Tears Fairy

Chapter 1348: The Battle of All Saints Mountain

Chapter 1348: The Battle of All Saints Mountain
On the top of Wansheng Mountain, Feng Tianlei saw that only Feng Ming and his brother came to help them, and his heart sank again and again.

He couldn't believe that in the encirclement of enemies several times larger than himself, could their brothers really help them break out of the encirclement?

Fang Xiaocui, Feng Tianxing, and Ji Xiaojie, who were fighting hard, suddenly saw someone coming to help them. They were overjoyed at first, but after seeing clearly that only two people came, their joy turned into worry.

Two people are powerful, when facing an enemy ten times their size.How can we save them from the fire and water?

The battle that cannot be defeated, and the two can only be relieved for a while, in the end, it is worthless to take the lives of two more people.

Feng Tianlei smiled bitterly at Brother Fengming.No matter how hopeless he was, he was grateful for their support.

Feng Tianlei smiled wryly, unable to give birth to any confidence.Fang Xiaocui, Feng Tianxing, and Ji Xiaojie felt the same way in their hearts.

However, Feng Tianlei is Feng Tianlei, and his lack of self-confidence does not mean that he will give up fighting.His resolute character and indomitable courage do not allow him to compromise at all.

Therefore, Feng Tianlei has been fighting relentlessly. He knows that there is no hope of victory, and he has always insisted on not giving up.

He has been setting an example for the hopeless Fang Xiaocui, Feng Tianxing, and Ji Xiaojie with his own body, persistence, and never giving up!
Feng Tianlei's actions directly affected the three of them.Like Feng Tianlei, they had the courage to fight to the end.

They didn't know that because of the persistence of the four of them, Feng Wuxin and the others won the rescue time

If they give up stick it out.They must now be prisoners of others.And how could they wait, Feng Wuxin and the others rushed over at their command?

The four of Feng Tianlei and the others came out of the ancient battlefield one after another, and they also settled down in Wansheng Mountain one after another.

Feng Tianlei was the first to come out of the ancient battlefield among the four.As soon as he left the ancient battlefield, he was besieged and killed by unknown monks as soon as he landed on the All Saints Mountain.

Fortunately, his cultivation has already reached the peak of the late Mahayana, and his combat power is not comparable to Tianyuan's old master.

He was in a hurry to fight, because his combat power was strong, even if he rushed to the battle, he wouldn't let people be killed and maimed all at once.

Encountering this kind of thing in his own territory, he doesn't need to think about it, he knows that something big must have happened in Tianyuan Continent.In his perception, after the establishment of the Tianfeng Dynasty in the Tianyuan Continent, the situation in the entire continent has always been good.

The Holy Mountain is related to experience and the monks looking for opportunities to enter and exit the void.

Therefore, Tianfeng Dynasty has always attached great importance to Wansheng Mountain.For this reason, Mount All Saints has always been garrisoned by officials.

Feng Tianlei was very depressed about what happened to him.Anyone who comes back full of joy will be mad if they beat someone with a sap.

He really didn't expect the first stop of his return. Just after rushing out of the ancient battlefield and settling down on the Mount of All Saints, he was attacked by a group of unknown black-robed monks.

And it was attacked by more than 50 people.Feng Tianlei went from being shocked and angry at the beginning to realizing the situation later.

He finally knew that if they hadn't tried to capture him alive.Maybe he can't hold out more than ten tricks before he has to finish playing.

Living him is useful to them!

Feng Tianlei's heart felt cold, this was Feng Tianlei's cognition after a hard fight.

Feng Tianlei had no way of knowing what happened in Tianyuan Continent.Will it lead to someone plotting to ambush him on the All Saints Mountain?
And it was an ambush by so many people.It sounds nice to say that ambushing, but it's ugly because the enemy has set up a net to catch him, a big fish.

It happened that there was such a big fighting movement here, and no one stationed at Wansheng Mountain came out to interfere.

This made him, who was in anxiety, feel even more uneasy.

It's just that, with the current bloodbath, it's useless for him to worry about the Tianfeng Dynasty and the safety of his parents.

Feng Tianlei, who was attacked by a group of black-robed monks, had already been exhausted from fighting with such a disparity in strength.

Fang Xiaocui, Feng Tianxing, and Ji Xiaojie.When Feng Tianlei was exhausted from killing, they appeared in front of him one after another out of thin air.

The sudden appearance of the three of them at this time made Feng Tianlei not happy, but felt the seriousness of the matter more acutely.

He had already fought to the point where he was about to lose his strength, and he could only hold the Golden Dragon Sword tightly by relying on his own divine elixir to replenish it.

Fang Xiaocui, Feng Tianxing, and Ji Xiaojie came out one after another when Feng Tianlei was fighting the besiegers.

Feng Tianlei's untimely appearance to the three of them made him feel bitter in his heart.

Sure enough, the next moment, the black-robed monk who besieged him saw the three people, and the black-robed man who besieged him immediately separated into three groups of people, intending to separate and surround Fang Xiaocui and the other three.

Feng Tianlei shrank his eyes, and without thinking, he called out to the three of them loudly: "Auntie, Fourth Brother, Brother Ji, quickly form a three-star battle formation and approach me."

Fang Xiaocui, Feng Tianxing, and Ji Xiaojie were confused by the situation as soon as they came out.Are they going home?Why is it a bloody battle to meet them?
Feng Tianlei's loud greeting immediately reminded the three people who were stunned for a while.Out of their trust in Feng Tianlei.

As soon as Feng Tianlei's words came out, the three immediately formed a three-star battle formation as quickly as possible.And immediately moved towards Feng Tianlei.

Between each other, this kind of seamless formation and tacit understanding was trained by Feng Tianyu.As soon as the three-star battle formation was formed, the three joined forces to approach Feng Tianlei.

The man in black wanted to disperse and encircle the three of them separately, but failed due to the speed and strength of the three.Their scattered siege was not completed as scheduled.

After the four joined forces, they quickly increased from the three-star battle formation to a small four-square battle formation.After the four formed a small square battle formation, the combined strength of the four and the power of the battle formation complemented each other.

This four to fifty battle lasted for half an hour.When the four of them were struggling to support themselves by swallowing pills.

The arrival of Brother Feng Ming gave them a moment of respite.After that, the four of them all felt guilty towards the two of them.

Two more people can only hold on for a while, and it will not help their future fate.It's just that they caught up with two more people of their own.

Feng Tianlei had too many questions accumulated in his heart, but, in the current bloody storm, no matter how worried he was about the Tianfeng Dynasty and his parents, he would not have the chance to ask Feng Mingyi brother.Are their parents okay?

"Your Highness, don't worry, the team led by Brother Wuxin will arrive soon."

Feng Ming, who joined the battle formation, had a delicate mind, and when he saw the expressions of the four people, he immediately knew what they were worried about?
"Did Wu Xin come too?"

As soon as Feng Mingyi's words fell, Feng Tianlei was suddenly overjoyed. During the battle, he almost couldn't believe he looked at Feng Mingyi.

Fang Xiaocui, Feng Tianxing, and Ji Xiaojie's eyes lit up.The hope of victory has already been raised in my heart.

They heard it very clearly, Feng Ming said, and the team led by Brother Wuxin will arrive shortly thereafter.

Just when the four of them were in agreement, they saw Feng Wuxin, who was one step behind Fengming's brother, leading the other 19 people in the team, rushing into the battle circle they were surrounded by.

(End of this chapter)

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