Tears Fairy

Chapter 1270

Chapter 1270

Just as the leader's mind flashed, he was in a state of desperation.

Feng Tianxing, Feng Tianyu, Dongfang Yu, Jian Shang, Zhao Hua, Fang Yunxuan, Wu Baoxiang, Li Caisheng, Gao Letian, Fan Meiyang, Xu Xianbin, Yan Zifei and others became more and more excited as they fought.

In addition to Feng Tianqing and the others later, the more than 100 Jiexiu who attacked Feng Tianlei and the others had already lost their original viciousness.

Now they are not only at a disadvantage, they have even reached the point where they have no power to fight back.

Just as the head monk, in the tug-of-war between giving up and not giving up.He could also occasionally hear the screams of someone dying on the spot among his people.

Jiexiu, who was the leader, wanted to abandon the crowd and run away. For a while, his somewhat pale face kept changing.

Feng Tianyu watched with deep dark eyes, leading Jie Xiu's unpredictable face.Suddenly, she smiled at Jiexiu who was the leader:

"You are their leader, and I am their leader. Soldier against soldier, general against general. Let's win or lose in a battle!"

Feng Tianyu's Ziji Leilong sword slashed across, just in time to stop the leader Jiexiu who was about to abandon the crowd and flee.The sword is strong, and there is the muffled thunder.

"I won't fight anymore, why do you still block my way?"

Feng Tianyu's strike made the leader Jiexiu feel a chill in his heart, he didn't know if the strong killing intent on Feng Tianyu was aimed at him.He can only speak in terms of compromise.Looking forward to the wind and rain to let him go.

"Didn't I already say that?
Let's fight soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals.You and I will win or lose! "

Feng Tianyu smiled at the leader Jie Xiu with a good temper.At this time, the Ziji Thunder Dragon Sword in her hand was always around him.

The strong momentum of Feng Tianyu made the leader Jiexiu feel a burst of shock.Seeing Feng Tianyu's long sword pointed at him all the time, there was no sign of accommodating him at all.

He knew that this female cultivator had already made it clear, which meant that he should not fight, but had to fight.

Naturally, Feng Tianyu would not have a good impression of Jiexiu who abandoned the crowd and fled.She did it, and she would not let him escape here alone.

"Since you want to fight, I will fight with you!"

Jiexiu, who was the leader, knew that he could not escape the blockade of female cultivators.Simply accepted the challenge of wind and rain.

"Thousands of swords are fired! Boom~"

He slashed down with his long sword in the air, and all the swords hit, even the air froze for a while.

Feng Tianyu's Ziji Thunder Dragon Sword swung horizontally.shouted loudly:

"Good come!

Just look at the power of my Tianlei extermination sword! "

The Ziji Thunder Dragon Sword in Feng Tianyu's hand stroked vertically.In the midst of the turbulent wind, the Ziji Thunder Dragon Sword has attracted the power of thunder and lightning from heaven and earth.


The wind was surging, the sky and the earth were changing color, and in the endless sky, there was a sudden thunder billowing, and the sword was thundering.The power of Wan Dao Thunder and Lightning has properly met Wan Jian Jue, the leader of Jiexiu.

"Clang Longlong...clang clang clang..."

The sound of Lei Ting colliding with Wan Jian Jue caused the ears of both sides to ring.

Feng Tianxing, Feng Tianyu, Dongfang Yu, Jian Shang, Zhao Hua, Fang Yunxuan, Wu Baoxiang, Li Caisheng, Gao Letian, Fan Meiyang, Xu Xianbin, Yan Zifei, etc., after raising their swords to restrain their opponents, they no longer care about those who are no longer in power Jiexiu watched the battle with burning eyes.

Feng Tianlei immediately directed Zhan Fei and the others to clean up the mess.Leap onto the windy and rainy five-color auspicious cloud aircraft.

Feng Tianlei took the lead, Feng Tianxing, Feng Tianyu, Dongfang Yu, Jian Shang, Zhao Hua, Fang Yunxuan, Wu Baoxiang, Li Caisheng, Gao Letian, Fan Meiyang, Xu Xianbin, Yan Zifei and others also jumped on the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft.

Feng Tianqing, Fang Xiaocui and the others who were fighting with others also lost interest in continuing to fight at this time.Because their opponents have already become weak chickens who cannot be beaten.

"Zhanfei, they handed it over to you!"

Before Zhan Fei responded, Fang Xiaocui, Nan Gongmei, Liu Qingqing, Xu Binger and others jumped into Feng Tianyu's five-color auspicious cloud aircraft.

When the leading Jie Xiu went all out to fight, he suddenly found that there were many more people behind Feng Tianyu.His heart trembled, and when he looked down at his own person, his heart was completely cold.

His people, except for a few who saw that the situation was not good, ran away with their injuries.The others were captured by their opponents, and their knowledge sea and dantian were sealed.

He is running away!
It's a pity that his opponent, Feng Tianyu, didn't give him a chance.He already knew that he must be in trouble today.

In order to survive, he made up his mind and activated the life-saving divine escape talisman.To activate this life-saving divine escape talisman, one does not use spiritual power to activate it.But the power of the soul.

To activate this life-saving divine escape talisman, the power of the soul is not consumed at all.This is half the soul power of a great monk.

However, this kind of life-saving divine escape talisman is still unable to establish the direction to escape.

Feng Tianyu is also a god-level talisman master.She saw this kind of life-saving divine escape talisman in the hands of the leader Jiexiu.Immediately smiled happily.

She wanted to teach Jiexiu the leader a lesson, but she didn't mean to kill him.At this time, Jiexiu, the leader, wanted to use this life-saving divine escape talisman to stay away from here.

This didn't do her any harm, on the contrary, it made her want to punish him even more.

Feng Tianyu was delighted, and the Ziji Thunder Dragon Sword in his hand became even more excited.

"Dragon Rebellion!"

Feng Tianyu's sword starts from Longni, one sword makes three swords, and after hitting three swords in a row.

"Hang on high..."

27 thunder dragons appeared in the sky.Immediately accelerated the speed at which the leader, Jiexiu, used the Life-Saving God Escape Talisman.

Feng Tianxing, Feng Tianyu, Dongfang Yu, Jian Shang, Zhao Hua, Fang Yunxuan, Wu Baoxiang, Li Caisheng, Gao Letian, Fan Meiyang, Xu Xianbin, Yan Zifei and others became more and more excited as they watched.

"Come on, Yu'er! Come on, Master!"

Liu Qingqing and Xu Binger were both excited and worthy.The more I look at it, the happier I am.Under the wind and rain, there is absolute victory against the enemy.They couldn't help but shouted loudly.

The Ziji Thunder Dragon Sword in Feng Tianyu's hand flew up, and the Ziji Thunder Dragon Sword turned into a Thousand Zhang Thunder Dragon.

27 thunder dragons, especially after Ziji Thunder Dragon Sword turned into a giant dragon, it has become like the only one in this world.

"start up!"

The leader, Jiexiu, couldn't wait any longer, he suddenly opened his mouth and bit his index finger, one drop, two drops, three drops of bright red blood flew, and in his mind, it had landed on the life-preserving god.


The bright red blood that flew down on the Life-Saving God's Escape Talisman had already turned into a red light.A purple light flashed across Feng Tianyu's black eyes, and across the activated Life-Saving God Escape Talisman.

Through her purple pupils, she could see with her own eyes that the power of the soul of the leader Jiexiu was rapidly draining.

At this time, Feng Tianyu stopped the Ziji Thunder Dragon Sword Hualong who was attacking him, and 27 Baizhang Thunder Dragons attacked him together.


With the consumption of the power of the soul, it is lost.His life-saving divine escape was finally activated successfully.


Between heaven and earth, after a burst of roaring sound, the leader Jiexiu finally activated the Life-Saving God Escape Talisman.In the midst of the bright light, Jiexiu, who was the leader, suddenly disappeared into the void.

Feng Tianyu's black pupils flashed, and in the flash of purple light, she saw through all illusory purple pupils, and found that the life-saving divine escape talisman led by Jiexiu had taken him far away from this sea area.

(End of this chapter)

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