Tears Fairy

Chapter 1325 Where is the father?

Chapter 1325 Where is the father?
It would be the best if Lan could have such a mentality.

It wasn't until this moment that Feng Tianlei really felt relieved.He smiled at her and said relaxedly: "You don't need to do anything special. Just let him go."

Is it okay to let go?

It sounds so simple, but I just looked at Feng Tianxing.She realized that she wanted to look back at Brother Xing.How difficult it is.

I looked at him before because I didn't have the concept of letting go for a while.Now comes the harsh reality of having to let go.How else could she be truly calm?

It's just that she can't do it. It's about her husband's life and death, so she must do it well.

"If so, we will meet again soon!"

Feng Tianxing gently held his wife's hand, "Brother, when are we leaving?"

Feng Tianlei was worried about his sister who was walking hand in hand with him. In order to avoid accidents, he could only worry: "Yu'er is still in Fallen Immortal Mountain! I don't trust her. Of course, the sooner the better!"

Big Brother is worried about Sister Yu'er, how can he not be worried?My sister has worked so hard for him.Can he still be selfish and indifferent?
"Nian'er, you want you to listen to the Queen Mother, do you understand?"

"Yes, Daddy!"

Feng Longnian's eyes dimmed, did his father leave just after he arrived?He still has a lot to say to his father!

"Nian'er, our family will meet again!"

Dongfang Yan held her son's hand, and looked directly at Feng Tianlei with affirmative eyes.

"Yan'er is right, Nian'er, our family will meet again in a short time. As long as you practice hard, you don't need the Mahayana period, and you can go to the Yuanli realm through the passage from Xuanyuan to Yuanli realm during the fusion period. "


Feng Longnian, Feng Longruo was dumbfounded for a moment, almost couldn't believe it.

When Lan Ruo and Dongfang Yan heard the words, their eyes lit up for an instant. Their bright eyes were straight, and they looked at their beloved lovers.


The brothers nodded affirmatively.

The two brothers knew what their women were thinking. After the two brothers looked at each other, Feng Tianlei smiled and said what they wanted to say clearly to the two women.

"After we leave the ancient battlefield, we will soon go to the Yuanli Realm, and then the Spirit Realm. Sister Yu'er has already planned it. Going to the Yuanli Realm and the Spirit Realm, we will establish a family in the two realms, and the names have already been decided. After the sect is established, it will be named after Tianyuan from the Tianyuan Continent. After the sect is established, monks from Tianyuan will be recruited to join the sect.

Of course, if other mainland monks want to join, Tian Yuanzong will accept it.

Therefore, after your cultivation reaches the fusion stage, it will be no problem to enter the Yuanli Realm.Because you have Tian Yuanzong to rely on. "

"Brother, how long will it take for you to enter the Yuanli Realm?"

Lan Ruo's problem is also Dongfang Yan's problem.When Lan Ruo asked, she had already focused on Feng Tianlei.

"We are already breaking through the last hurdle. It will take at most 50 years to establish a sect in the Yuanli Realm. So, after 50 years, we can meet in the Yuanli Realm.

Until then, we will forge ahead and never be separated from now on! "

Never be separated!
Feng Tianlei's last sentence is never separated, which is enough to cheer up two depressed women.

It's only 50 years, and it's just a snap of the fingers.

Feng Longruo, while Feng Longnian was excited, there was a little sadness on his face.Their mother is leaving in 50 years.And they are only monks after the Yuan Dynasty, they still have to endure the fusion period!
"Okay, that's it! Things on the ancient battlefield are changing rapidly. We are not superficial ordinary people. We have already told you what we should know.

It's time for us brothers to leave too. "

Dongfang Yan, Lan Ruo, the two of them felt their hearts tugging at the same time, and when they looked at their husband, their eyes were full of reluctance.

Dong Guoyan shouted: "Brother Tianlei!"


Feng Longnian ran towards Feng Tianlei and shouted: "Daddy!"

"Nian'er! How good it is to take care of the Queen Mother for my father!"

Feng Tianlei stretched out his long arms and took his wife and children into his arms.This hug was like embracing the whole world to satisfy him.

"it is good!"

Feng Longnian in his father's arms responded sullenly.Feng Tianlei hugged his son's hand tightly.

Feeling in my heart, who said that the son is not a close-fitting padded jacket?His son is even more attached to his heart!

Feng Tianxing took Lan Ruo's hand, and a storage ring that had been prepared earlier was lightly put on her finger, "Lan Ruo, you are good!"

Lan Ruo threw herself into Feng Tianxing's arms, calling out affectionately, "Husband!"

Feng Longruo took a look outside the main hall, hiding the disappointment in her heart, tears in her eyes, and cried out with great reluctance, "Daddy!"

"Ruo'er take good care of your empress for your father!"

Feng Tianxing embraced his wife and child in his arms.It was a hug with a touch of regret.Because his son didn't understand him.

"Ruoer will meet, Daddy don't worry! Daddy must take good care of himself. Ruoer will definitely go to Yuanli Realm and Spirit Realm to find Daddy after 500 years."

"Okay! Ruo'er has ambition! Daddy will definitely wait for Ruo'er to come!"

Feng Tianxing's admiring and encouraging gaze made Feng Longruo's belief even stronger.

In the end, I am reluctant to let go, and I have to separate when the time comes.When Feng Tianlei held his younger brother with the hand marked with the red line.

A sky-high light suddenly appeared in the Qianyuan Hall.

Lan Ruo, "Husband!"

Dongfang Yan, "Husband!"

Feng Longruo and Feng Longnian siblings even spoke in unison, calling their father, "Daddy!!"

"Queen Mother?"

Feng Longxing is drinking and having fun in Xiaoyao Building.The soaring light in the direction of Qianyuan Hall shocked him so much that he didn't even hold the jade wine glass in his hand, and it fell to the ground and shattered.

He already felt that something was going to happen, and before he had time to think about it, he turned around and rushed out of Xiaoyao Building after throwing down more than a dozen high-grade spirit stones.

He can look down on everything in this world, but the Queen Mother...

There must be nothing wrong with his empress!

Feng Longxing never imagined in his dreams that this was the only time he played with his temper.The price will be so heavy.If he stops and transforms into a god all his life, he and his father will never see each other again.

And the life goal he set for himself has always been the Nascent Soul stage.Enjoy 800 years of human splendor and wealth.

If he still has such a goal in life, it means that he will never see his father again in this life.I can't my father call my father to my face.

In his heart, like Shushu, he respected his father very much.He is a son, and his longing for his father has always been hidden in his heart.Unlike my younger sister, whenever I miss her, I will resort to my mouth.

This time he was wayward, because he was angry that he had entered the shielding blind spot and didn't recognize his father.Also blame the father for recognizing his son.But in such a way to force him to apprentice.Those who don't have any sympathy, practice him in the dark.

For a better life, he persisted for more than a month.He has trained a whole body of steel and bones.However, he was not resentful of his father's painstaking efforts towards him.

It has been more than 200 years since he left, and he can't wait to fulfill his father's responsibility as soon as he comes back. Has he ever thought about his feelings?

He thought about his thoughts all the way, and rushed back to the palace.

The Queen Mother of the Qianyuan Hall was weeping, and her younger sister was comforting her softly.The Aunt Huang on the side also seemed to have lost her soul, and her cousin Long Nian was trying to make her laugh.It's just that the effect is obviously not good!
Where is the father?
(End of this chapter)

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