was terrified, he thought that he had already overestimated Feng Tianyu.

Xing Wuming didn't expect that his overestimation was still underestimation.At this time, he truly realized Feng Tianyu's terrifying growth.

Feng Tianyu looked at the interspatial rings taken from Duan's hand, one belonged to Xu Yunfei and the other belonged to Xie Zhenglai.

Xing Wuming suddenly regretted, regretting his carelessness.It was because I shouldn't be playing games on Xie Zhenglai's business.

He played a game to his heart's content, and he played Xie Zhenglai to death.However, he lost Xu Yunfei's space ring does not count.Have to face the wind and rain.

Xing Wuming weighed and weighed again and again, but in the end he didn't have the courage to ask for something from Feng Tianyu.On the contrary, he has to think about his precious little life.

This is Xing Wuming's instinct. When he lost his courage to face the wind and rain, there was only one escape word left.

"Xing Wuming, Jia Zhen'er's life is in my hands, do you really want to continue to escape desperately?

Also, Xu Yunfei turned into ashes in her hands, don't think that I will let her go mercifully!
I promise, as long as you stand up and fight with me, no matter whether you win or lose, I will release Jia Zhener after the battle!
Xing Wuming, you used a sneak attack to capture the unconscious Xu Yunfei, which is the act of a villain.Now Xu Yunfei has had an accident in your calculation.You are already the one I must kill.

This time, even if you give up on Jia Zhener and run away.Next time, you will have to fight for your life with my Ziji Thunder Dragon Sword. "

Feng Tianyu spoke extremely quickly to Xing Wuming who turned around and wanted to escape.She wanted Jia Zhener to realize how despicable and ruthless the real Xing Wuming is.

The black and white smoke formed by Xing Wuming only paused for a moment, and then continued to fly away with the wind.Only leave a paragraph with the wind, which makes Jia Zhener heartbroken.

"Feng Tianyu, do you think I will let you influence my decision for a woman? It's ridiculous! Who is Jia Zhener to me? At best, she is a valuable stepping stone to me.

What does her life have to do with me?

You can kill Feng Tianyu if you want, there is no need to use her to threaten me, because it is useless.

You know who I am, don't you?

You killed her, no way, I also want to thank you for helping me solve a problem! "

Jia Zhener's heart was made of iron, and at this time it was also broken to the ground by Xing Wuming's ruthlessness.She opened her eyes wide, trying not to let the mist in her eyes turn into water.

It's her fault, it's her repeated blindness, who can be blamed?

"See it clearly? Do you have any regrets?"

Feng Tianyu's cold words rang in Jia Zhener's ears.

Jia Zhener silently closed her wide-open eyes, unwilling to show her fragility in front of Feng Tianyu.

She is already a prisoner of wind and rain, her heart is broken, she doesn't want to be strong anymore.She made mistakes again and again to reverse the meridians...

"Jia Zhener, you really are hopeless!"

A terrifying smile appeared on Jia Zhener's distorted and swollen face.Feng Tianyu couldn't tell whether her smile was a bitter smile of despair or a smile of relief.

Feng Tianyu saw that Jia Zhener chose to be violent, she sighed, and threw Jia Zhener, who had already swollen, from Youdao's pocket to Xing Wuming who was fleeing.

Feng Tianyu will not take action to prevent Jia Zhener from blowing herself up.

She will not be a saint, let go of the death she caused indirectly to Xu Yunfei.Although she believed that Xu Yunfei would one day be reborn from Nirvana.

However, it is an indisputable fact that Xu Yunfei died again because of her relationship with Xing Wuming.

"Brother Xing, I don't hate you! If you want to leave, I will spend my whole life seeing you off! Brother Xing, Jia Zhener will never regret it until she dies!"

Xing Wuming was running away at high speed, only heard a soft voice behind him, which made him feel ashamed all his life.

Jia Zhener is unwilling to regret, not without regrets!

A loud noise erupted in the air, which made Feng Tianyu feel sorry for it, and made the ruthless Xing Wuming feel sad for a while.

After a loud noise, Jia Zhener's inflated body exploded in the sky.A huge mushroom cloud spread out from the center of Jia Zhener's explosion.

The turbulent air in the sky caused the windy and rainy five-color auspicious cloud aircraft to retreat thousands of miles.

Xing Wuming was running away, even though he escaped in the form of black and white smoke.The air turbulence generated by Jia Zhener's self-explosion was also thrown hundreds of feet away.

After a surge of black and white smoke, Xing Wuming finally recovered from the smoke.His dazzling black eyes also dimmed for a while.

A woman who really loves him because of his determination and ruthlessness.Just like that, it became a burst of fireworks to send him away?
Xing Wuming never knew that a woman's love would be so heavy.How much bitterness is contained in her words of no regrets?

Xing Wuming's dark eyes were fixed, Jia Zhen'er was so real and idiotic, she clearly knew his ruthlessness, but she didn't regret it, she used her life to let him remember her.

(End of this chapter)

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