Tears Fairy

Chapter 1226 Xu Yunfei was born again from Nirvana

Chapter 1226 Xu Yunfei was born again from Nirvana

When Xu Yunfei entered Nirvana and was reborn, Feng Tianyu was already in Ah Shui, Zhan Fei and others guarded each other, and entered the middle of the yellow world.

"Kill! Kill! Kill..."

A killing sound resounded from the clouds, just like thunder rolling from the sky.

Feng Tianyu frowned, and the Ziji Thunder Dragon Sword jumped into his hands quickly.She quickly ordered the four leaders of the team's vanguard:

"Saturn, Huorang, Mao Gao, Chen Shiren, don't have any doubts, follow my orders immediately, and drive all the spaceships to make a detour!"


When the killing sound was like thunder, Saxing, Huorang, Mao Gao, and Chen Shiren immediately obeyed the order and took a detour.

When the crisis hits, they have no time to think about it.Moreover, the leader's order is like a mountain.There is no room for rebuttal from them.

In the yellow war zone, according to the information obtained by Feng Tianyu at Qingzhu Peak.It was impossible to drive all walking devices.

This time, after Feng Tianyu gave an order.Saturn, Chen Shiren, Mao Gao, and Huo Lang didn't even think about it, and directly sacrificed the spaceships of each department.

Ah Shui, Zhanfei, Wuqing, Dongguoyuan, Wanli, Dongfangyu and others, when the commanders of the four departments were driving the spaceship to make a detour.

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but looked at each other suspiciously.

"Everyone, hurry up and follow me on the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft."

In Feng Tianyu's mind, a five-color cloud has risen under his feet.

Ah Shui, Zhan Fei, Ruthless, Dong Guoyuan, Wan Li, Dongfang Yu and the others boarded Feng Tianyu's five-color auspicious cloud aircraft at a high speed when Feng Tianyu called and thousands of monks rushed towards them frantically. .

With the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft instead of traveling, the tens of thousands of people rushing towards them have already shortened the distance between each other at the extreme speed of the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft.

The flying magic weapon can fly in the yellow world, not only Saturn, Chen Shiren, Mao Gao, and Huo Lang have doubts after they regain their senses.

Even Ah Shui, Zhanfei, Wuqing, Dongguoyuan, Wanli, Dongfangyu and others who flew with Fengtianyu in the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft also looked at Fengtianyu with puzzled faces.

Could it be that the leader found out that the news about the Green Bamboo Peak was false?It's not like, along the way, didn't they rely on their own body strength to fly forward in the yellow world?

Feng Tianyu decisively issued an order to Fengmeng, and after successfully bypassing the tens of thousands of crazy monks, she explained to Ah Shui, Zhanfei, Wuqing, Dongguoyuan, Wanli, Dongfangyu and others:
"I know, I asked everyone to sacrifice the aircraft and successfully detoured away from the crazy monk. You are all confused in your heart, for example, why are the aircraft available and not used?"

Feng Tianyu looked at the people who were looking for knowledge, a smile appeared on her clear face.

"When we entered the yellow war zone, we could use aircraft instead. Because we not only absorbed and refined the strange energy light group, but this strange energy light group is the energy of this space.

This kind of strange energy made everyone change the spiritual power of the purple theater when they entered the purple theater.

Because of the strange energy light group, because of the conversion of the spiritual power of the purple theater.Many restrictions in this space do not exist for Fengmeng and us.

However, I did not use the spaceship when everyone entered the yellow war zone, nor did I use the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft to travel.

There are two reasons. First, using body power to fly through can enhance everyone's confidence.

Second, in this yellow world that controls people's hearts, only by flooding every nerve cell with the power of the body can we resist the ubiquitous and pervasive space control technique of the space cow. "

"Fifth Young Master, now?"

Ah Shui, Zhanfei, Wuqing, Dongguoyuan, Wanli, Dongfangyu and others couldn't help but feel worried again after they understood.

If the main body is strong, after the power of the main body fills every nerve cell, it can resist the ubiquitous space soul control technique in space.

Now they use the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft to travel.Does it mean that all of them fell into the divine control technique of this space without checking?

Feng Tianyu understood everyone's worries, she smiled at everyone and said, "Don't worry! We have entered the middle of the yellow world.

The time of our weakest consciousness is over.

Now, our consciousness has been produced, the resistance of the natural barrier.

We are riding the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft, and the speed is good.Ah Shui and the others may move forward in a spaceship.

As long as we keep moving forward, the power of this space will not be able to use divine control to control our consciousness. "

"Ah, that's it! Master, you almost scared Bing'er!"

Just as everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Xu Binger finally wiped off her sweat and said.She is the one who worries about herself the most among them.

Her cultivation is there.She knew that if anyone among them would be consciously controlled by the divine control technique in this space.She, Xu Binger, will definitely be the first.

Feng Tianyu looked at Xu Binger softly, smiled and said: "With Master here, what are you afraid of?"

"Master, yes, it's my disciple who is too worried!"

Xu Binger smiled embarrassedly at Feng Tianyu.It's not that she has forgotten the master, a powerful person, but that she doesn't want the master to see her miserable.

The master is a genius in the Tianyuan Continent, and she also knows what the master expects of her.She didn't want to disappoint Master.That's why she secretly followed from Tianyuan Continent.

Now, she is a monk in the Mahayana period. In 200 years, her cultivation base has grown at a speed like riding on the master's five-color auspicious cloud flying machine.Straight up.

This kind of speed improvement is not due to how good her aptitude is!It was her master who accumulated it with genius treasures.

"Xiao Bing'er, don't think too much, your uncle also has your worries."

Feng Tianyu, who was beside Xu Binger, stretched out his hand and patted Xu Binger's shoulder to comfort him.

"Thank you uncle for your comfort, Bing'er saved it."

Xu Binger sincerely thanked her uncle.At this moment, a space beast suddenly appeared in the sky, facing the windy and rainy multi-colored auspicious cloud aircraft.

Feng Tianyu's dark eyes flashed, his heart moved, his mind moved, and his sword moved.

"Clang! Clang, clang..."

Feng Tianyu picked up his hands and blasted nine swords in succession, the Ziji Thunder Dragon Sword flashed and thundered, and the Ziji Thunder Dragon Sword straightened up against the dragon.


A series of dragon whistles went straight into the sky, and the dragon whistle went straight into the ears of space beasts.


The space beast half hidden in the space was furious. The provocation of 27 Baizhang Brontosaurus.The space beast has been furious.

It is just a beast in the void, born in space, hidden in the void, and today it just wants to add another meal.Who knows it just popped up.He was attacked by human monks.

Because of the sword, Feng Tianyu was recorded by it. She only knows the crystal nucleus of a space beast, which is enough to refine a high-level living creature space.

She didn't know that when she was thinking about the crystal nucleus of the space beast, the Rongjian beast had already listed her as a thought on its plate.


The space beast roared again and again, and the 27 thunder dragons raised by Feng Tianyu's sword, under Feng Tianyu's finger, had already bitten together with the space beast.


The space beast let out a loud roar, suddenly kicked up its four hooves, and after flying six thunder dragons, it suddenly flew straight at Fengtianyu like an arrow.

(End of this chapter)

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